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Section Seven – Index of Policies

Index of Policies

Section Policy Description
General and Development Management Guidance Part i) Overall Approach LP1 Considering planning applications
General and Development Management Guidance Part ii) General Guidance Policies DM1 Design Principles
DM2 Telecommunications Technology
DM3 General Amenity
DM4 General Access
DM5 Ground Conditions
DM6 Pollution and Hazards
DM7 Water Resource Availability
General and Development Management Guidance Part iii) Housing and Community Policies HC1 Conversion of Existing Dwellings
HC2 Residential Institutions and Student Halls of Residence
HC3 Community Facilities
General and Development Management Guidance Part iv) Historic and Natural Environment Policies HN1 Development Affecting the Significance and Setting of Designated Heritage Assets (including Conservation Areas)
HN2 Changing Doors, Windows and Roofs in Conservation Areas
HN3 Demolition involving Heritage Assets
HN4 Development affecting Heritage Assets with Archaeological and Historic Interest or Potential Interest
HN5 Non-Designated Heritage Assets
HN6 Former Convent of Holy Child Jesus, Magdalen Road
HN7 Green Infrastructure in New Developments
HN8 Biodiversity and Green Space
HN9 Areas of Landscape Value
HN10 Amenity Green Spaces
General and Development Management Guidance Part v) Economic Policies SA1 Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area   
SA2 Other Shopping Areas
SA3 Shops and Services outside the Shopping Areas
SA4 Drinking Establishments and Hot Food Take-Aways
CC1 Caravan, Camping and Chalet sites
CQ1 Cultural Quarters
Site Allocations LP2 Overall Approach to Site Allocations
Site Allocations Focus Area 1: Little Ridge & Ashdown LRA1 Holmhurst St Mary
LRA2 Harrow Lane Playing Fields
LRA3 Land adjacent to 777 The Ridge
LRA4 Old Roar House, Old Roar Road
LRA5 Former Workplace Health & Fitness Centre, The Ridge West
LRA10 Land north of Downey Close
LRA6 Queensway North, Queensway
LRA7 Land at the junction of The Ridge West and Queensway
LRA8 Land in Whitworth Road, The Ridge West
LRA9 Marline Fields, Enviro21 Business Park, Land West of Queensway
Site Allocations Focus Area 2: Greater Hollington GH2 Mayfield E, Bodiam Drive 
GH3 Spyways School, Gillsmans Hill
GH4 Mayfield J, Mayfield Lane
GH5 Land at Redgeland Rise (Former Wishing Tree Nursery)
GH6 Mayfield Farm, Mayfield Lane
GH13 133 Battle Road (Former Tivoli Tavern)
GH8 Sites PX and QX, Churchfields
GH9 Site NX2, Sidney Little Road, Churchfields
GH10 Site RX2, Sidney Little Road, Churchfields
GH11 Site NX3, Sidney Little Road, Churchfields
Site Allocations Focus Area 3: Filsham Valley & Bulverhythe FB1 The Grove School
FB2 Former West St Leonards Primary School
FB3 Seaside Road, West St Leonards
FB4 Former Westerleigh School
FB5 Former Hastings College, St Saviours Road
FB6 Cinque Ports Way (Former Stamco Timber Yard and TA Centre)
FB7 123-125 West Hill Road (Former Malmesbury House)
FB8 Former Westerleigh School, Playing Fields
FB9 190 Bexhill Road
FB10 Land south of Crowhurst Road
FB13 Hastings Garden Centre, Bexhill Road
FB14 Land north of 31 Fern Road
FB15 Land north of 14 Fern Road
Site Allocations Focus Area 4: St Helens SH1 Land adjacent to Sandrock Park, The Ridge
SH2 Land at Osborne House, The Ridge
SH3 Hurst Court, The Ridge
SH4 Mount Denys, Pinehill and Ridgeway
Site Allocations Focus Area 5: Silverhill & Alexandra Park SAP1 Horntye Park
SAP2 Hollingsworth Garage, Braybrooke Road
SAP3 12-19 Braybrooke Terrace
SAP4 347-349 London Road
SAP5 Silver Springs Medical Practice, Beaufort Road
SAP7 Bilmore Corner, Battle Road
SAP8 4 Wykeham Road
Site Allocations Focus Area 6: Maze Hill & Burtons' St Leonards MBL1 Former Hastings College, Archery Road
MBL2 37 Charles Road West (Former Filsham Nurseries)
MBL3 Gambier House, West Hill Road
MBL4 West Hill Road Reservoir
MBL5 27 Dane Road
MBL8 Caple Ne Ferne, 2 Albany Road
Site Allocations Focus Area 7: Central St Leonards & Bohemia CLB1 1-3 Chapel Park Road
CLB2 Taxi Office/B.R. Social Club, St Johns Road
CLB3 Sorting Office site, Kings Road
CLB4 4-5 Stockleigh Road
Site Allocations Focus Area 8: Hastings Town Centre HTC1 Hastings Station Yard (part)
HTC2 Cornwallis Street Car Park
HTC3 The Observer Building
HTC4 40 and 41 Wellington Square
HTC6 Priory Quarter, Havelock Road
Site Allocations Focus Area 11: Hillcrest & Ore Valley HOV1 Former Stills Factory, Ore Valley
HOV2 Ore Valley
HOV3 Former Mount Pleasant Hospital, Frederick Road
HOV4 The Cheviots/Cotswold Close
HOV5 87-221 (odds) Farley Bank
HOV6 Ore Business Park, Farley Bank
HOV7 Upper Broomgrove Road
HOV9 107 The Ridge (Simes & Sons)
HOV11 Ivyhouse Lane, Northern Extension
HOV12 Land east of Burgess Road, Ivyhouse
Site Allocations Focus Area 12: Clive Vale & Ore Village CVO2 Land west of Frederick Road
CVO4 Church Street
CVO5 309-311 Harold Road

Table 16: Development Management Plan Index of Policies

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