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2. Vision, Aim, and Objectives

2.1 The Stinsford Neighbourhood Plan will have at its core a shared vision for the protection and development of the Parish, that reflects and meets the community's values, hopes and needs for the period to 2038. The following aim and objectives were tested through the early consultations, and received a high degree of support.

2.2 The aim of the Neighbourhood Plan is to safeguard and enhance the Parish's outstanding environment and heritage, whilst encouraging appropriate development and acknowledging the pressures associated with climate change, by pursuing the following objectives:

  • to maintain, protect and improve the beauty, tranquillity and accessibility of our rural landscape, together with its diverse wildlife, that residents and visitors value so highly;
  • to protect vulnerable habitats from the impacts of climate change and build climate resilience;
  • to care for its built and literary heritage and to welcome appropriate numbers of visitors;
  • to respond to the need for a demographically mixed population, a viable economy, and training, education and employment opportunities within the parish;
  • to provide appropriate levels of housing and other facilities to meet the needs of the local community;
  • to uphold principles of sustainable development and good and climate-friendly building design;
  • to play its part in tackling climate change and helping the UK to reach its goal of net zero emissions by 2050 through the protection and enhancement of its trees, woodland and forest;
  • to promote good and safe access links for walkers, cyclists and other road users, whilst working to reduce the reliance on fossil-fuel transport.

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