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9 The Fleet and Heritage Coast 

9.1 The Fleet is the largest example of a lagoonal habitat in England and together with Chesil Bank is subject to three international designations (RAMSAR site, SAC and SPA).  Much of the area received Heritage Coast designation in 1983, and the South West Coast Path following the inner edge of the tidal lagoon is a major recreation destination.  The land between the coast and the B3157 / B3156 is a particularly environmentally sensitive part of the parish.  The Ministry of Defence sites which extend from the B3157 to The Fleet limit general access, which has helped wildlife to flourish. 

9.2 There is a limited historic residential area (Australia Road and Fleet Lane etc) adjacent to the Army Camp and Range which remains outside of any DDB.  Some limited infill may be possible but due regard needs to be taken over the risk of increasing pressure on the Heritage Coast its wildlife and views.  There are caravan and camping sites along the Heritage Coast which benefit from existing approvals.  Arguably their existence has had an adverse impact on the wildlife and tranquil coastal landscapes.

9.3 91% of local residents who responded to our questionnaire agreed that new buildings and structures on the Heritage Coast should be discouraged.  Numerous responses commented that the area to the Fleet should be protected not just for the internationally renowned status of its landscape and wildlife but because of its tranquillity and recreational benefits.  A similar proportion agreed that development should not normally be permitted outside of the DDB, which is drawn along the B3157 through Chickerell and the B3156 through Charlestown (deliberately excluding the sporadic development on the coast side of the Coast Road) and closely follows the extent of the built-up areas around Lanehouse.

9.4 In order to limit development adversely affecting the Heritage Coast, the wildlife of the Fleet and the enjoyment of the South West Coast Path, this Neighbourhood Plan does not propose any changes to the very strict DDB around existing developments South and West of the B3157.  Parts of the SSSI are noted as being in an unfavourable condition (in particular the area off Camp Road) and a report on the Chesil Bank and Fleet Nature Reserve dated 14 November 2017 expressed concern that wildlife populations of this RAMSAR site were suffering from “…increasing levels of walkers, dog walkers, cyclists, horse-riding and even ATV’s” and that the wildlife areas “no longer have the bird life they once did”.  The increase in Chickerell’s residential population outside the Heritage Coast will result in increased pressure on both the ambiance and wildlife of this protected site.  It is hoped Dorset Council will be able to encourage proper behaviour by e.g. appropriate signage.

9.5 A Jurassic Coast Highway (aka Western Relief Road) is being promoted as a possible new road to the West of Weymouth linking Ferrybridge and Portland with Chickerell, and bypassing various bottlenecks including Boot Hill Weymouth and Wyke Regis.  Its exact alignment has not been agreed nor safeguarded and whether such a road will be constructed is not a matter for this Neighbourhood Plan.  The route is a strategic matter that extends beyond the parish boundary.  Chickerell Town Council has not favoured its construction as it would risk further residential development proposals on the Heritage Coast and increase congestion on Chickerell and Chickerell Link Roads.

Policy CNP 9. The Fleet and Heritage Coast

Development within the Heritage Coast to the south side of the Coast Road in Chickerell (as shown on the Policies Map) will be carefully assessed in recognition of the need to protect the landscape character and enjoyment of the Heritage Coast, including views across the area from the Coast Road (where it adjoins the Heritage Coast) and views from the South West Coast Path, and to avoid disturbance to protected species on the Fleet.
All development proposals should protect, and where appropriate enhance, the biodiversity of the countryside, the Heritage Coast and The Fleet. Where significant adverse impacts cannot be avoided, mitigation or compensation measures will be considered in the determination of planning applications in this area.

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