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8 Lanehouse (including Littlesea and Lynch Lane)

8.1 This part of Chickerell (West of Lanehouse Road) was developed in the 1950s and 1960s.  It currently has good access to both a chemist and doctor's surgery (Wyke Regis and Lanehouse Practice branch on Ludlow Road) in Weymouth, and is relatively well served with convenience stores in nearby Weymouth and in Charlestown.  There is little if any land left to develop without encroaching on the Heritage Coast.

8.2 The Lynch Lane Estate provides further local employment opportunities.  It extends to about 7ha and has a mix of both new and older development.  There is little if any undeveloped land available, but some existing buildings may benefit from improvement or enlargement.  The estate is recognised as a key employment site in the Local Plan, and therefore adequately protected from alternative uses through the Local Plan policies.  However, issues have been raised in relation to the levels of on-street parking in this location that cause a local nuisance.  The parking provision for any future development proposals at the Estate, including both extensions and intensification of uses, should therefore be carefully scrutinised to ensure that this situation is not exacerbated, and support will be given to proposals that may remedy this situation (for example through the provision of additional parking or appropriate car park management and travel plan measures).

8.3 Off Lynch Lane is the Littlesea Caravan site, within the Heritage Coast (the designation extends up to the edge of the Lynch Lane Estate).  Planning applications for development relating to caravanning and camping in the Heritage Coast will be determined against Local Plan policy ENV1.

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