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10 Land adjoining Wessex Stadium roundabout and Southill

10.1 The area immediately adjoining the Wessex Stadium roundabout includes the football stadium to the North-West, the Police Headquarters to the North, with Radipole Lake SSSI to the East and the golf course to the south.

10.2 Outline planning permission was granted in 2009 for seven B1 (light industrial or office) units on land to the north of the Police Headquarters.  This permission has now lapsed, however as it is well-located near to the Granby Industrial Estate some employment might still be appropriate on this site.

10.3 In 2014 the Wessex Stadium was granted permission for residential development, contrary to the then policies of the Local Plan, on the basis that West Dorset District Council were not able at that time to demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply.  That permission required a replacement football stadium with the same or better facilities as the Wessex Stadium (including capacity, car parking and practice pitch etc) being provided within 5 years (or within 2 years of agreeing reserved matters), and fully operating before any development of the site commenced.  An application for the reserved matters was first submitted in November 2017, revised in late 2018, and subsequently refused by Dorset Council in early 2020 due to poor design.  At the same time, the applicant also requested a variation to the legal agreement to relinquish the need to provide any affordable housing, based on viability.  To date, there is no information on a suitable site for a replacement facility being available. 

10.4 If the current permission lapses (which it will do unless successfully appealed), it is possible Community Infrastructure Levies money could be used to develop this site for community sport and leisure in addition to continued use by Weymouth Football Club (WFC), including a second pitch for All Weather conditions.  In August 2019 Weymouth Football Club announced that they had sought funding to repair the main roof of their stadium, signalling an intention to remain. The loss of the practice pitch (which had also been used for Speedway) without replacement remains a concern of both Weymouth and Chickerell Town Councils.  The replacement of the second pitch could help ensure the longer term viability of the Stadium and prove to be a real benefit for Chickerell's growing community.

10.5 A site off Radipole Lane adjoining Southill was identified during the Local Plan review 2018 Preferred Options Consultation, for some 350 dwellings.  Although not actively promoted through this Neighbourhood Plan in the absence of any identified local need, it is accepted this site could be developed.  However, this is not a policy of the Chickerell Neighbourhood Plan.

10.6 Whilst the phasing of this development will be a matter for the Local Plan, given the amount of housing from the previous Local Plan that has yet to be built within the Parish, it would seem sensible to phase building of any further development towards the end of the next Local Plan period.  This would allow Chickerell to assimilate the significant growth already approved, which is not expected to be completed until 2030.  Much needed infrastructure is to be provided by existing Chickerell allocations and there is a risk that allocating a further site in the same vicinity would risk slowing delivery of infrastructure.  Some 58% of responses to the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire agreed the site to be suitable, but given the significant sites already allocated in the near vicinity 88% of respondents thought this development should await completion of the majority of the existing allocated Chickerell sites.

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