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7 Wyke Regis (the part within Chickerell parish)

7.1 Part of the area surrounding Wyke Regis falls within Chickerell's boundaries and can only be accessed through Weymouth (except via South West Coast Path). 

7.2 The area of countryside contains the MOD's Royal Engineer’s Bridging Camp, as well as a caravan park.  Although outside of the Dorset AONB, the area is part of the Heritage Coast and the coastal strip along the Fleet is of international wildlife importance.  Protection of this Internationally recognised wildlife habitat includes avoiding permitting further disturbance, which is mainly due to visitor recreational pressures.

7.3 The old slaughter house (ex Normans supermarket, Value House Stores) outside of the defined development boundary, on the South-West side of Mandeville Road, has been granted permission for residential development.  Chickerell Town Council supported the principle of residential development on this brownfield site, but objected to the first reserved matters Planning Application because, inter alia, the development as viewed from the South West Coast Path failed to approach the design quality standards set by the Coast Guard Cottages and farms situated along The Fleet.  Fortunately, a further application was submitted and approved which took account of the vast majority of these concerns.

Further opportunities for development around Wyke Regis and the Wildlife Corridor

7.4 The former West Dorset District Council had proposed limited development of the Former Tented Camp, south of Mandeville Road in their 2018 Preferred Options consultation.  Previously it had been put forward as being suitable for a travellers site, but is now considered unlikely to be required for this use.  In light of the adjacent warehouse site being developed for housing, it is accepted that the site is probably suitable for some limited residential development.  However, the site has not been included as an option in the earliest draft of the Dorset Council Local Plan, and, in the absence of any identified local need, is not proposed through this Neighbourhood Plan.

7.5 In late 2018 a planning application was submitted for residential development on the other (North East) side of Mandeville Road.  That application was refused in March 2019 with the primary reason being the detrimental impact on the character, special qualities and natural beauty of the Heritage Coast, together with impact on biodiversity (particularly the impact on the East to West wildlife corridor connecting Little Francis SNCI to Chesil & the Fleet SSSI, SAC and Chesil Beach & the Fleet SPA).  Natural England advised that, although they had no objection in principal to development of this site, any development should be of a quantum and layout which does not affect the ecological function of this east-west corridor (for example by incorporating a wide buffer in the northern area of the site to ensure this ecological connectivity is not severed).

7.6 The undeveloped Wyke Regis is Heritage Coast and wildlife sensitive and should be protected from both development and where possible additional disturbance.  This site is probably the only remaining, undeveloped site in this part of the parish that does not constitute a major threat to the landscape of the Heritage Coast.  Some development may be proposed for this site in the future, but will need to address Natural England's concerns about the potential impact on the wildlife corridor, potentially connecting with the land set aside from any proposed limited development of the Former Tented Camp, south of Mandeville Road as identified in the 2018 Local Plan Preferred Options consultation.  On this basis the following policy has been drafted.

Policy CNP 8. Wyke Regis Wildlife Corridor

The Wyke Regis E-W Wildlife Corridor (as shown on Map 5) forms an important wildlife corridor that runs through to Little Francis in Weymouth. Development that would significantly detract from this function will be resisted.

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