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3 Our Vision for Chickerell and this Plan’s Objectives

Our Vision

3.1 We believe:-

  • our Town sits within an area of countryside and coast of valuable landscape and wildlife interest, and its landscape and wildlife should be afforded increased protection;
  • Chickerell should continue to have a distinct identity, separate from Weymouth;
  • Chickerell should be a place where businesses want to locate and grow;
  • our area needs an increased range of local facilities to cater for our growing and ageing population, including the long proposed health centre, the planned second primary school, enhanced retail provision, sport and play facilities, and more readily accessible green spaces.



Plan Period

3.2 This Plan has been written to cover the period from April 2019 to March 2036, although it is likely that it will be reviewed well before this end date.

Chickerell Neighbourhood Plan Objectives

3.3 The following objectives focus on how this Neighbourhood Plan can help achieve our vision for Chickerell.  These are:

  • To consider locations where new housing might be built, taking into account the strategic allocations in the Local Plan and the importance of wildlife and the environment, as well as the nature of the communities and settlements in the area.
  • To ensure housing development is of a high quality, sustainable and where appropriate in keeping with the local character and distinctiveness of the area.
  • To ensure future development does not compromise the natural and built environment, including  landscape, geological assets, built heritage, archaeological sites and wildlife habitats and corridors. Also important as our Coast is the main attraction for our tourist industry.
  • To protect our valued green spaces and add to those within existing development boundaries where opportunities arise.
  • To meet the housing needs of a diverse range of people wishing to live in the area.
  • To preserve the sustainability of the area by retaining and, if possible, enhancing local services and facilities.
  • To support the local economy through its existing businesses, by encouraging new enterprises and facilities which enhance commercial effectiveness and employment opportunities.
  • To reduce the vulnerability to impacts of climate change, particularly flooding.

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