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11 The Rural North (including Coldharbour, Buckland Ripers, Tatton, Knights-in-the-Bottom)

11.1 To the north of Chickerell village, beyond the ridge, is mostly farmland accessed by narrow, rural lanes.  There is evidence of medieval field systems north of Ridge Farm and Coldharbour; the area of search is part of the Ridge and Vale landscape Character type.  It is mostly Grade 3 agricultural land offering significant scenic benefits for tourism.

11.2 The area includes some small, historic settlements such as Buckland Ripers and Tatton, which are remote from existing services, there are no schools or shops, and further housing in such locations (other than for rural workers who need to live on site) would go against the principles of sustainable planning.  

11.3 Coldharbour is an historic ribbon development along the lane connecting to Nottington.  Previous Local Plans have protected this area by a local landscape designation (LLLI) and the adverse landscape impact (given the prominent nature of the exposed ridge) and relatively inaccessible rural location have been upheld at appeal as reasons for refusing ad hoc development within this area.

11.4 The former West Dorset District Council concluded in their Chickerell Background Paper2 (August 2018) that there was little or no development potential in this rural area.

11.5 The focus within this area is therefore to protect, and where appropriate enhance, the landscape, biodiversity and informal recreational of the countryside.  New homes will only be supported in this area, as per the Local Plan policies, where a rural location is essential; or where the proposal would re-use redundant or disused buildings and lead to an enhancement to the immediate setting.  The diversification of agricultural and other land–based rural businesses will normally be supported where the character of the countryside is preserved.

11.6 The 2006 Local Plan designation description recognised the importance of the LLLI as providing the setting for the village and an important landscape buffer between the village and the built-up areas of Weymouth.  The area to the east was described as an undulating and prominent area that forms an attractive green wedge between settlements (despite the presence of the Electricity Transformer Station and the Wessex Stadium).  The local landscape designation along this ridge has therefore been reviewed and a major part of its area is re-confirmed through the following policy.  The review showed:

  • The area north of the ridge comprises a lightly settled, rural character with strong sense of relative remoteness and separation from existing settlement.  It plays an important role as part of the wider rural backdrop to Chickerell and north-west Weymouth, with higher elevations affording long views to the Dorset AONB to the north. 
  • The area west of the Radipole Conservation is seen as particularly sensitive given its importance to the rural setting of the Conservation Area. 
  • The spinneys and small areas of deciduous woodland throughout the area are important landscape features.
  • The sweeping views towards the smooth ridge tops are a key local characteristic.  These become particularly noticeable in landscape and visual terms above the 30m contour line.  It is accepted that the solar farm to west was permitted, but this was on the basis that it was low lying and temporary in nature, and that only very limited parts of the site were visible (and from very few vantage points). 
  • The importance of the area in providing an important landscape buffer between the village and the built-up areas of Weymouth is becoming increasingly critical, as development has / is planned to either side.  The green space of the Wessex Golf Centre forms an essential part of green gap when viewed from the south (and this area has therefore been included within the LLLI).
  • The importance of the area in providing wildlife corridors linking to / from Radipole Lake SSSI (as described in more detail in section 4).

11.7 The Local Plan allocation for the eastern-ward urban extension of Chickerell is required to incorporate a connecting corridor of semi-natural green space along its eastern margin, that will form part of this valued landscape.

Policy CNP 10. Locally Valued Landscape north and east of Chickerell Village

The area on and below the ridgeline running east-west from Chickerell Hill (north of Courage Way) to Coldharbour (junction with Harbour Hill), as shown on Map 5 as Land of Local Landscape Importance, is a locally valued landscape that should be protected for the following qualities:

  • long views to the Dorset AONB to the north;
  • rural setting for Chickerell and Radipole villages and wider rural backdrop to north-west Weymouth;
  • green wedge between Chickerell and Southill / Radipole; and
  • part of the north-south wildlife corridor from Radipole Lake SSSI. .
  • Opportunities to enhance the landscape features, biodiversity and informal recreational use of this area will be supported.

The impact of any development required for the successful delivery of the new road connecting the Chickerell Link Road with School Hill, should not result in significant damage to the landscape and wildlife corridors that cannot be successfully mitigated.

2 https://www.dorsetforyou.gov.uk/planning-buildings-land/planning-policy/west-dorset-and-weymouth-portland/local-plan-review/pdf/backgroup-papers/20180813-chickerell-background-paper-final.pdf

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