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4 Vision and Objectives

4.1 Vision

4.1.1 The following vision was developed to act as a shared vision for the community for the next 15 years, on the understanding that this should be used to influence the policies, decisions and actions of others:

In 2032, the villages of Chesil Bank Parish will still be an attractive and desirable place to live and retain all of the charms of coastal village life.

It will be a place where people feel connected, valued and part of an economically vibrant community which spans across the four villages and outlying hamlets.

The community and visitors alike will continue to enjoy the views, green spaces and heritage assets which are so plentiful in our area.

Some limited amount of change will have taken place and it will have focused on meeting local needs, in particular providing the opportunity for young people growing up in the area to live and work here, through the provision of affordable homes and increasing employment prospects.

4.2 Objectives

4.2.1 The following objectives set out the main ways in which we hope the vision can be achieved:

  1. Through consultation with local people gain an understanding of housing provision, housing mix and design principles for any new developments.
  2. To work towards a more balanced community, including having more young people and families living locally, and smaller and affordable homes capable of meeting local needs.
  3. To encourage small-scale development that will support a range of businesses, tourist attractions and accommodation, shops and community services that meet the needs of local people and visitors, and protects and enhances the quality of the local environment.
  4. To identify and encourage the provision of leisure and recreational activities according to the various needs of the community.
  5. To identify key aspects of the natural and historical environment which local people are seeking to preserve.

Figure 11: The Coastguard Cottages, Langton Herring from West Fleet

figure 11

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