Uniquely the Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan includes projects and actions that will help meet or deliver the objectives and policies set out in the plan.
In this section we set out the projects and actions that will be supported, subject to detailed project proposals meeting neighbourhood plan objectives and being compatible with the polices in the neighbourhood plan.
Project sponsors are encouraged to consider delivery across the whole neighbourhood plan area but it is recognised that this may not always be possible or practical.
Proposals for new and improved community and social infrastructure in the plan area, including the projects listed below, will be supported subject to those proposals meeting the objectives of this plan and being compatible with other planning policies in the plan.
Funds from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) are raised from developments within each parish by the local planning authority and a portion is redistributed to the appropriate Town or parish. In the case of the Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan all councils will be encouraged to administer, where appropriate, a proportion of the CIL funding to projects that deliver the policies of the neighbourhood plan, as and when the funds are made available.
The list that follows comprises projects that have been identified through the neighbourhood plan process. Please note the projects are in no particular order and are not prioritised at this time.
Centre of Bridport | |
Project 01 Centre of Bridport Public Realm Lead Partner: BTC |
A study is required to set out actions to create a visually integrated, uncluttered and fully accessible streetscape for the main retail streets in the town centre taking into account necessary resting places, pedestrian safety, access for those with mobility issues and the needs of people with disabilities. The study should explore the idea of defining and branding distinct ‘quarters’, identifying and suitably interpreting the special and distinct heritage assets of the centre of Bridport. The study will need to involve extensive consultation with the wider community, especially traders and businesses. When completed and adopted the defined actions from the study will be incorporated into NP at the first possible review. |
Project 02 Town Centre Health Checks Lead Partner: Chamber of Trade |
Commission on a regular basis ‘Town Centre Health Checks” to record and understand how changing patterns of retail are impacting locally and help develop responses to support the resilience of independent businesses in the neighbourhood plan area. Use the Health Check findings to commission delivery of business growth support and advice targeted at new and growth businesses in neighbourhood plan area. |
Heritage | |
Project 03 Heritage Interpretation Strategy Lead Partner: JCC |
A strategy is required to define, guide and plan the heritage interpretation activities across the neighbourhood plan area. The strategy will draw on the output from Project 01 and require extensive consultation with local parishes, voluntary groups and statutory agencies. When completed and adopted the defined actions from the study will be incorporated into the neighbourhood plan at the first possible review. |
Climate Change | |
Project 04 Climate Smart activities Lead Partner: Transition Town |
Support will be given to ‘climate smart’ initiatives where the outcomes encourage the community to reduce, reuse, repair, and recycle products. |
Project 05 Energy Conservation Initiatives Lead partner: Transition Town |
Support will be given to community scale energy conservation measures where local support and viability has been demonstrated. |
Project 06 Electric Car Charging Points Lead partner: JCC |
Support will be given to the installation of electric car charging points where local support or viability has been demonstrated |
Project 07 Community Woodfuel Lead Partner: Dorset AONB |
Local community woodfuel initiatives will be encouraged that lead to sustainable timber extraction, hedgerow management, and new planting for both fuel and amenity, and as a means of addressing fuel poverty. |
Community Facilities | |
Project 08 Facilities for Young People Lead Partner: JCC/ Bridport Town Council |
Support will be given to projects and actions that provide new or upgraded community facilities for young people where needs are confirmed through community support and/or research. For example an Indoor Skate Park. Support the youth and community centre to a point where it is seen as a compelling offer for the young people in the neighbourhood area. |
Project 09 Additional Allotments Lead Partner: BADAS |
Support will be given to proposals for additional allotments in response to demand, where suitable sites can be identified. |
Economy & Employment | |
Project 10 A Timber Fabrication Facility Lead Partner: Wessex Community Assets |
Support will be given to proposals for the development of a timber fabrication facility in the neighbourhood plan area to drive greater use of locally sourced timber and support innovation in local construction projects. The fabrication facility would offer access to specialised timber fabrication technology, with training and apprenticeship opportunities to support and encourage young entrants to the building trade. |
Access & Movement | |
Project 11 Land use and transport Study Lead Partner: BTC Town Centre Working Group |
Commission a study of the relationship between land-use and transport (including walking and cycling) within the neighbourhood plan area to inform improvements to the infrastructure for accessing the Centre of Bridport and movement within it by sustainable modes and to inform planning of public transport provision. |
Project 12 Community Bus Schemes Lead Partner: WATAG |
Support will be given to community led transport solutions where they can demonstrate local community support and can demonstrate both low carbon and economic viability. |
Project 13 Footpath and Cycle path maintenance Lead Partner: JCC |
Developer contributions will be sought towards the costs of maintaining and improving the network of footpaths and cycle paths within the neighbourhood plan area |
Housing | |
Project 14 Community Led Housing Lead Partner: JCC |
Enable and support Community Land Trusts, self-build and other innovative projects that provide genuinely affordable and social housing by carrying out a study to analyse, assess and report on:
Project 15 New Homes Calculation Lead Partner: JCC |
Monitor and update the basis for calculation of preferred new home numbers, sizes and tenure with a new Bridport Area Housing Database. Use this to update the HNA and to monitor effectiveness of neighbourhood plan housing policies following each national census, and (as a minimum) at a time mid-way between censuses, setting a 5-year review cycle. |
Project 16 Brownfield Register Lead Partner: JCC |
Prepare and maintain a register of brownfield sites in the neighbourhood area including a statement on the potential for housing development and related challenges associated with developing each location. |
Project 17 Second & holiday Homes Lead Partner: JCC |
Monitor the levels of second and holiday homes across the neighbourhood plan area and review the justification for a ‘Primary Residence restriction’ as part of the plan review process. |
Project 18 Housing Needs of Older People Lead Partner: JCC |
Carry out further research and consultation to forecast the need for, and develop policies that encourage and support the delivery of, all types of housing suited to the needs of older people. Such a project may include:
Project 19 Downsizing Working Group Lead Partner: JCC |
Establish a “downsizing” working group to research and propose a practical way of making it easier for older residents to move into smaller properties, should they wish to. |
Project 20 Zero Carbon Homes Lead Partner: Transition Town |
Establish a “zero-carbon home” working group to investigate how to apply these principles to the neighbourhood plan area and to promote energy efficiency in both new-build and established homes, including encouraging “zero-carbon” promoters to bid for pilot projects with the neighbourhood plan area. |
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