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What Next?
Monitoring and Review

In this section we set out what happens next with this final ‘made’ version of the neighbourhood plan and how the local councils propose to undertake monitoring and review of the neighbourhood plan.

Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan – Governance Arrangements

The delivery, monitoring and review of the neighbourhood plan will be overseen by a Joint Councils Committee (JCC), supported by a Steering Group reporting to the JCC.

The JCC will, as at present, be the formal decision-making body with a particular role in securing funding for and supporting projects that deliver the objectives and policies set out in the neighbourhood plan.

Any changes to the plan, or to the governance arrangements, would be subject to the agreement of all participating councils. 

The JCC will comprise one main member and one ‘reserve’ member from each of the five participating councils.  The quorum for JCC meetings will be four.

The Steering Group will be appointed by the JCC, and will be the body that carries out the work involved in the delivery, monitoring and review of the neighbourhood plan.  It will comprise no more than nine members drawn from the community who are deemed to possess the appropriate range of skills and experience needed.

Other ad hoc ‘task and finish’ groups may be created for specific purposes as required, to be appointed by the Steering Group.

Support for the JCC and other meetings will be provided by the Bridport Town Clerk (as clerk to the JCC) and the Bridport Town Council Project Manager (providing project support).

For governance ‘rules’, the JCC will adopt the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations of Bridport Town Council.  The Standing Orders will provide for the conduct of meetings, public participation, election of Chair, casting vote, co-option, and other governance matters.  The Financial Regulations will ensure proper control and management of neighbourhood plan expenditure.

JCC members will need to be mindful of any rules from their own councils’ Standing Orders, and any local Code of Conduct stipulations, that may be of relevance whilst carrying out their duties in respect of the neighbourhood plan.  Advice on these matters will be available from the Clerks to each of the participating councils.

Terms of reference for the JCC and the Steering Group have been produced, reflecting these arrangements in more detail.

Further information

Contact for further information:

  • Project Manager, Bridport Town Council
  • DDixon@bridport-tc.gov.uk
  • 01308 456 722

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