
Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Background and Context

Chapter 3: Spatial Vision and Strategic Objectives

Spatial Vision

Strategic Objectives

Spatial Strategy

Chapter 4: Place-Shaping Policies

Development in the Principal Town

PSP1: Development in the Principal Town

Development in the Key Centres

PSP2: Development in Key Centres

Development in Secondary Centres

PSP3: Development in Secondary Centres

Development in Villages

PSP4: Development in Villages

Chapter 5: Core Policies

Sustainable Development

CP1: Overarching Policy on Sustainable Development


CP2: Housing Supply
CP3: Housing Mix and Density
CP4: Affordable Housing
CP5: Gypsy and Traveller Provision

Employment and Economic Development

CP6: Employment and Economic Development

Town Centres and Shopping

CP7: Town Centres and Shopping

Infrastructure and Planning Obligations

CP8: Infrastructure and Planning Obligations

Green Infrastructure

CP9: Green Infrastructure

Transport and Travel

CP10: Transport and Travel

Green Belt

CP11: Green Belt

Design of Development

CP12: Design of Development

Monitoring and Delivery Framework

CP13: Monitoring and Delivery


Appendix 1: Schedule Of Saved Polices in the Three Rivers Local Plan (2001) Superseded by Core Strategy Policies

Appendix 2: Housing Site Selection Criteria

Appendix 3: Retail Hierarchy

Appendix 4: Infrastructure Delivery Schedule

Appendix 5: Green Infrastructure

Appendix 6: Transport Map

Appendix 7: Monitoring Framework

Appendix 8: Glossary and Abbreviations

Appendix 9: Planning Policy Statements and Guidance