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4.1 To provide more detail and supplement the Spatial Strategy, the
Place-Shaping Policies assess how each of the settlements in the District
are expected to contribute to the future of the District. Recognising
that the role and function of each settlement can vary and that each
has locally defined characteristics, 'place-shaping' policies have been
developed for each level of the Settlement Hierarchy set out in Chapter
4.2 Further background information on each settlement is included within
the evidence base document 'A Spatial Portrait of Three Rivers'.
4.3 Rickmansworth is the Principal Town
in the District with the largest town centre, a good range of services
and facilities and public transport facilities. It is therefore appropriate
that a proportion of future development should be located within the
town. There is scope for continued infilling within the urban area,
primarily on previously developed land, subject to the protection of
existing residential and historic character and amenities. However the
scope for development on the edge of the town is generally constrained
by the open space and Green Belt on all sides and by flood risk areas
and wildlife designations particularly to the east and to the south.
Development in the Principal Town (Rickmansworth) |
Development in Rickmansworth will:
- Focus future development predominantly on sites within the
urban area, on previously developed land
- Provide approximately 15% of the District's housing requirements
over the Plan period to include approximately 45% of affordable
housing as informed by the Strategic Housing Market Assessment
(2010), Development Economics Study (2009) and Strategic Housing
Land Availability Assessment Update (2010)
- Maintain the overall amount of existing employment floorspace
in the town, including the general supply of office accommodation
in the town centre
- Maintain the retail core in the town centre and where appropriate
enhance it through a modest increase in retail floorspace in
accordance with the Retail Capacity Study
- Contribute to an integrated approach to improve transport
and movement into, and around, the town and connectivity with
all other key centres in the District and service centres in
adjoining Districts. The priority will be improving and
enabling use of public transport to increase public transport
- Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of the town
centre by promoting a range of town centre uses including housing,
employment, shopping, leisure and community uses. This should
help to improve access to housing, jobs and services
- Support the town centre as a focus for community interaction
and the viability of existing facilities such as Watersmeet
- Conserve and where possible enhance the distinctive and historic
character of the centre, particularly within the area defined
by the Rickmansworth Town Centre Conservation Area through appropriate
and well designed development. This will be guided by the Conservation
Area Appraisal and future updates
- Conserve and enhance the unique natural landscape, biodiversity
and habitat surrounding the town, including in the River Chess
Valley to the east and the River Colne Valley to the south,
including the Colne Valley Park
- Improve the provision of, and access to, services and facilities
to meet future demands, specifically through:
- Improvements to rail services and rail links at Rickmansworth
Station primarily through the Croxley Rail Link
- Provision of a strategic cycle route between Rickmansworth
Town Centre and Chorleywood and Maple Cross with links
into the National Cycle Network and Colne Valley Trail
- Improvements to parking and cycle facilities at Rickmansworth
- Improved bus services between Rickmansworth Town Centre
and surrounding centres
- Road safety improvements to Park Road (A412) and Chorleywood
Road (A404) by the Royal Masonic School
- The extension of cemetery facilities at the site in Woodcock
Hill to increase capacity
- Maintain and improve biodiversity, recreational access
and watersports facilities at Rickmansworth Aquadrome in
accordance with the management plan and master plan
- Expansion of existing schools and/or provision of new
schools meet identified needs in the Rickmansworth area.
4.4 The Key Centres include a range of medium sized
settlements distributed throughout the District. All are fairly 'self-contained'
centres that primarily serve the local population. They provide a range
of services and facilities, and access to public transport is generally
good. Therefore it is appropriate that a proportion of future
development should be located within and immediately surrounding the
Key Centres.
4.5 There is scope for continued infilling within the urban areas,
primarily on previously developed land, subject to the protection of
existing residential and historic character and amenities. Whilst
the scope for development on the edge of the Key Centres is constrained
by Green Belt and other environmental designations, there are opportunities
to promote sustainable development through limited development within
the Green Belt, including on previously developed land, and consequently
to also improve services and facilities within the Key Centres.
PSP2 Development
in the Key Centres (South Oxhey, Croxley Green, Abbots Langley,
Chorleywood, Leavesden and Garston and Mill End) |
Development in Key Centres will:
- Focus future development predominantly on sites within the
urban area, on previously developed land
- Provide approximately 60% of the District's housing requirements
over the Plan period to include approximately 45% of affordable
housing as informed by the Strategic Housing Market Assessment
(2010), Development Economics Study (2009) and Strategic Housing
Land Availability Assessment Update (2010)
- Maintain and enhance employment opportunities in the Key Centres
but reduce over supply of office provision at Leavesden Aerodrome
through mixed-use development including housing
- Recognise that the former Leavesden Aerodrome site which includes
the nationally important film studios is anticipated to be significant
in meeting needs for housing and employment through mixed use
redevelopment. Specific proposals for the site will be included
in the Site Allocations Development Plan Document
- Maintain and enhance primary and secondary shopping frontages
within Abbots Langley, Chorleywood and South Oxhey District
Shopping Centres and the Local Shopping Centre at Croxley Green
to meet needs from existing and new housing development and
to enable Key Centres to be sufficient in meeting local daily
- Provide for a modest extension of retail floorspace within
the Key Centres where opportunities arise in accordance with
the Retail Capacity Study
- Contribute to an integrated approach to improve transport,
including public transport, and movement into, and around, the
Key Centres and connectivity with all other centres in the District,
and service centres in adjoining authorities in Hertfordshire,
Buckinghamshire and London and to increase public transport
- Promote development, infrastructure and services that will
help tackle deprivation affecting South Oxhey (Ashridge, Hayling
and Northwick wards) particularly in relation to improving access
to education, skills, training and employment and reducing crime.
Some improvements identified include the 'Step Up' building
on Oxhey Drive which will provide courses to help people get
back into work and counselling to people with mental illness.
In addition the 'South Oxhey Initiative' involves engagement
with stakeholders, the public and other technical work to produce
a Masterplan to set out how future development in South Oxhey
can respond to identified challenges. Detailed proposals will
be included in the Site Allocations Development Plan Document.
- Promote development, infrastructure and services that will
help tackle issues of deprivation affecting Penn Ward particularly
in relation to children and young people. In particular, the
Local Strategic Partnership is promoting projects to stimulate
greater participation in local learning by adults and families,
and are funding a project to target training in literacy, numeracy
and IT in areas including Maple Cross and Mill End.
- Provide improved access to healthcare services in Mill End
- Promote regeneration in parts of South Oxhey to improve housing
stock quality and reduce inequalities through the provision
of targeted services in more efficient ways. This could include
mixed use development consisting of new housing, offices, shopping
and community uses. The 'South Oxhey Initiative' involves engagement
with stakeholders, the public and other technical work to produce
a Masterplan to set out how future development in South Oxhey
can respond to identified challenges. Detailed proposals will
be included in the Site Allocations Development Plan Document.
- Conserve and enhance the local distinctiveness of the Key
Centres, particularly the historic cores of Abbots Langley,
Croxley Green and Chorleywood
- Improve provision of, and access to, services and facilities,
to meet future demands, specifically through:
- Highway improvements to A41 and surroundings in relation
to Leavesden Aerodrome
- Improvements to bus services to and from Leavesden area
including to the shuttle service from Leavesden Aerodrome
to Watford Junction Station
- Improvements to bus services providing access from key
centres to Watford Junction and Watford General Hospital/
Watford Health Campus
- Traffic management improvements to A4125 (Hampermill Lane)
- Provide a strategic cycle link between Croxley Station
and the Ebury Way cycle route via the Byewaters estate
- Improvement of parking and cycling facilities at Croxley
and Chorleywood stations
- Road safety improvements to A404 by St Clement Danes School
- Improve the range of youth facilities in all Key Centres
- Improve facilities and accessibility at Leavesden Country
- Maintain biodiversity and access improvements to Chorleywood
House Estate as part of agreed management plan
- Improve access at Croxley Hall Wood
- Develop a play area in Chorleywood to address current
deficiency in provision
- Improve facilities at Oxhey Woods Local Nature Reserve
including the provision of an education centre on site
- Improve quality of and access to children's play space
in South Oxhey
- Improve outdoor leisure facilities for residents of Abbots
- Provide additional neighbourhood policing and facilities
in the Abbots Langley area
- Expansion of existing schools and/or provision of new
schools meet identified needs in the Key Centres.
4.6 Secondary Centres include a range of smaller sized
settlements distributed throughout the District. They provide a more
limited range of services and facilities than the Key Centres but are
still important in meeting local needs. They are generally well located
with regard to access to adjoining centres and public transport facilities.
Therefore, it is appropriate that a proportion of future development
should be located within and immediately surrounding the Secondary Centres.
4.7 There is scope for continued infilling within the urban areas,
primarily on previously developed land, subject to the protection of
existing residential and historic character and amenities. Whilst
the scope for development on the edge of the Secondary Centres is constrained
by Green Belt and other environmental designations, there are opportunities
to promote sustainable development through limited development within
the Green Belt including on previously developed land.
PSP3 Development
in Secondary Centres (Kings Langley, Carpenders Park, Eastbury,
Maple Cross, Moor Park, Oxhey Hall) |
Development in Secondary
Centres will:
- Focus future development predominantly on sites within the
urban area, on previously developed land
- Provide approximately 24% of the District's housing requirements
over the Plan period to include approximately 45% of affordable
housing as informed by the Strategic Housing Market Assessment
(2010), Development Economics Study (2009) and Strategic Housing
Land Availability Assessment Update (2010)
- Maintain and enhance employment opportunities in Secondary
Centres but redistribute some employment floorspace through
mixed use development in Kings Langley employment area and an
extension of floorspace at Maple Cross/ Maple Lodge
- Maintain and enhance the provision of local shops within the
Secondary Centres to meet future local daily needs
- Contribute to an integrated approach to improve transport
and movement into, and around, the secondary centres and connections
with all other centres in the District and service centres in
adjoining Districts and to increase public transport patronage
- Promote development, infrastructure and services in order
to meet local community and business needs, and to maintain
the vitality of communities. This should help tackle deprivation
affecting Maple Cross and Carpenders Park particularly in relation
to access to housing and services and reducing crime
- Preserve and enhance the local distinctiveness and the historic
cores of Eastbury and Moor Park
- Recognise Kings Langley as a cross boundary village shared
with Dacorum Borough Council which therefore requires a co-ordinated
approach between the two authorities in planning for the future
of the village
- Improve provision of access to services and facilities, to
meet future demands, specifically through:
- Traffic management improvements to the C76 between Kings
Langley Station and Barnacres Lane (in Dacorum Borough)
and to the A412 (Denham Way) in Maple Cross
- Traffic management improvements on Toms Lane
- Improvement of bus services from Maple Cross to Rickmansworth
- Improvement of bus services from Kings Langley Employment
Area to Key Centres in District
- Improvement of parking and cycling facilities at Kings
Langley, Moor Park and Carpenders Park stations
- Expansion of existing schools and/or provision of new
schools meet identified needs in the Secondary Centres.
4.8 Bedmond and Sarratt are small village settlements
within the Green Belt to the north and west of the District, surrounded
by open countryside. They provide a limited range of services and facilities
to serve the villages and other smaller surrounding populations. Access
to public transport is also limited. The villages provide an important
role in supporting the local economies of agriculture, forestry and
other small businesses.
4.9 There is some scope for development within the villages, although
this will be limited in view of the nature and scale of these settlements
and surroundings. Development will need to be small-scale and help sustain
the rural communities through the provision of affordable housing, rural
employment opportunities and improved services and facilities.
PSP4 Development
in Villages (Bedmond, Sarratt) |
Development in Villages will:
- Be strictly controlled in order to protect the character,
landscape, heritage and wildlife of the wider countryside, and
the openness of the Green Belt
- Be well designed and inclusive, in keeping and in scale with
its location and sensitive to the character of the countryside
and local distinctiveness
- Allow some limited small-scale development in or on the edge
of the villages in order to meet local community and business
needs, to maintain the vitality of these communities. This should
help tackle deprivation in these villages, particularly in relation
to access to housing, employment and services
- Improve the viability, accessibility and community value of
existing services and facilities, for example village shops
and post offices, rural petrol stations, village and church
halls, rural public houses and bus services that play an important
role in sustaining village communities
- Support public transport services to Rickmansworth and other
centres within and adjacent to Three Rivers, enabling the increased
use of more sustainable modes of transport
- Allocate and release sites solely for affordable housing using
a Rural Exception Site Policy approach to accommodate households
which contain current residents or have an existing family or
employment connection in perpetuity. These will be identified
through a subsequent Site Allocations document
- Provide approximately 1% of the District's housing requirements
over the Plan period to include affordable housing to meet local
needs and as informed by the Strategic Housing Market Assessment
(2010), Development Economics Study (2009) and Strategic Housing
Land Availability Assessment Update (2010)
- Improve provision of and access to, services and facilities
to meet future demands, specifically through:
- Traffic management improvements to the C77 (Bedmond Road)
- Extending provision at Bedmond Sports and Social Club
site, Toms Lane, to include facilities for young people
- Extending and improving facilities at Frogmore Meadow
Site of Special Scientific Interest, Sarratt
- Creating a play area in Sarratt to meet identified need
- Expansion of existing schools and/or provision of new
schools meet identified needs in the Villages.
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