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Section 4 – Implementation and Monitoring

Implementation and Monitoring

7.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) re-affirms the Government's commitment to a plan-led system and the role of the planning system, in partnership with the community and developers, in the delivery of sustainable development.

7.2 This section outlines how the Development Management Plan policies will be implemented and monitored. Implementation, monitoring and review are key requirements in the planning system as the preparation of a plan is not a 'one off' activity. It is part of a process that involves keeping a check on how successful the plan is in delivering what it sets out to do, and making adjustments to that plan if monitoring reveals that changes are needed.

7.3 One of the tests of soundness of a Development Plan Document (DPD) is whether there are clear mechanisms for implementation and monitoring. The Council is therefore committed to the effective monitoring of the policies within this document, in particular to establish when interventions might be necessary to ensure timely delivery of what is proposed.

7.4 The purposes of monitoring are:

  1. to assess the extent to which policies in the Development Management Plan are being implemented;
  2. to identify policies that may need to be amended or replaced;
  3. to establish whether policies have had unintended consequences;
  4. to establish whether assumptions and objectives behind policies are still relevant; and
  5. to establish whether targets are being achieved

7.5 The outcome of our targets, indicators and policy performance monitoring will be shown in the Local Plan Monitoring Report. The monitoring of the allocated sites shall be carried out through quarterly site visits and regular monitoring of planning applications. This will be reported in the Local Plan Monitoring Report which will be published on our website at: http://www.hastings.gov.uk/environment_planning/planning/localplan/monitoring/.

7.6 The tables on the following pages show our Implementation and Monitoring Framework for this document.


Planning Strategy Strategic Objective Development Management Plan Policies Target    Indicator Reporting Source
1 Objective 1 – Achieve
and sustain
a thriving economy Objective 1 – Achieve
and sustain
a thriving economy
DM2 – Telecommunications Technology          
Continue to improve telecommunications technology in the Borough and ensure appropriate location of equipment Telecommunications technology growth in Hastings                Local Plan Monitoring Report
2 SA1 – Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area     Ensure A1 uses make up at least 95% of the total floorspace  of Priory Meadow and
55% of the remaining shopping area in Hastings Town Centre
Net number of
non-A1 uses granted planning permission and/or implemented in Hastings Town Centre
Annual shopping area survey and Local Plan Monitoring Report
3 SA2 – Other Shopping Areas Ensure A1 uses make up at least 60% of primary shopping area in St Leonards and
at least 40% in the secondary shopping area
Net number of
non-A1 uses granted planning permission and/or implemented in Central St Leonards, Old Town, Ore Village, Silverhill, Bohemia, West St Leonards (Bexhill Road), Battle Road, Mount Pleasant, Mount Road and Marine Court where this involves a change away from or to A1 use
4 Ensure A1 uses make up at least 55% of shopping area in Old Town, Ore Village and Silverhill and 50% in Bohemia
5 Ensure A1 uses make up at least 60% of shopping area in West St Leonards (Bexhill Road), Mount Pleasant, Mount Road and Marine Court and 50% in Battle Road
6 SA3 – Shops and Services outside the Shopping Areas   Retain where appropriate services outside the defined shopping areas    Change of use away from A, B and D use classes
7 CQ1 – Cultural Quarters                To enhance the cultural offering within the four Cultural Quarters and promote a diversity of cultural attractions             Amount of new cultural related development within the four Cultural Quarters Local Plan Monitoring Report
8 Amount of development resulting in the loss of a cultural asset within the four Cultural Quarters
9 Objective 2 - Ensure
everyone has the opportunity
to live in
a decent home, which they can afford, in a community in which they want to live
DM3 – General Amenity Ensure new developments meet minimum internal floorspace standards Residential completions by internal floor area Local Plan Monitoring Report
10 Ensure new residential developments include adequate garden space, with gardens of at least 10m in length Dwellings completed including garden space by garden size
11 HC2 – Residential Institutions and Student Halls of Residence To provide suitable accommodation for the elderly, infirm and people who are physically and/or sensory impaired Provision of residential institutions
12 To provide suitable
accommodation for student numbers
Provision of student Halls of Residence/ bedrooms
13 Objective 3
– Safeguard and improve the  town's environment Objective 3
– Safeguard and improve the  town's environment continued
DM5 – Ground Conditions            Ensure issues around land instability and contamination
are satisfactorily addressed before development commences        
Number of planning conditions discharged that relate to land instability or land contamination Local Plan Monitoring Report
14 DM6 – Pollution and Hazards                 Ensure issues around light and airborne pollution, noise and odour are satisfactorily addressed before development commences Number of planning conditions
discharged in relation to light and air borne pollution, noise and odour
15 DM7 – Water Resource Availability                Ensure no adverse effects on ground and surface water resources              Number of planning conditions discharged relating to ground and surface water
16 HN1 – Development affecting the Significance and Setting of Designated Heritage Assets (including Conservation Areas) Proposals sustain
and enhance the significance of designated heritage assets (including Conservation Areas)               
Policy will be monitored through annual sample survey of new build developments
17 HN7 – Green Infrastructure in New Developments                     Developments make provision for improvement of the green network, retain and create
green infrastructure, include appropriate planting and ecology protection and management measures
Policy will be monitored through annual sample survey of new build developments
18 HN8 – Biodiversity and Green Space                                Minimise the loss of biodiversity and
green space within the Borough
Change in areas of green space as identified on the
Policies Map affected by development (by type)
19 HN10 – Amenity Green Spaces      Minimise the loss of private open space, allotments and local green spaces within the Borough          Change in these areas as identified on the Policies Map affected by development (by type)
20 Objective 4
– Addressing the impacts of  climate
No Development Management Plan Targets or Indicators as this is a strategic issue
– please see the Planning Strategy Monitoring Framework
21 Objective 5
– Supporting sustainable
communities Objective 5
– Supporting sustainable
communities continued
HC3 – Community Facilities                Resist the loss of active community facilities Net completions of community facilities Local Plan Monitoring Report
22 HN7 – Green Infrastructure in New Developments                     Developments make provision for improvement of the green network, retain and create
green infrastructure, include appropriate planting and ecology protection and management measures
Policy will be monitored through annual sample survey of new build developments  
23 DM4 – General Access                   To implement the strategic network of cycle routes Developments contribute/safeguard land for cycle routes as required by site policies
24 DM4 – General Access   All new buildings of 3 or more storeys (excluding single dwelling houses) to provide a lift          Number of built schemes of 3 or more storeys in height incorporating lifts
25 Objective 6 – Provision
of an efficient and effective transport system               
DM4 – General Access   To ensure access on, off and through the site is adequately met Parts a-f of Policy will be monitored through annual sample survey of new build developments      Local Plan Monitoring Report
26 Objective 7 – Making the best use of the
seafront and promoting tourism 
CC1 – Caravan, Camping and Chalet sites Seek to increase Caravan / Camping / Chalet sites within the Borough                Net additional completions of Caravan / Camping / Chalet sites Local Plan Monitoring Report

Table 15: Implementation and Monitoring Framework

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