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Section Five – Site Design Briefs

Site Design Briefs

Design briefs have been prepared to supplement individual site policies for the larger and more complex sites, as follows:

Focus Area 1: Little Ridge & Ashdown

Sites at Holmhurst St Mary (LRA1), Harrow Lane Playing Fields (LRA2) and Land adjacent to 777 The Ridge (LRA3)
Queensway North, Queensway (LRA6)
Sites at Land at the junction of The Ridge West and Queensway (LRA7) and Land in Whitworth Road, The Ridge West (LRA8)

Focus Area 2: Greater Hollington

Mayfield E, Bodiam Drive (GH2)
Sites at PX and QX Churchfields (GH8), NX2, Sidney Little Road, Churchfields (GH9), RX2, Sidney Little Road, Churchfields (GH10) and NX3, Sidney Little Road, Churchfields (GH11)

Focus Area 3: Filsham Valley & Bulverhythe

The Grove School (FB1)
Former West St Leonards Primary School (FB2)
Sites at Seaside Road, West St Leonards (FB3) and Cinque Ports Way (Former Stamco Timber Yard and TA Centre) (FB6)
Former Westerleigh School (FB4)

Focus Area 4: St Helens

Sites at Land adjacent to Sandrock Park, The Ridge (SH1) and Hurst Court, The Ridge (SH3)
Mount Denys, Pinehill and Ridgeway (SH4)

Focus Area 5: Silverhill & Alexandra Park

Hollingsworth Garage, Braybrooke Road (SAP2)
12-19 Braybrooke Terrace (SAP3)

Focus Area 6: Maze Hill & Burton's St Leonards

Gambier House, West Hill Road (MBL3)

Focus Area 7: Central St Leonards & Bohemia

Taxi Office/B.R. Social Club, St Johns Road (CLB2)

Focus Area 8: Hastings Town Centre

Priory Quarter, Havelock Road (HTC6)

Focus Area 11: Hillcrest & Ore Valley

Sites at Former Stills Factory, Ore Valley (HOV1) and Ore Valley (HOV2)
Former Mount Pleasant Hospital, Frederick Road (HOV3)
Ivyhouse Lane, Northern Extension (HOV11)

Design brief legend

Design Brief Legend

All information on the design briefs is indicative only. Details of constraints are available on the Policies Map

Design Briefs for Focus Area 1: Little Ridge & Ashdown

LRA1 - Holmhurst St Mary, LRA2 - Harrow Lane Playing Fields, and LRA3 - Land adjacent to 777 The Ridge

Figure 92: Design Brief for sites at Holmhurst St Mary (LRA1), Harrow Lane Playing Fields (LRA2) and Land adjacent to 777 The Ridge (LRA3)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 92: Design Brief for sites at Holmhurst St Mary (LRA1), Harrow Lane Playing Fields (LRA2) and Land adjacent to 777 The Ridge (LRA3)

LRA6 - Queensway North, Queensway

Figure 93: Design Brief for Queensway North, Queensway (LRA6)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 93: Design Brief for Queensway North, Queensway (LRA6)

LRA7 - Land at junction of The Ridge West & Queensway and LRA8 - Land in Whitworth Road, The Ridge West

Figure 94: Design Brief for sites at Land at the junction of The Ridge West and Queensway (LRA7) and Land in Whitworth Road, The Ridge West (LRA8) showing the Queensway Gateway Road as currently being proposed

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 94: Design Brief for sites at Land at the junction of The Ridge West and Queensway (LRA7) and Land in Whitworth Road, The Ridge West (LRA8) showing the Queensway Gateway Road as currently being proposed.

Design Briefs for Focus Area 2: Greater Hollington

GH2 - Mayfield E, Bodiam Drive

Figure 95: Design Brief for Mayfield E, Bodiam Drive (GH2)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 95: Design Brief for Mayfield E, Bodiam Drive (GH2)

GH8 - Sites PX and QX, Churchfields, GH9 - Site NX2, Sidney Little Road, GH10 - Site RX2, Sidney Little Road and GH11 - Site NX3, Sidney Little Road, Churchfields

Figure 96: Design Brief for sites at PX and QX, Churchfields (GH8), NX2, Sidney Little Road, Churchfields (GH9), RX2, Sidney Little Road, Churchfields (GH10) and NX3, Sidney Little Road (GH11)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 96: Design Brief for sites at PX and QX, Churchfields (GH8), NX2, Sidney Little Road, Churchfields (GH9), RX2, Sidney Little Road, Churchfields (GH10) and NX3, Sidney Little Road (GH11)

Design Briefs for Focus Area 3: Filsham Valley & Bulverhythe

FB1 - The Grove School

Figure 97: Design Brief for The Grove School (FB1)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 97: Design Brief for The Grove School (FB1)

FB2 - Former West St Leonards Primary School

Figure 98: Design Brief for Former West St Leonards Primary School (FB2)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 98: Design Brief for Former West St Leonards Primary School (FB2)

FB3 - Seaside Road, West St Leonards and FB6 - Cinque Ports Way (Former Stamco Timber Yard and TA Centre)

Figure 99: Design Brief for sites at Seaside Road, West St Leonards (FB3) and Cinque Ports Way (Former Stamco Timber and TA Centre (FB6)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 99: Design Brief for sites at Seaside Road, West St Leonards (FB3) and Cinque Ports Way (Former Stamco Timber and TA Centre (FB6)

FB4 - Former Westerleigh School

Figure 100: Design Brief for Former Westerleigh School (FB4)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 100: Design Brief for Former Westerleigh School (FB4)

Design Briefs for Focus Area 4: St Helens

SH1 - Land adjacent to Sandrock Park, The Ridge and SH3 - Hurst Court, The Ridge

Figure 101: Design Brief for sites at Land adjacent to Sandrock Park, The Ridge (SH1) and Hurst Court, The Ridge (SH3)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 101: Design Brief for sites at Land adjacent to Sandrock Park, The Ridge (SH1) and Hurst Court, The Ridge (SH3)

SH4 - Mount Denys, Pinehill and Ridgeway

Figure 102: Design Brief for Mount Denys, Pine Hill and Ridgeway (SH4)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 102: Design Brief for Mount Denys, Pine Hill and Ridgeway (SH4)

Design Briefs for Focus Area 5: Silverhill & Alexandra Park

SAP2 - Hollingsworth Garage, Braybrooke Road

Figure 103: Design Brief for Hollingsworth Garage, Braybrooke Road (SAP2)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 103: Design Brief for Hollingsworth Garage, Braybrooke Road (SAP2)

SAP3 - 12-19 Braybrooke Terrace

Figure 104: Design Brief for 12-19 Braybrooke Terrace (SAP3)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 104: Design Brief for 12-19 Braybrooke Terrace (SAP3)

Design Briefs for Focus Area 6: Maze Hill & Burtons' St Leonards

MBL3 - Gambier House, West Hill Road

Figure 105: Design Brief for Gambier House, West Hill Road (MBL3)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 105: Design Brief for Gambier House, West Hill Road (MBL3)

Design Briefs for Focus Area 7: Central St Leonards & Bohemia

CLB2 - Taxi Office/B.R. Social Club, St Johns Road

Figure 106: Design Brief for Taxi Office/B.R. Social Club, St Johns Road (CLB2)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 106: Design Brief for Taxi Office/B.R. Social Club, St Johns Road (CLB2)

Design Briefs for Focus Area 8: Hastings Town Centre

HTC6 - Priory Quarter, Havelock Road

Figure 107: Design Brief for Priory Quarter, Havelock Road (HTC6)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 107: Design Brief for Priory Quarter, Havelock Road (HTC6)

Design Briefs for Focus Area 11: Hillcrest & Ore Valley

HOV1 - Former Stills Factory, Ore Valley and HOV2 - Ore Valley

Figure 108: Design Brief for sites at Former Stills Factory, Ore Valley (HOV1) and Ore Valley (HOV2)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 108: Design Brief for sites at Former Stills Factory, Ore Valley (HOV1) and Ore Valley (HOV2)

HOV3 - Former Mount Pleasant Hospital, Frederick Road

Figure 109: Design Brief for Former Mount Pleasant Hospital, Frederick Road (HOV3)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 109: Design Brief for Former Mount Pleasant Hospital, Frederick Road (HOV3)

HOV11 - Ivyhouse Lane, Northern Extension

Figure 110: Design Brief for Ivyhouse Lane, Northern Extension (HOV11)

© Crown Copyright and database rights [2015]. OS [100021328]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

Figure 110: Design Brief for Ivyhouse Lane, Northern Extension (HOV11)

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