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Harlow is a great place to live, work and invest. In order to enhance what Harlow has to offer, we have considered the current and future needs of the community and businesses and, taking into account the key environmental assets of the town, we have now put in place a new Local Development Plan, that sets out a spatial planning strategy to shape the growth and development of the town until 2033.

This will ensure that we will have a framework to secure the delivery of the much-needed new homes that are required in the district, including both affordable and market housing, as well as the land necessary to enhance business and job opportunities, supported by our existing Enterprise Zones. All of which will be supported by investment in key infrastructure to meet community and social needs. This includes the enhancement and development of Sustainable Transport Corridors across the town, that will help reduce the need to travel to assist our aim of addressing climate change, but which will also ensure that residents can access key destinations across the town, and in their neighbourhoods, in a safe and sustainable way.

The Plan is ambitious, and will be further enhanced through a masterplan for the town centre, but through close partnership working with East Hertfordshire and Epping Forest District Councils, together with Essex and Hertfordshire County Councils, it will help support the delivery and implementation of the of the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town.

We believe Harlow has an assured future and this Plan will help ensure that the ambitions of the Council and the community it serves are achieved.


Councillor Danny Purton

Councillor Danny Purton

Portfolio Holder for Environment

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