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This document is the Harlow Local Development Plan (the “Local Plan”), accompanied by the Policies Map, the Evidence Base and other supporting documents.

The Local Plan sets out a long-term vision for Harlow, identifying land where development will be acceptable and where it will be unacceptable.

It contains policies which ensure future development is sustainable by meeting the needs of residents, businesses and visitors, while providing the required infrastructure and protecting environmental assets. These policies are material considerations in the determination of planning applications.

It is important to read the Local Plan and Policies Map as a whole to understand the context and all the issues.

The policies in the Local Plan were informed by a range of technical evidence, the evaluation of a range of issues and the consideration of options, and developed following a number of phases of public consultation.

The table below details the chapters where the main information on such issues can be found:

Strategic Growth Strategy Development Management
INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS 11. Strategic Infrastructure Requirements 17. Infrastructure
PROTECTION OF GREEN SPACES 10. Linking Development Sites to the Wider Environment 13. Placeshaping
TOWN CENTRE REDEVELOPMENT 9. Retail Ambitions and Town Centre Redevelopment 15. Prosperity
NEW HOUSING  7. Housing Strategy and Growth Locations 14. Housing 


The Policies Map, which accompanies the Local Plan, maps the planning policies and proposals across Harlow. The policies in the Local Plan are justified by an Evidence Base, which includes studies such as the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) and the Green Belt Review.

The Local Plan is also supported by other documents such as the Sustainability Appraisal and Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

The Local Plan, Policies Map and all supporting documents on the Council’s website at www.harlow.gov.uk/local-plan. You can contact Harlow Council regarding the Local Plan by phoning (01279) 446 655 or by emailing myharlow@harlow.gov.uk

The Local Plan was prepared in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended) and in accordance with the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).

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