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19.1 Implementation of the Local Plan depends upon a robust working partnership between the local authority and various partners. This includes infrastructure providers and statutory bodies, developers and landowners, adjoining local authorities, County Councils, residents and local groups.

19.2 The Council has a responsibility as both a facilitator and landowner to bring forward development sites, infrastructure provision and regeneration opportunities identified in the Local Plan. A proportion of the allocated sites are Council owned and will be delivered through various mechanisms including working with developer partners and site disposal. This active involvement in bringing sites forward will also help facilitate the delivery of affordable housing.

19.3 Bringing forward the Strategic Housing Site East of Harlow, which is part of one of the four new Garden Town Communities, will require a coordinated and cooperative approach between the Council, the developer and Epping Forest District Council and where appropriate Essex County Council. The preparation and endorsement of an agreed Strategic Master Plan and design code for the site through the Garden Town will ensure consistency between the two authorities.
The Garden Town Vision and Design Guide and the Quality Review Panel will ensure a coherent design approach across the Garden Town. The Garden Town Board, along with an independent team, will continue to guide the delivery of the Garden Town. The Board may consider that further joint work is required to support the delivery and this will be taken forward by the Garden Town team and the local authorities.

19.4 The Council will consider, if necessary, a more active intervention to deliver development sites and regeneration opportunities in the Local Plan, if sites are not brought forward or if there are delays due to ownership issues or if there are ransom concerns. This includes the use of Compulsory Purchase Orders if appropriate.

19.5 It may be necessary to provide further clarity and guidance in respect of certain parts of the Local Plan. The Council will consider preparing supporting documents including Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and Development Briefs to assist in implementation. A separate Area Action Plan is being prepared for the regeneration and redevelopment of the Town Centre.

19.6 The Local Plan has been prepared having regard to other strategies and policies prepared by the Council and other relevant public bodies. This includes transport plans produced by the County Council, the Water Resource Management Plan undertaken by Thames Water, health strategies prepared by the Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS England and documents published by the Council such as the Regeneration Strategy and Economic Development Strategy. These will continue to have a relationship to the implementation of the Local Plan.

19.7 The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) will be regularly reviewed to ensure it is kept up to date and a monitoring framework has been prepared to help examine the effectiveness of the policies and the implementation of the Local Plan. The Council will prepare an Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) each year using this monitoring framework. The AMR will also provide an updated trajectory of development sites.

19.8 If there is insufficient supply of land, or other targets are not being met as set out in the AMR, the Council will consider whether a full or partial review of the Local Plan is required.

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