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18.1 Monitoring the Local Plan is an important, ongoing activity which identifies how the policies contained in the Plan are being implemented. The Council is required to produce an Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) at least annually. The AMR monitors progress against milestones in the Local Development Scheme and contains an assessment of the extent to which objectives set out in the Local Plan are being achieved.

18.2 Where it becomes apparent that objectives and targets are not being met, or if circumstances have changed nationally or locally, this may give rise to a review of the Local Plan or other elements such as Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) or additional Development Plan Documents (DPDs).

18.3 The monitoring framework for the Local Plan is set out below. This contains a series of performance indicators and other areas on which updates may be given which will be incorporated into the AMR.

Policy Area Indicator Target Monitoring Policies
Housing Strategy and Growth Locations Net additional dwellings built

Deliver at least 9,200 dwellings on the housing sites under construction, with planning permission and allocated to meet the housing requirement up to 2033

Deliver a rolling programme of housing sites to feed into five-year housing supply

HS1, HS2, H1
Net additional dwellings built in Strategic Housing Site East of Harlow Deliver 2,600 dwellings and associated infrastructure on the allocated land to the east of Harlow HS2, HS3, HGT1
Number of new Gypsy and Traveller pitches completed Restore 12 derelict pitches at Fern Hill Lane site HS4, H10
Number of planning permissions for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) The number of planning permissions for HMOs that exceed more than one out of a row of five units, or are refused because of it. A full review of the policy will be undertaken two years after the date of adoption to establish the effectiveness of the policy based on this monitoring and information from HMO licensing H3
Net change on existing habitable housing stock No net loss in habitable housing stock H4
Percentage of new dwellings meeting the Building Regulations Part M4(2) Standard for accessible and adaptable homes 100% H5
Number of dwellings for wheelchair users under the Building Regulations Part M4(3) standard in major residential development The proportion set out in the latest SHMA is met H5
Type and size of housing in major residential developments The proportion set out in the latest SHMA is met H6
Percentage of Affordable Housing built on new residential development of more than 10 dwellings At least 30% affordable housing for new residential development of more than 10 dwellings, developed on site, with evidenced tenure mix, indistinguishable tenure and secure legal agreements for future occupancy H8
Self-build serviced plots Number of dwellings provided on sites greater than 50 dwellings for serviced plots for self-build, against the required supply. Sites of less than 50 dwellings will also be monitored for this provision H9
Economic Development and Prosperity Strategy
Net increase in employment land 4.6 ha in Harlow Business Park, The Pinnacles ED1
14.2 ha in London Road
2.2 ha in East Road, Templefields
Net loss of employment land in Strategic Employment Areas and Neighbourhood Service Areas No net loss
ED2, PR1, PR2
Change in number of visitors Increased trend ED4
Change in employment floorspace outside Strategic Employment Areas and Neighbourhood Service Areas No net loss of B1, B2, B8 and waste uses outside Strategic Employment Areas and Neighbourhood Service Area PR3
Number of jobs created by the major developments Increased job numbers overall PR4
Retail Ambitions and Town Centre Redevelopment The Retail Hierarchy in Harlow Retail development should be directed to Harlow Town Centre in the first instance followed by the retail centres set out in the Retail Hierarchy RS1, PR5, PR6, PR7, PR8, PR9, PR10, PR11
Net additional retail floorspace in existing Retail Centres Provide up to 18,100sqm of comparison floorspace and up to 3,200sqm of convenience floorspace in Harlow up to 2026 and monitor net retail provision beyond 2026 (A1 uses) RS2, RS1, RS3, PR6, PR1
Evening and
night-time uses
Increased trend PR11
Percentage of Primary Frontage in the Town Centre in Use Classes A1, A2 and A3 At least 60% of the overall Primary Frontage length is A1 use and 100% retention of primary frontage length PR6
Retention of Town Centres units larger than 2,500sqm No net loss in number of larger retail units in the Town Centre PR7
Percentage of overall Frontage length being retained in A1 use in Neighbourhood Centres Minimum of 60% PR8
Number of key local facilities in Neighbourhood Centres and Hatches No net loss of key local facilities PR8, PR9
Linking Development Sites to the Wider Environment Retention of Green Belt, Green Wedge, Green Finger or Other Open Space No inappropriate development on land designated as Green Belt, Green Wedge or Green Finger, and no loss of Other Open Space WE1, WE2, PL4, PL5, PL6, PL7
Change in number of Local Sites in Positive Conservation Management No reduction of biodiversity and geodiversity designated assets WE3, PL9
Change in number and area of heritage assets in the district No reduction of heritage assets WE5, PL12
Risk of pollution and contamination Avoid degradation of environmental quality in the district PL10, PL11
Percentage of new dwellings achieving the Optional Technical Housing Standard for water efficiency (no more than 110 litres per person per day) 100% PL11
Amount of land in new development incorporating Sustainable Drainage Systems Increased provision where appropriate PL11
Amount of land in existing development which has been retrofitted to incorporate Sustainable Drainage Systems Increased provision where appropriate PL11
Strategic Infrastructure Requirements Delivery of strategic and local infrastructure to support new development Delivery of infrastructure in accordance with Infrastructure Delivery Plan SIR1, IN1, IN2
Percentage of recycling household waste Current Council target SIR3
Lifestyle Amount of public open space, allotments, play space and sporting provision and facilities Net gain L1
Change in number and area of Recreational, Sporting, Cultural and Community Facilities No unnecessary loss L2
Change in provision of public art in Harlow No net loss L3
Quality of infrastructure, facilities and/or design which would improve health Increased provision L4

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