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Background to development management in Harlow

12.1 Development Management policies provide a detailed planning framework which will be used to determine planning applications. They are informed by national policies and guidance which set out the Government’s planning policies for England and how it expects them to be applied.

12.2 National planning policies state that the purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development, which has three roles:

  1. an economic role by contributing to a strong, responsive and competitive economy;
  2. a social role by supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities; and
  3. an environmental role by contributing to the protection and enhancement of the environment.

12.3 These Development Management policies have been developed to help achieve sustainable development and to provide the detailed spatial expression of the Strategic policies in the Local Plan.

12.4 The Development Management policies have been grouped to reflect the broad Spatial Objectives of the Local Plan. Through their implementation, the Council will ensure all development proposals have regard to these objectives.

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