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1. Introduction

1.1 Croydon is a growing borough. It is already the most populous borough in London and aims to be London's most enterprising borough. Planning is critical to ensuring that Croydon meets the needs of its residents, business community and visitors. The Croydon Local Plan sets out the strategy, sites and planning policies necessary to meet these needs.

1.2 The Croydon Local Plan 2018 is a key document in Croydon's Local Plan. They set out the spatial vision and plan for the future of the borough and how it will be delivered.

1.3 Croydon needs a spatial plan to rise to the challenges facing the borough and its communities over the next 20 years and beyond. The borough has a need for new homes, jobs and the infrastructure to support them, whilst respecting the context of the Places of Croydon. The Croydon Local Plan 2018 addresses each of these needs and sets out how Croydon will plan to meet them up to 2036.  Increasing the supply of homes through sustainable growth, including affordable homes, is a key element of Ambitious for Croydon, which is enshrined throughout the Croydon Local Plan.  In part, the sustainable growth of the suburbs will deliver this growth as encouraged by this Plan.  This will be achieved whilst protecting the borough's open space and the distinctive heritage and character, alongside the necessary infrastructure to mitigate the impact of growth. The Croydon Local Plan 2018 sets out the issues that the Plan as a whole is addressing and the strategic policy framework.

1.4 In preparing the Croydon Local Plan 2018 the Council has worked with partners and interested parties to devise policies and proposals that it thinks will best address the needs of the borough up to 2036. As part of this process the Council has drawn upon an extensive evidence base referenced throughout this document and the comments made during consultation on drafts of the Plan. The Strategic Policies have been subject to four periods of consultation. It started out with an Issues and Options consultation in July 2009 followed by two consultations on Preferred Option in February 2010 and September 2010, which led to their adoption in April 2013 after independent examination. A Partial Review of the Strategic Policies has been subject to further consultation on Preferred and Alternative Options in November 2015. The Detailed Policies were subject to two periods of consultation, both on Preferred and Alternative Options, one in October 2012 and the next in November 2015. The November 2015 consultation also included all of the Detailed Proposals.

1.5 Between February and November 2017 an independent Planning Inspector examined the Strategic Policies and found them to be positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy as well as complying with the relevant legislation and regulations.

1.6 The Croydon Local Plan 2018 is accompanied by a number of other documents which together form the development plan for Croydon and supporting documents.Table 1.1 shows the different scales of documents forming Croydon's planning policy framework. The Strategic Policies in the Croydon Local Plan 2018 set the framework that provides the opportunity for the production of Neighbourhood Plans. This will enable communities to influence the planning of their Place, in conformity with Croydon's Strategic Policies.

Table 1.1 Croydon's planning policy framework



Croydon – strategic policy

The London Plan

The strategic policies of the Croydon Local Plan 2018

Croydon – place making

The Detailed Policies and Proposals (including the Place Specific Policies) of the Croydon Local Plan 2018

Policies Map

South London Waste Plan

Neighbourhood Plans

Croydon – development management 

Supplementary Planning Documents (including the Croydon Opportunity Area Planning Framework)

Neighbourhood Development Orders Interim Planning Guidance (including Masterplans)

Interim Planning Guidance (including Masterplans)

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