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Map of the 16 Places of Croydon

Map of the 16 Places of Croydon

A quick guide to which policies apply to which types of development

Use the guide below to find out which policies will probably apply to your proposed development. Note that it is not a definitive list and other policies of the Local Plan may also apply (for example if your proposed development lies within an area at risk of flooding).

Type of development

Applicable policies

Household extension

Policy DM10: Design and character

Small residential development (up to nine new homes)

Policy SP6: Environment and Climate Change

Policy DM10: Design and character

Policy DM13: Refuse and recycling

Policy DM16: Promoting Healthy Communities

Policy DM23: Development and construction

Policy DM24: Land contamination

Policy DM25: Sustainable Drainage Systems and Reducing Flood Risk

Policy DM29: Promoting sustainable travel and reducing congestion

Policy DM30: Car and cycle parking in new development

Any applicable Place-Specific policy

Large residential development (ten or more new homes)

Policy SP2: Homes

Policy SP6: Environment and Climate Change 

Policy DM1: Housing choice for sustainable communities

Policy DM3: Vacant building credit

Policy DM10: Design and character

Policy DM13: Refuse and recycling

Policy DM14: Public art

Policy DM15: Tall and large buildings

Policy DM16: Promoting Healthy Communities

Policy DM23: Development and construction

Policy DM24: Land contamination

Policy DM25: Sustainable Drainage Systems and Reducing Flood Risk

Policy DM29: Promoting sustainable travel and reducing congestion

Policy DM30: Car and cycle parking in new development

Any applicable Place-Specific policy

Change of use of a retail unit to a flat

Policy DM4: Development in Croydon Metropolitan Centre, District and Local Centres

Policy DM6: Development in Shopping Parades

Policy DM10: Design and character

Policy DM11: Shop front design and security

Policy DM13: Refuse and recycling

Any applicable Place-Specific policy

A new retail unit (change of use)

 Policy DM4: Development in Croydon Metropolitan Centre, District and Local Centres

Policy DM5: Development in Neighbourhood Centres

Policy DM6: Development in Shopping Parades

Policy DM8: Development in edge of centre and out of centre locations

Policy DM11: Shop front design and security

Any applicable Place-Specific policy

A new build retail unit (any size)

Policy DM4: Development in Croydon Metropolitan Centre, District and Local Centres

Policy DM5: Development in Neighbourhood Centres

Policy DM6: Development in Shopping Parades

Policy DM8: Development in edge of centre and out of centre locations

Policy DM11: Shop front design and security

Policy DM16: Promoting Healthy Communities

Policy DM23: Development and construction

Policy DM24: Land contamination

Policy DM25: Sustainable Drainage Systems and Reducing Flood Risk

Policy DM29: Promoting sustainable travel and reducing congestion

Policy DM30: Car and cycle parking in new development

 Any applicable Place-Specific policy

New office or leisure use

Policy DM4: Development in Croydon Metropolitan Centre, District and Local Centres

Policy DM5: Development in Neighbourhood Centres

Policy DM6: Development in Shopping Parades

Policy DM8: Development in edge of centre and out of centre locations

Policy DM23: Development and construction

Policy DM24: Land contamination

Policy DM25: Sustainable Drainage Systems and Reducing Flood Risk

Policy DM29: Promoting sustainable travel and reducing congestion

Policy DM30: Car and cycle parking in new development

 Any applicable Place-Specific policy

Loss of an existing or former employment use (including offices and changes of use) to residential

Policy SP3: Employment

Loss of an existing or former community use to any other use

Policy SP5: Community Facilities and Education

Policy DM19: Providing and protecting community facilities

Change of use of a public house

Policy SP5: Community Facilities and Education

Policy DM21: Protecting Public Houses

Proposed development in a garden

Policy DM10: Design and character

Policy DM13: Refuse and recycling

Policy DM27: Protecting and enhancing our biodiversity

Policy DM28: Trees

Any applicable Place-Specific policy

Proposed development in Green Belt or on Metropolitan Open Land 

Policy SP7: Green Grid

Policy DM26: Metropolitan Green Belt, Metropolitan Open Land

Proposed development affecting a heritage asset (such as Listed Building or Conservation Area)

Policy SP4: Urban Design and Local Character

Policy DM18: Heritage assets and conservation


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