3.90 The land to the rear of the RIS at West Works and partly fronting Bristol Road South is proposed for housing.
3.91 The West Works site presents an opportunity to contribute towards the growth of the city’s population and provide a range of housing, which reflects projected demand including a minimum of 35% affordable housing.
3.92 This site will provide a high-density residential scheme in an attractive environment with a new neighbourhood on the River Rea corridor providing a focal point for the development. The site will benefit from its highly desirable location with easy access to services in the new local centre and to adjoining employment opportunities and to high quality public local transport. The development will adopt high sustainability standards, incorporating best practice in sustainable housing design and quality open space.
Local people were supportive of the need to provide a mix of housing types including affordable and market level housing. Comments were also made about the need to build flexible housing, which adapts to changes in user requirements.
There was also an interest expressed in providing a suitable level of open space and social services/facilities including school places to support new housing schemes. Housing Site Proposals
3.93 Proposal H1: Residential and associated uses adjacent to the RIS
3.94 Land uses
The site (6 hectare) will be developed for a minimum of 350 dwelling houses (Class C3) comprising a mix of sizes, types and tenures. It will include a target of 35% affordable housing of a mix of types and sizes. Affordable housing to be spread across the site. Density to be in the region of 50-60 dwellings per hectare. New homes will also be encouraged to meet the Lifetime Homes Standard, allowing homes to be accessible for all.
3.95 Other appropriate uses will be:
3.96 Movement
The development will provide a network of internal streets including a dedicated bus route through the site linking to the new centre and Rubery Lane (Proposal T3), pedestrian and cycle routes (Proposal T1 ). Other relevant proposals and policies in the Movement Framework will also apply.
3.97 Environment, Open Space and Landscape
The development will provide enhancement of the River Rea and linear open space walkway (Proposal OS2a ), flood storage measures (Proposal OS14 ),a new neighbourhood park (Proposal OS4a). Other relevant proposals and policies in the Environment, Open Space and Landscape Framework will also apply.
3.98 Design requirements
All development to comply with the design principles set out in policy DS1.
3.99 Sustainability requirements
All development to comply with the sustainability requirements detailed in proposals S1 and S2.
3.100 Planning Process
Requirements for planning applications and planning obligations including a Longbridge Infrastructure Tariff (LIT) will apply to the development are set out in the Implementation Section D. This includes provision for educational facilities, to serve the development.
AT A GLANCESummary - Mixed housing area which maximises opportunities for sustainable development and quality building design and layout. AAP Objectives - Supports objectives 1-6, 13 and 14. Policy Context and Justification
3.101 Other options/contingency
The use of part or the entire site as an employment site could help provide an increased number of jobs.
3.102 The land formerly known as East Works to the south of Groveley Lane is allocated for new residential development and new local facilities and shops. This 19ha site will provide a mixed density residential scheme in a highly attractive environment adjacent to the Green Belt and with new local facilities, public open space and an enhanced River Arrow.
3.103 The site presents an opportunity to provide a range of housing, which reflects projected demand including a target of 35% affordable housing. The scheme is intended to help meet the housing needs from the Major Urban Area, and as such any residential development will be counted towards development targets for the MUA and not Bromsgrove. The existing neighbourhood centre and public transport facilities will be improved and enhanced to serve the development and new shops, services and community facilities provided.
3.104 The development will also adopt high sustainability standards, demonstrating best practice in sustainable housing design and quality open space.
3.105 Proposal H2: Residential and associated community and local retail use on the former East Works
3.106 Land uses
The site will be developed for the following uses:
3.107 Other appropriate uses will be:
3.108 Movement
The development will provide pedestrian and cycle routes (Proposal T1) a network of internal streets with provision for local buses (Proposal T3). No vehicle access will be allowed to Cofton Church Lane. Other relevant proposals and policies in the Movement Strategy will also apply.
3.109 Environment, Open Space and Landscape
The development will provide for the opening up of the River Arrow through the site (Proposal OS2b) a new neighbourhood park adjacent to the River Arrow with any necessary flood storage measures (Proposal OS4b), other open space to serve the development (Proposal OS6), preservation of the Green Belt and landscape buffer (Proposals OS 16 and 17). Other relevant proposals and policies in the Environment, Open Space and Landscape Strategy will also apply.
3.110 Design requirements
All development to comply with the design principles set out in policy DS1. Additional design principles for the East Works site include:
3.111 Sustainability requirements
All development to comply with the sustainability requirements detailed in proposals S1 and S2.
3.112 Planning Process
Requirements for planning applications and planning obligations including a Longbridge Infrastructure Tariff (LIT) which will apply to the development are set out in the implementation section D. This includes provision for educational facilities, community facility with community room/library and health facilities.
AT A GLANCESummary - a well designed quality mix of housing in a highly attractive setting supported by local services and facilities. AAP Objectives - Supports objectives 1-6, 13 and 14. Policy Context and Justification
3.113 Nanjing Automobile Corporation (NAC) has potential to make a significant contribution to the city and region’s economy. NAC has indicated that they wish to continue car manufacturing and to ensure that the land uses adjacent to their boundary do not restrict their core manufacturing business. The continued occupation of the site by NAC is therefore supported. Proposals for further car production and other related manufacturing activities will be encouraged, including activities that intensify production and increase jobs to make more efficient use of the landholding.
3.114 NAC’s current lease allows land to be handed back to St Modwen where surplus to operational requirements. At the current time this could include land located at the northern end of the site adjacent to the local centre and on the Lickey Road frontage. This AAP gives continued support for automotive manufacturing on Nanjing and for uses which support the vision and objectives of the AAP on surplus land.
3.115 Proposal EZ2: Nanjing
3.116 Land uses
The site is allocated for employment uses within Class B1b) and c), Class B2 and Class B8. Surplus land within the site is likely to become available for development. Future uses on this land will be considered within the context of the overall aims of the Area Action Plan and the adjoining land uses.
3.117 Design and environmental requirements
3.118 Movement
Access to be from Lickey Road and car parking to be provided within the site. Relevant proposals and policies in the Movement Strategy will also apply. Continued working with Nanjing will be encouraged to consider whether improved linkages around the site-particularly for pedestrians and cyclists-are feasible.
3.119 Sustainability requirements -
All development to comply with the sustainability requirements detailed in proposals S1 and S2.
3.120 Planning process
Requirements for planning applications and planning obligations including a Longbridge Infrastructure Tariff (LIT) that will apply to the development are set out in the Implementation Section D.
AT A GLANCESummary - Protection of site primarily for employment uses. AAP Objectives - Supports objectives 7,8 and 10. Policy Context and Justification
3.121 The Cofton Centre site has potential for early development to provide a range of new employment opportunities for general and light industry and warehousing through re-use of the existing Cofton Centre buildings and new development on the areas formerly used for open storage.
3.122 Proposal EZ3: Cofton Centre
3.123 Land Uses
The site will be developed for uses within Class B1(b) and (c) B2 and B8.
3.124 Movement
Relevant proposals and policies in the Movement Framework will also apply.
3.125 Environment, Open Space and Landscape
The development will provide for protection of the Green Belt and landscape buffer (Proposals OS 16 and 17). Other relevant proposals and policies in the Environment, Open Space and Landscape Strategy will also apply.
3.126 Sustainability requirements -
All development to comply with the sustainability requirements detailed in proposals S1 and S2.
3.127 Planning process
Requirements for planning applications and planning obligations including a Longbridge Infrastructure Tariff (LIT) that will apply to the development are set out in the Implementation Section D.
AT A GLANCESummary - Protection of site for employment uses. AAP Objectives - Supports objectives 7,9 and 10. Policy Context and Justification
3.128 As part of delivering a highly sustainable development the Longbridge AAP sets ambitious targets to achieve a significantly higher proportion of all journeys on foot, by cycle and via public transport than comparable developments. In order to achieve this objective, the scheme will need to be supported by excellent sustainable transport/movement infrastructure.
3.129 A detailed travel demand model and a highway model underpins the movement analysis. This has helped to establish key road and junction improvements and public transport improvements required to support the development and cater for additional trips and vehicle movement.
3.130 The AAP also recognises the importance of various strategic transport proposals and drivers, including:
3.131 The approach to developing a movement framework has been to consider best practice in delivering sustainable communities and applying this to the methodology for addressing transport requirements for the AAP and the surrounding area.
3.132 A comparison has been made of current modal share of journeys against potential approaches in similar edge of city developments where a sustainable approach has been achieved. Targets for achieving much higher levels of access by sustainable modes including internal and external trips have been set at challenging levels - this requires a step change in the practices of residents and businesses.
3.133 To assist in achieving modal shift and improved access requires improvements to public transport services, infrastructure provision, restrictions on levels of parking and travel promotion. The following background reports have been prepared to help achieve these changes - Bus Strategy, Rail Strategy, Travel Management Strategy, Traffic Modelling, Travel Demand and an Infrastructure Strategy. These strategies identify measures that will help address the 10-12,000 trips in the peak hours that the developments will generate. They have been prepared with the involvement of highway authorities, transport operators and planning bodies.
What people said about transportation
3.134 Movement Proposals The background reports referred to above have resulted in the following key movement proposals. These are illustrated in the Movement Strategy Plan.
Movement Strategy Plan
Proposals Map
3.135 Proposal T1 - A network of accessible pedestrian and cycle routes through the whole development including routes shown on the Movement Framework Plan (routes along and across the River Rea (as part of National Cycle Network Route 5), and River Arrow, a north south route through East Works linking to Cofton Church Lane). These include routes along the primary and secondary routes and the linear open space walkway movement routes. Higher levels of pedestrian and cycle segregation will be needed on primary routes than on other routes. Pedestrian and cycle routes are also to be well linked into the wider area including Frankley, Egghill, and Cofton Hackett and public rights of way. The Strategic cycle route along A38 and Lickey Road will be retained and improved. The Strategic Cycle Route along the Rea Valley will be extended through the site. Cycle and pedestrian facilities will be provided in appropriate locations including cycle parking, storage and associated facilities, seating within public places and other appropriate locations.
3.136 Proposal T2 - Bristol Road South (A38) and Longbridge Lane are to be retained as part of the strategic highway network. The primary and secondary movement routes on the Movement Framework Plan will be recognised.
3.137 Proposal T3 - A network of streets within the site organised into an access hierarchy comprising primary and secondary streets. All routes to provide for pedestrians and cyclists. This network will also include:
3.138 Proposal T4 - An improved network of bus routes, connections and services including the following:
3.139 Proposal T5 - Public transport interchange - this will comprise a high quality public transport interchange facility on Longbridge Lane. It will provide easy, safe and convenient transfer between bus, rail walking and cycling and the proposed park and ride facility and a safe, and pleasant waiting environment. This will be designed in accordance with the following principles/ to incorporate the following:
3.140 Proposal T6 - Improvements to Longbridge Station - including improved pedestrian access to and within station and upgraded passenger facilities and necessary infrastructure to accommodate additional services.
3.141 Feasibility work will continue to consider whether there will be a case for moving the station and Park and Ride facilities to the south of Longbridge Lane.
3.142 Proposal T7 - Strategic Park and Ride north of Longbridge Lane - this will be designed in accordance with the following principles:
3.143 Proposal T8 - Highway improvements in the Area Action Plan area - comprising highway and/or junction improvements on the A38 Bristol Road South, Lickey Road, Lowhill Lane, Longbridge Lane and Groveley Lane. These measures will include signal controlled junctions, bus priority measures, access points, bridge work, landscaping, tree planting, pedestrian, bus and cycle facilities as appropriate. All improvements will be designed to be attractive to pedestrians and cyclists.
3.144 Proposal T9 - Car parking - A multi storey car park is proposed to serve the local centre. The car park to be well designed with attractive elevations wherever possible and measures to minimise impact on nearby residents. The majority of the parking spaces for the Regional Investment Site are to be located in multi storey or decked car parks. Across the AAP Area there will be no site extensive surface car parking and parking should not normally be visible from the public realm. Car parking standards are set out in Appendix 3. Birmingham City Council’s Car Park Design Guide will apply. Planning conditions will require car park management plans to be prepared to promote shared use of car parking to include appropriate charges to encourage modal shift.
3.145 Proposal T10 - Access points - the main road access points into the new development are shown on the Movement Strategy Plan and will be constructed to an appropriate standard. Further ‘minor road access’ points will also be required. An adoption regime will be agreed.
3.146 Proposal T11 - A package of measures to encourage sustainable travel including a Travel Coordinator to achieve targeted modal share by public transport, walking and cycling.
3.147 Proposal T12 - Improvements to the local rail network - comprising improvements to services, Bromsgrove Station and Redditch Station.
3.148 Proposal T13 - Highway improvements outside the AAP area at: Longbridge Lane - comprising improved junctions with distributor roads and the A441 junction, and minor improvements to alignment. These improvements to be the subject of further public consultation. The A441 between the M42 and Longbridge Lane, including traffic management in Hopwood. Groveley Lane/Lickey Road junction. Tessall Lane.
3.149 Proposal T14 - Offsite improvements to the Motorway Network - including turning and junction improvements- at M5 Junction 4 and improvements to traffic signal systems at M42 Junctions 1 and 2.
3.150 Proposal T15 - Traffic management measures and residents’ parking zones, and other measures such as signage outside the AAP area needed as a result of the development.
AT A GLANCESummary - An integrated sustainable set of transport improvements to achieve a high proportion of all journeys on foot, by cycle and via public transport. AAP Objectives - Supports objectives 1 and 4. Policy Context and Justification
Environment, Open Space and Landscape Strategy Plan
3.151 Open spaces are one of the fundamental building blocks of new developments. They sit alongside building form and movement frameworks as a key component in place-making.
3.152 The Environment, Open Space and Landscape Strategy seeks to enhance the network of open spaces, and open up the River Rea and River Arrow across the site.
3.153 It also recognises the importance of Cofton Park as a valued, versatile and wellused amenity area, which continues to play an important role in the local community. This 55 ha site is one of the largest parks in Birmingham and was first opened to the public in 1936. The park is primarily grassland, but includes the following important physical features and facilities:
3.154 The Park is a unique local amenity and has played and continues to play an important role in the economic and social history of the Longbridge area. The park is also the focal point for a range of events, rallies and gatherings.
What people said about open space Members of the community felt very strongly about the need to open up the River Rea across North Works. They were also keen for the development to establish/ re-establish good connections through the development to areas of countryside and Green Belt. Particularly strong views were also expressed about the need to preserve existing ecology, wildlife and green features and where possible, improve opportunities for bio-diversity and nature conservation. Members of the local community were also particularly keen to ensure that developments provided good levels of public open space. As noted earlier there was particular support for the new parks in the local centre and at West Works. |
What people said about Cofton Park The park received a high level of feedback during the consultation exercises. The majority of people did not want to see additional development on the park or to lose the open space character of the landscape. However, there was a wide range of interest in improving facilities in the park including better sports pitches, new toilets and improved changing rooms. There was also an interest expressed in recognising the wider history and community role of the park, but a general feeling that the Austin Heritage Centre would be better located within the new local centre than in the park itself. |
3.155 The key proposals are detailed below and illustrated in the Environment, Open Space and Landscape Strategy.
3.156 Proposal OS1 Cofton Park - A comprehensive masterplan, implementation strategy and management plan will be developed for the overall park, which will assist in fine-tuning the priorities identified below. A separate feasibility study will be undertaken looking at the potential use and re-use of existing farm buildings with the park. Key priorities include:
3.157 Proposal OS2 - Development of two major linear open space walkways and cycleways through the site –opening up the River Rea and River Arrow, with associated enhancements to wildlife habitats, landscaping and the provision of cycle and pedestrian routes along the walkways and good quality links to the wider area. Proposals should create a recreational resource; contribute positively to biodiversity and recognise the historic and archaeological value. In detail this includes:
3.158 Proposal OS2a River Rea - enhancement of the open channel including, improvements to the profile and beds. The River Rea through West Works will also continue to be protected and enhanced as a Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation. A floodwater storage area within the new park to address flood risk associated with the River Rea.
Good quality attractive and safe landscaped/open space walkways and cycle routes to be provided alongside the whole length of the river including the link across the A38 to the local centre. North Works - Opening up the majority of the River Rea through the site and provision of a Walkway and Cycleway alongside river. This route to continue through the retail quarter to Daffodil Park via Tessall Lane. This, together with improvements in West Works, will provide a continuous route from Rubery Lane to Daffodil Park, completing a key missing link in the city’s Linear Open space walkway network. This will also allow for the extension of the River Rea Heritage Trail.
3.159 Proposal OS2b River Arrow - removal of much of the culverted section of the River Arrow through East Works site, allowing the creation of a natural and continuous river corridor with ecological and landscape features and open space. Laying out of Arrow Valley Walkway comprising an east west route along the River Arrow through the East Works site linking to the public footpath network in the wider area - including re-opening the footpath link under the railway.
3.160 Proposal OS3 - The development of a new urban park acting as the focal point for the new local centre. In detail this will include:
3.161 Proposal OS4 - Establishment of two major neighbourhood parks, namely:
3.162 Proposal OS4a - West Works Neighbourhood Park - A public neighbourhood park either side of River Rea that meets national Green Flag standards of quality. It will include landscaped areas and usable open space that is large enough and suitable for a number of functions:
3.163 Proposal OS4b - East Works Local Park - A public open space that meets national Green Flag standards of quality that has recreational value incorporating landscaped areas, good quality signage, pathways for walkers/dog walkers and cyclists, and if appropriate playing pitches and adventure play facilities appropriate for young children and teenage age ranges. It will be appropriate for the following functions:
3.164 Proposal OS5 - Austin Sports and Social Club and its playing field will be protected. Appropriate car parking facilities retained or re-provided.
3.165 Proposal OS6 - A network of small recreational neighbourhood parks and informal recreational areas to serve the development, including where appropriate open space within employment areas to meet the needs of employers and workers.
3.166 Proposal OS7 - Environmental improvements (tree planting, paving) and traffic management along Groveley Lane, Lowhill Lane and other areas within vicinity of site e.g. Parsonage Drive. Environmental enhancements within existing centres at Longbridge Lane/Sunbury Road and Groveley Lane/Parsonage Drive.
3.167 Proposal OS8 - The provision of, and or improvement to existing open space and facilities for sports, playing fields, multi use games areas and other recreational facilities to meet the needs of the development through improvements to existing open space in the vicinity - particularly Cofton Park and Cofton Community Park/Recreation Ground.
3.168 Proposal OS9 - The following site wide landscape and biodiversity strategies and plans will be prepared:
3.169 Proposal OS10 - A management plan will be required for all the parks, open spaces and public areas within the AAP area.
3.170 Proposal OS11 - The local culture and history (including archaeology) will be considered in drawing up proposals for the environment and open space. In addition archaeological investigations and recording will be required prior to and during development to enable the study of significant archaeological remains within the site - particularly along the River Rea Corridor where there are significant paleaoenvironmental remains. Historic interpretation of the site in publicly accessible areas (e.g. interpretation boards) will also be required.
3.171 Proposal OS12 - A public art strategy will be prepared for approval. This will address the provision of public art to add variety and interest to the visual environment and help to create sense of place. Public art should be an integral part of the public realm and buildings in key locations particularly in the new local centre, in the new parks and at the public transport interchange (including street furniture, bridges, art on buildings, lighting, sculpture, surface treatments etc.
3.172 Proposal OS13 - Contamination and site remediation - Initial assessments of land contamination have been carried out for the Area Action Plan. Further full assessments will be required with any development proposal together with an appropriate strategy for treatment/ remediation of the site/site risk assessment and validation to return the site to the required quality for new uses.
3.173 Proposal OS14 - Flooding - no development will be permitted on sites LC1-4, RIS1, H1 and EZ1 until measures are in place to prevent flooding associated with the River Rea. No development will be permitted in site H2 until appropriate measures have been put in place for the River Arrow. Flood risk modelling for both rivers indicates that flooding will be contained within the development proposals contained within the AAP to enhance the river corridors based upon a 1 in 100 flood event (plus climate change) scenario. Matters relating to minimising residual risk associated with 1:1000 year events will be addressed fully at the planning application stage. The Proposals Map shows flood risk zones following implementation of development with measures in place to prevent flooding in the 1:100 flood event scenario.
3.174 Proposal OS15 - Mitigation measures - measures to mitigate the impact of the development on the landscape, open space, recreation and nature conservation value of the area will be required. This will include off site enhancements to River Rea Corridor, enhancement to the pool adjoining the western boundary of site H2, measures to manage increased pressure on the countryside e.g. improvements to paths and pedestrian access, ecological mitigation and enhancements e.g. at Balaams wood, Rubery Hill.
3.175 Proposal OS16 - Impact on Green Belt - The existing Landscape buffer around the site EZ3 and H2 will be protected. It will be managed and enhanced with native planting to maintain and enhance screening of the site, to ensure that developments protect and enhance the adjoining Green Belt and adjacent areas of landscape value.
3.176 Proposal OS17 - Green Belt - Existing green belt area at the southern end of site H2 will be maintained as a landscape buffer. No land other than that identified on the proposals map shall be used for new development, encroachment into the green belt will not be permitted, other than for uses identified in PPG2 Green Belts.
AT A GLANCEAAP Objectives - supports objectives 1, 3 and 6. Summary - a set of proposals to achieve a high quality environment. Policy Context and Justification
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