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6. Vision, Aims and Objectives

Developing a Neighbourhood Plan Framework

6.1 The framework for the Neighbourhood Plan comprises:

  • a vision statement regarding the long-term future of Portland;
  • the aims - it is hoped that the Plan can help achieve; and
  • the objectives - that expect the Plan to attain by the application of appropriate neighbourhood planning policies

6.2 The Portland communities are not without vision. We have already concurred with the vision statement for Portland in the Local Plan and ‘signed up’ to the economic vision for Portland as set out in the recently approved Economic Plan for Portland 2015.

Portland Neighbourhood

Plan – Aims
Environment - protect the special and unique character of Portland’s natural and built environment and use its natural resources carefully
Business and Employment - strengthen the Island’s business function, building growth and prosperity
Housing – encourage a balanced mix of housing in appropriate places that people need and want
Transport - support non-car travel options and accommodate the car in an unobtrusive manner
Shopping and Services
- support the shopping areas and service functions
Community Recreation - realise the leisure and recreation potential of the Island
Sustainable Tourism
– accommodate responsible and sustainable tourism development

6.3 A neighbourhood plan should set out a vision for the future of its neighbourhood. The vision should reflect a desired end state that is consistent with the values and overall priorities of the community. Portland’s neighbourhood planning group has been ‘visioning’ from the outset of the neighbourhood plan process. Understanding more about the Island and its people and what is needed and wanted is a major contributor to the visioning process. Our vision is represented by the following set of topic-based aims. It is, we believe, wholly consistent with the Local Plan vision and the economic vision for Portland. The aims have been derived from the consultation process and our analysis of what we have been told. With these high level aims we have endeavoured to capture the direction of travel the community wants the Neighbourhood Plan to take to bring benefits for local people.

Portland Neighbourhood Plan Objectives

6.4 The objectives of the Neighbourhood Plan were set following a process that involved considering what local people told us during the consultation on the neighbourhood planning aims and objectives, the feedback we received from local businesses, community groups and voluntary organisations and reconciling all this with the emerging objectives of the economic strategy, to achieve the maximum synergy. The process is explained in more detail in a document that can be found on the website14 .

Portland Neighbourhood Plan – Objectives
Support measures that improve our resilience to climate change
Make responsible use of the Island’s natural resources
Identify opportunities to increase renewable and sustainable energy production
Identify, protect and enhance the Island’s biodiversity
Support Portland Quarry Nature Park development plan where appropriate
Support of the re-use of redundant mines and quarries in benign and sustainable ways
Recognise and protect heritage buildings, spaces and structures and enable the appropriate use of heritage assets
Protect and enhance the distinct character of settlements
Support public realm improvements in identified areas such as Sea Wall/West Weares
Business and Employment
Protect existing employment spaces
Facilitate appropriate conversions and extensions of local business space
Enable business hub development in local building if justified
Set criteria for developing land for business development
Set criteria for new business development to priority and growth industries
Establish policy that supports conversion of redundant buildings for business purposes
Encourage creation of business start-up units
Encourage and facilitate Northern Arc masterplan-approach
Support development that provides for local education and training opportunities
Encourage development to bring about better connectivity for all
Focus development on brownfield sites
Recognise exception site development to meet affordable housing needs provided by approved providers including a Community Land Trust
Relate housing development to local housing need
Establish a second home policy
Set criteria for new housing development including standards and infrastructure requirements
Support development which helps facilitate improvements to the public transport network
Support development which helps facilitate a more effective transport network
Support provision of off-street parking including public car parks
Support improvements to existing footpath, bridleway and cycle routes and extension to the networks
Shopping and Services
Retain existing retail spaces
Support new shops in appropriate locations
Define and protect shopping centres
Community Recreation
Support development of leisure and recreation facilities
Protect and enhance local parks
Support development of new community buildings and spaces
Support new facilities for young people
Support use of buildings or land for events and festivals
Sustainable Tourism
Support sustainable tourism-related development in appropriate locations
Support the creation of individual, or a network of, tourist trails
Facilitate appropriate new marine developments

14 https://www.portlandplan.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Neighbourhood-Plan-The-Story.pdf


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