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Road infrastructure and safety

Data from Dorset County Council shows that there have been no serious vehicle collisions reported within the parish over the past 5 years, with two slight vehicle collisions reported on the A3030 near Woodbridge Farm (no details available) and one serious incident just outside the eastern boundary of the parish on Holwell Road.

Road infrastructure and safety

As well as concerns that have been voiced at Parish Council meetings, the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire in 2016 highlighted that there are some road safety concerns centred on the observance – or lack thereof – of the 30 mph speed limit within which the centre of Holwell sits. The width of the verges on Fosters Hill with houses being set well back and the straightness of the road itself combine to contradict the built-up nature of the village and appear to encourage motorists to ignore the 30mph speed limit. Daily traffic associated with the parish’s agricultural nature has also been identified as a cause for concern. Other areas of concern include parked cars around the nursery school, and the junctions of Pulham Road with Holwell Drove and Fosters Hill, as has the lack of street lighting.

Despite evidence of speeding provided by the Community Speedwatch team’s regular monitoring, financial constraints on both the county and parish council have mitigated against preventive measures such as speed bumps or ‘entrance’ gates. The Highways Department proposed several measures as a result of which a Give Way sign has been erected near the junction of Pulham Road with Crouch Lane, and road markings to emphasise the 30mph speed limits have been installed. Other speed management systems are currently being investigated.

Transport & Infrastructure Policies

No specific policies have been identified, given the broad policies covering road safety in the Local Plan.

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