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Local people are generally supportive of proposals to convert redundant farm buildings to business use and the development of new, small craft workshops/small business starter units.  However there were concerns that new businesses may increase the level of unsuitable heavy lorry traffic on narrow rural roads, and noisy or smelly businesses could impact on people’s living conditions or detract from the enjoyment of the countryside. 

There were no sites put forward specifically for business use in the preparation of the plan, and indeed the demand for business units at the time of writing has been very limited, with difficulties finding tenants for vacant business premises. 

The policies in the local plan offer an appropriate way forward in dealing with business proposals, both providing a degree of protection to existing employment sites, and supporting new development through a number of ways:

  • where the development would be within or on the edge of a settlement,
  • through the intensification or extension of existing premises,
  • as part of a farm diversification scheme,
  • through the re-use or replacement of an existing building, or
  • in a rural location where this is essential for that type of business

The following policy is therefore supportive of the Local Plan policies, but highlights specifically the need to consider the impact on rural character, amenity and scope to improve existing buildings

Policy EB1: Employment and Business

Applications for the development of new business units, the change of use of redundant rural buildings to business use, or extensions to existing small businesses (falling within Use Classes B1, B2 and B8) will be favourably considered, providing there is no harm to the rural character of the area or to the amenities of local residents. Where existing buildings are modern or utilitarian in character (and do not make a positive contribution to local character), opportunities should be taken to improve the building’s appearance and energy efficiency.

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