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Our mission statement

We want to maintain Buckland Newton Parish as a thriving rural community, and to ensure its long term future by working towards meeting the needs of those who live, work in and visit this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Our main objectives

In thinking about this goal, we have come up with six overriding objectives

  • To aim to meet diverse local housing needs taking into account changing demographics and social requirements
  • To keep housing development to a small scale, designed to a high quality which is sustainable and is complementary to neighbouring properties
  • To support existing business, encourage new enterprises and facilities which will enhance commercial effectiveness and employment opportunities
  • To preserve the long term future of the area by retaining and, if possible, enhancing local services and facilities, promoting a safe and healthy community
  • To protect and enhance the natural and built environment of the Parish including its landscape, built heritage, archaeological sites and wildlife habitats.
  • To reduce vulnerability to the impact of severe weather, such as flooding from rivers and surface water run-off

Securing Sustainable Development

In accordance with national policy, the policies and proposals in this Plan seek to promote and achieve sustainable development

The plan period

This neighbourhood plan is intended to last for about 15 years from the time of its submission (end 2015) to 2030.

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