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In the beginning of 2011, Buckland Newton Parish Council decided to start the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish.  A Working Group was set up of both Parish Councillors and other Parishioners who were interested in taking part in this project. 

The reason we thought producing a Neighbourhood Plan would be a good idea, was because it will allow us, as a community, to influence what happens in our own Parish in the future (within certain limits and parameters). These plans will be used to decide the future of the places where you live and work, and include choosing places to build new homes, offices and other types of buildings.  It also means we can say what these new buildings should look like.  We can also decide where certain land might be used for different purposes, such as a new play space.

The Parish Plan

In late 2011 the Parish Council decided to prepare a Parish Plan as part of its work on the neighbourhood plan. The parish plan was finished in 2013, after much public consultation, and includes a series of action plans dealing with a range of topics and issues highlighted by local people.

It was decided that the whole issue of Housing will be dealt with in detail in Buckland Newton Neighbourhood Plan. The building requirements for new and expanding businesses would similarly be dealt with in the plan process, although other issues (trade directory and local advertising) could be taken up separately.

The Parish Plan and Neighbourhood Plan will together form the Buckland Newton Community Plan.


  • Housing,
  • Employment and Business , Roads, Traffic and Transportation,
  • the Environment, Community Facilities and Services,
  • Young People’s Interests,
  • Crime and Safety, and
  • Health and Care

Deciding upon the neighbourhood area

The area for our Neighbourhood Plan was approved by the district council in February 2013 after an eight week public consultation. The area covers the whole of the civil parish of Buckland Newton. This includes the Buckland Newton, together with the hamlets of Duntish, Henley, Cosmore, Bookham, Brockhampton Green, Sharnhill Green, Beaulieu Wood, Rew and Tiley

Neighbourhood Plan
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