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6 Town Centres and Retail

6.1 Preferred Policy Option 9 in Part 1 of this consultation document sets out the proposed Retail Hierarchy, reflecting the size and relative importance of retail centres in the District. The proposed Town Centre Boundaries and Primary Shopping Areas for the Town Centre (Rickmansworth) and District Centres (South Oxhey, Abbots Langley and Chorleywood) are set out below, in line with the recommendations of the South West Herts Retail and Leisure Study (2018). The proposed Local Centres at Croxley Green (Watford Road and New Road) and Mill End (Moneyhill Parade) are also set out below.

6.2 As stated in Preferred Policy Option 9 in Part 1 of this consultation document, the Town and District Centres will be the focus for new town centre development and retail development will specifically be directed to the Primary Shopping Area within these centres in the first instance.

6.3 In addition to these larger retail centres, there are a number of smaller local shopping parades and individual shops throughout the District. It is not proposed to designate these small parades and individual shops individually as site allocations, however, Preferred Policy Option 9 in Part 1 of this consultation document seeks to protect and enhance these shops where they cater for local day to day needs.

6.4 There may be opportunities for new provision as part of development proposals where this would help to meet the needs of the existing and new community and rectify local deficiencies in provision. The locations of any new provision of retail floorspace depends on a District Council decision on strategic housing site allocations and subsequent planning permissions that may be granted. As the designation of any new retail centres through future development proposals is uncertain, it is intended for any new centres to be included in the Retail Hierarchy at the nearest appropriate and possible time.


Question 73

Do you agree with the preferred Town Centre Boundaries and Primary Shopping Areas for the proposed Town and District Centres? If not please identify how the proposed approach could be changed.


Preferred Retail Allocations


Site Ref. R(a) Site Rickmansworth Town Centre


Site Ref. R(b) Site South Oxhey District Centre
In order to ensure that the Proposed Town Centre Boundary and Primary Shopping Area boundaries accurately reflect the retail and town centre, the proposed boundaries may be subject to amendments as the ongoing redevelopment of South Oxhey Town Centre progresses to completion.


Site Ref. R(c) Site Abbots Langley District Centre


Site Ref. R(d) Site Chorleywood District Centre


Site Ref. R(e) Site Watford Road, Croxley Green (Local Centre)


Site Ref. R(f) Site Moneyhill Parade, Rickmansworth (Local Centre)


Site Ref. R(g) Site New Road, Croxley Green (Local Centre)

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