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5 Warner Bros. Studios at Leavesden

5.1 The South West Herts Economic Study Update (2019) notes that the Warner Bros Film Studios in Leavesden is one of only a few locations in the UK where large scale film productions can be made. The site has also become a major visitor destination since the opening of ‘Warner Bros. Studio Tour – The Making of Harry Potter’ which receives over 6,000 visitors a day at peak times.

5.2 There is likely to be significant growth in demand for studio space over the next 15 years and there is still significant growth potential at the site. This is therefore a key asset for South West Herts and key to the future growth of creative industries in the economic market area. Warner Bros. has already invested significantly in the Studios and has further plans to increase its size by around a quarter, including new sound stages workshops, post production facilities and an extension of the studios tour.

5.3 In order not to compromise the ability of Warner Bros. Studios at Leavesden to contribute to the local and national economy, both as a local employer and as a centre to contribute to the economic growth of the District over the Local Plan period, it is essential that Sites CFS28 and OSPF6 are allocated to allow the expansion of the studios and safeguarded for Warner Bros. Studio Use. Both of these sites are shown below and Preferred Policy Option 8 in Part 1 of this consultation document seeks to ensure that the land is safeguarded for Warner Bros. Studio use.

5.4 The map below shows the existing Warner Bros. Studio allocation together with the two preferred allocations proposed as an extension to the existing Warner Bros. Studios and backlot use. Land within both sites is also proposed for use as green infrastructure or as an ecological reserve, which will be allocated as public open space (see Section 8). An indicative masterplan showing the proposed uses on the sites is shown at paragraph 5.6.


Warner Bros. Studios at Leavesden


5.5 Details of the individual parcels of land are provided below.

Preferred Warner Bros. Studios at Leavesden Allocations


Site Ref. CFS28 Site Land at Gypsy Lane, Hunton Bridge Size (ha): 8
CFS28 Current Use Open land
Proposed Use Warner Bros. Studios & tour use and green infrastructure (public open space)
Green Belt Yes. If allocated, the Green Belt boundary would have to be revised.
A detailed heritage impact assessment and an archaeological assessment would be required prior to any development in order to protect and mitigate any potential adverse impacts to heritage assets. Development would need to take account of protected trees within the site. Due to location the Local Wildlife which is adjacent to the site and partially within the site, measures to avoid adverse impacts and enhance biodiversity would need to be provided. Land to the north of the site is proposed as space for green infrastructure which is proposed to be allocated as public open space and land to the south of the site is proposed for Warner Bros. Studios and tour use (see indicative masterplan below).


Question 71

Do you agree that site CFS28 is suitable for the expansion of Warner Bros. Studios and the reasons why? If not, please explain why.


Site Ref. OSPF6 Site Land west of Leavesden Aerodrome Size (ha): 20
OSPF6 Current Use Open land
Proposed Use Warner Bros. Studios & tour use, green infrastructure and ecological reserve (public open space)
Green Belt Yes. If allocated, the Green Belt boundary would have to be revised
A detailed heritage impact assessment and an archaeological assessment would be required prior to any development in order to protect and mitigate any potential adverse impacts to heritage assets. Development would need to take account of protected trees and the Veteran Tree within the site. Consideration will need to be given to the public right of ways running through the site. The site is in Groundwater Source Protection Zone 1; a preliminary risk assessment to determine whether there is contamination of the site, and whether remediation works would be needed, would be required at the pre-application stage to support any proposals on the site. The southern part of the site recently received planning permission for the temporary change of use of land for the purposes of external film production for a period of two years (full details of the planning permission can be found on the Council’s Planning Online facility by searching the permission reference 20/667/FUL).

Land to the south of Gypsy Lane and to the north-west of Gypsy Lane is proposed for Warner Bros. Studios and tour use whilst land to the north-east of Gypsy Lane is proposed as green infrastructure and an ecological reserve, which is proposed to be allocated as public open space (see indicative masterplan below).


Question 72

Do you agree that site OSPF6 is suitable for the expansion of Warner Bros. Studios and the reasons why? If not, please explain why.


Indicative Masterplan (Warner Bros. Studios):

5.6 The following masterplan provides an indication of the proposed uses and the location of these uses on the preferred allocations for Warner Bros. Studios. The indicative masterplan also shows the existing allocations for Warner Bros. Studios use. The detail surrounding the proposed uses on the two preferred allocations for the new Local Plan (Site CFS28 and Site OSPF6) will be decided at the planning application stage should the sites be allocated for Warner Bros. Studios use. We are not seeking comments on the indicative masterplan and it is for illustrative purposes only.


Indicative Masterplan (Warner Bros. Studios


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