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The Plan outlines the future vision for the parish having regard to:

  1. Constraints and Opportunities
  2. Provision
  3. Key objectives


3.1 Leith Hill and the Surrey Hills AONB
These comprise areas of high landscape value/quality and lie within the Green Belt. No development can take place in these areas (reference CSA Landscape and Visual Sensitivity Report – April 2016).

3.2 Walking Zone
This is the starting point for considering locations for sustainable development but should not be thought as definitive. A “twenty‐minute walk” criterion could be applied on a general basis (reference paragraphs 2.9-2.11).

3.3 Bus Routes/Trains
The bus services are operated by Metro Bus (www.metrobus.co.uk) and Buses4U (www.buses4u.co.uk). The railway stations are also identified on the map in figure 1.

3.4 ‘A’ Roads
The A24 forms a strong edge to Beare Green Village to the east and definition to the setting of Capel Village to the west. Local people in Beare Green are concerned about the impact of the A24. It is not only difficult to cross, but the pedestrian and cycle links (east/west) are unattractive and are perceived to ‘form’ a barrier. The Weald School, village green and public house are all to the east of the A24.

The A29 Bognor Road also provides vehicular definition and is a key link to Coldharbour village from within the Parish, alternative routes being via Dorking.



3.5 It is important to understand the technical opportunities and problems in and around the Parish that may affect the location of new development. This provided the basis for making informed choices about where new development could be located. The sites have been considered for housing, employment and recreation by the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group and the Parish Council.

3.6 Section 5 of the Plan allocates land for development. For each of the sites the information provided includes:‐

  • A plan showing the overall extent of the land allocated including open space and landscape buffers as well as the built development.
  • An explanation of the ‘Key Considerations’ affecting the site including specific policy requirements including pedestrian, cycle and vehicular provisions
  • NDP Policy requirements including the number of dwellings and any other allocations and land uses

3.7 Clearly defining residential density and publicly accessible open space.

Residential Density

3.8 With the removal of Planning Policy Statements, there is no longer a national definition of how residential density is calculated.

Net dwelling density is calculated by including only those site areas which will be developed for housing and directly associated uses, including access roads within the site, private garden space, car parking areas, incidental open space and landscaping and children’s play areas, where these are provided.

3.9 Gross dwelling density is calculated on the basis of gross site area, which includes buffer planting, roads serving not only the development but the wider area (e.g. distributor roads) and open space that serves not only the development but the wider population.

3.10 Sites have issues of visual impact that will need to be mitigated by the way in which the development is designed. This must be reflected in the initial design work undertaken by developers in their master planning, a design brief and proposals for public consultation.

Publicly Accessible Open Space

3.11 The Neighbourhood Plan identifies those areas of land within sites that should remain undeveloped as open space on the basis of visual impact and relationship to existing landscape. For example, the existing hedgerows form the boundary between the area allocated for residential development and the area allocated for open space.

3.12 The Neighbourhood Plan policy requirement is to define the areas of open space as being ‘publicly accessible.’ This means that developers are required to provide public access through these open spaces as a policy requirement.

3.13 Public Open Space required by NDP Policy in the form of equipped playgrounds and informal play space must be provided within designated areas for housing defined as residential development so that they are easily accessible to residents.

3.14 Open Space and recreation provision and protection should have regard to the National Planning Policy Guidance and Framework (NPPG and NPPF) and the Fields in Trust (NPFA) publication ‘More than the 6 Acre Standard – November 2015).’

3.15 In Beare Green policy objectives will seek to provide statutory Green Spaces.

Potential Development Areas

3.16 Key objectives

  • to improve the quality of new homes
  • improve design and environmental standards
  • deliver more affordable and low cost market housing
  • provide housing appropriate for families and those with disabilities
  • provide for the delivery of sustainable development objectives
  • deliver community benefits, including employment
  • have regard to accessing public transport and other community facilities
  • provide community space
  • cut carbon emissions
  • a design approach to deliver high quality, well designed housing

3.17 Beare Green Sites


Land off Highland Road


Cluster of buildings at Breakspear Farm


Surrey Hills Hotel

3.18 There are no sites allocated in Capel or Coldharbour for development.

3.19 The allocated sites are expanded upon in Section 5 of the Neighbourhood Development Plan what each site is allocated for and the Policy.

3.20 Design requirements are expanded upon in Section 6 of the Neighbourhood Development Plan ‘The Villages.’ This will include details of a restrained palette of materials with subtle changes in composition, to strengthen the identity of areas and having regard to the prevailing local character are including Section 6 The Villages:‐

  • facing brickwork
  • render
  • tile hanging
  • roof tiles
  • boarding
  • fenestration
  • features (chimneys, porches, enclosures)
  • roofs (dormer windows/Velux windows).

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