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What is a Neighbourhood Development Plan?

The Localism Act 2011 provides communities with an opportunity to create a Neighbourhood Development Plan for their area.

A Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) establishes planning policies for the development and use of land in the defined neighbourhood area.  This use of land may be for housing, shops, businesses or sport, recreation or other community facilities. The plan can also contain policies dealing with other matters important to residents such as health and educational provision, the environment, trees, roads and drainage and other infrastructure concerns.

The plan can be detailed or general, depending on what local people want. It can cover, for example, things like:

  • what kind of new homes or offices should be built
  • where they should go
  • what they should look like
  • the future of the shopping centre and local employment

In summary a Neighbourhood Development Plan allows local people to get the right type of development for their community. However the legislation is clear - it cannot be used to try to stop development.

A Neighbourhood Development Plan must follow the guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and be in “general conformity” with the latest Local Plan and planning policies adopted by the Local Planning Authority.

In Bookham’s case the Local Plans covering our area are the Mole Valley Local Plan (2000) and the Core Strategy (2009). Our Neighbourhood Development Plan cannot be in conflict with these plans but can be more specific and take account of the particular needs of our community. The plan cannot simply be a wish list - any requirements we want to include in the plan need to be justified.  The Plan covers the period from 2015 to 2026.

This NDP for our village has been prepared in consultation with residents and will be agreed or otherwise by the community at large, by means of a referendum. If the community approves the plan at the referendum, MVDC is obliged to use the policies in our plan in deciding on future planning applications that are made in our area. When considering such applications all relevant policies will be applied.

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