Accessible Natural Green Space Standards (ANGst)
Provided by Natural England and provide a set of benchmarks
for ensuring access to places near to where people live.
Affordable housing
Affordable housing includes social rented, affordable rented and intermediate
housing, and is provided to eligible households whose needs are not
met by the market. Affordable housing should:
Agri-environment schemes
A term used to describe national (or local) schemes that pay farmers
to farm in an environmentally sensitive way. These schemes were, up
until 2005, targeted at specific areas throughout the country that are
considered to have high conservation value. In 2005 with the introduction
of the Environmental Stewardship (ES) scheme, all farmers in England
are eligible.
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
Areas of high visual quality designated by the Countryside Commission
as being of national importance. The High Weald AONB extends to the
northern and eastern edges of the Borough.
Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP)
A strategy prepared for a local area aimed at conserving and enhancing
biological diversity.
The whole variety of life encompassing all generics, species and ecosystem
variations, including plants and animals.
Brownfield sites/previously developed land)
Land which is or was occupied by a permanent structure, including the
curtilage of the developed land and any associated fixed surface infrastructure.’
The definition includes defence buildings, but excludes:
Climate change
Long-term changes in temperature, precipitation, wind and all other
aspects of the Earth’s climate often regarded as a result of human
activity and fossil fuel consumption.
Code for Sustainable Homes
A national standard for sustainable design and construction of new homes
launched in December 2006
Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
The combined production of heat, usually in the form of steam, and power,
usually in the form of electricity
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
A new levy that local authorities can choose to charge on new developments
in their area. The money can be used to support development by funding
infrastructure that the Council, local community and neighbourhoods
Community Strategy
A strategy produced in partnership with various organisations working
together to achieve a ten-year vision to improve Hastings & St Leonards.
Comparison goods retailers
Shops that sell items where some comparison is likely to be made before
purchasing goods (e.g. clothing, carpets, electrical goods).
Compulsory Purchase Order
A legal function that allows certain bodies which need to obtain land,
or property, to do so without the consent of the owner. It may be enforced
if a proposed development is considered one for public betterment, for
Convenience retailers
Convenience retailing is the provision of everyday essential items,
including food, drinks, newspapers/magazines and confectionery
Hastings Planning Strategy
The overall strategy setting out how the town will develop up to 2028.
It includes strategic policies to guide development, and includes a
local housing target and retail and employment floorspace requirements.
Formerly called Core Strategy.
Development Management Plan
Forms part of Hastings Local Plan. The Development Management Plan is
designed to be consistent with, but not repeat, the Planning Strategy
and sets development management policy guidance for use in the determination
of planning applications and provides site allocations for residential
and employment development up to 2028.
Development Plan Documents
Statutory planning documents, produced by the planning authority, that
form part of the Local Plan, including the Hastings Planning Strategy,
Development Management Plan and where necessary, Area Action Plans.
District centre
Usually comprises of groups of shops often containing at least one supermarket
and a range of non-retail services such as banks, building societies,
restaurants, as well as local public facilities such as a library. In
the retail hierarchy of Hastings Borough, the district centres are St
Leonards Town Centre and Ore Village.
East Sussex County Council (ESCC)
County Authority for East Sussex
Economically active Population
The economically active population are those people in employment plus
the unemployed, (those who are available for and actively seeking work).
Economic activity rate
An indication of the actual and potential labour supply within an area.
The Economic Activity Rate measures the number of people who are in
employment or unemployed expressed as a percentage of the working age
Environments consisting of all living things in a particular area and
the non-living things with which they interact such as soil, air, water
and sunlight.
Employment floorspace/buildings/development/uses
Activities or uses that generate employment, including offices, industry,
warehousing, showrooms, hotels, retail, entertainment, educational,
health and leisure uses (regardless of whether the end occupier is private,
public or charity sector).
Equipped Play Area
A local play area that is fenced and contains a mix of play equipment
such as slides, swings, tunnels or climbing features.
Examination in Public (EIP)
An examination chaired by an independent inspector into objections to
the Local Plan Documents and the overall “soundness” of
the Local Plan Documents
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)
Certificate of qualification
Greenfield sites
Sites that have never been developed or used for an urban use, or are
on land that has been brought into active or beneficial use for agriculture
or forestry i.e. fully restored derelict land.
Green infrastructure
A network of connected, high quality, multi-functional open spaces,
corridors and the links in between, that provide multiple benefits for
people and wildlife.
Green roofs
Vegetated layers that sit on top of the conventional roof surfaces of
a building, which can support a wide range of plant life. Green roofs
can create, or improve, biodiversity, contribute to minimising flood
risk, improve thermal efficiency and improve the microclimate.
Habitats Directive
European legislation (1992/43/EC) that aims to protect the wild plants,
animals and habitats that make up the natural environment. In the UK,
the Habitats Directive is implemented by the Conservation of Habitats
and Species Regulations 2010 (SI no. 2010/490), more commonly known
as the Habitats Regulations.
Housing Needs Survey (HNS)
A study examining housing requirement needs aspirations and demands
of the community and households of the Borough.
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
The use of hardware, software, data and communications technology.
Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)
Sets out the key critical infrastructure that is required to support
the objectives, policies and spatial strategy set out in the Planning
Strategy and details how, when and where this will be delivered.
Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)
The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) combines information relating
to income, employment, education, health, skills and training, barriers
to housing and services, and crime into an overall measure of deprivation.
Job density
The ratio of the number of jobs in an area to the resident working age
population within that area.
Lifetime homes
A home built with design features that create a flexible blueprint for
accessible and adaptable housing in any setting. Designs incorporate
features that allow for flexible living over the lifetime of the occupants
and the property. For example in addition to the normal ground and first
floors, a house could be provided with full basement, and accessible
useable roof space. These areas of the house may be fully furnished
and divided or left to be fitted out as and when needed or finances
Localism Act
The Localism Act gives effect to the Government’s ambitions to
shift power away from Whitehall and back into the hands of local councils,
communities and individuals to act on local priorities.
Local centre
Usually comprises of a small range of shops of a local nature, serving
a small catchment – could include one small supermarket, a newsagents,
a sub-post office, launderette etc). In the retail hierarchy of Hastings
Borough, the local centres are the Old Town, Silverhill, and Bohemia.
Local Plan
The collective name given to all policies and documents forming the
planning framework for the town.
Local Plan Monitoring Report
A report to show progress made in the preparing the Local Plan and the
effectiveness of its policies.
Local Development Scheme (LDS)
A project management document setting out what the Local Plan will contain,
a timetable for its production, proposals for monitoring and review.
Local Nature Reserves (LNR)
Non-statutory habitats of local significance designated by Local Authorities
where protection and public understanding of nature conservation is
Mega Watt (MW)
One Million Watts of electrical energy. Most large scale wind turbines
are rated by their peak output in mega watts.
Mixed use
Provision ofa mix of complementary uses such as residential, community
and leisure uses on a single site or within a particular area.
National Official Labour Market Statistics (NOMIS)
A web-based database of labour market statistics including information
on employment, unemployment, earnings, Labour Force Survey and Jobcentre
Plus vacancies.
Neighbourhood Planning
The opportunity for local people to be directly involved in preparing
a Local Plan for their area. Forms part of the wider Local Plan process.
Neighbourhood Play Area
A large, equipped and accessible play area at a key location within
the Borough. The lower Alexandra Park play area is a good example.
Office of National Statistics (ONS)
Body responsible for producing a wide range of economic and social statistics.
Open space
All space of public value, including public landscaped areas, parks
and playing fields, and also including, not just land, but also areas
of water such as rivers, lakes and reservoirs, which can offer opportunities
for sport and recreation or can also act as a visual amenity and a haven
for wildlife
Principal centre
In the retail hierarchy of Hastings Borough, the Town Centre area is
the Principal Centre
Policies Map
A map showing site allocations and geographical areas where policies
Renewable energy
Energy flows that occur naturally and repeatedly in the environment,
for example from the wind, water flow, tides or the sun.
The economic, social and environmental renewal and improvement of rural
and urban areas
Registered Social Landlord (RSL)
Government funded not-for-profit organisations that provide affordable
housing. They work with local authorities to provide homes for
people meeting the affordable homes criteria.
Section 106/Planning Obligations
Planning obligations, also known as section 106 agreements, are legally
binding agreements typically negotiated between local authorities and
developers in the context of planning applications. They are a mechanism
by which measures are secured to make acceptable development which would
otherwise be unacceptable in planning terms
South East Plan
The South East Plan sets out a vision for the future of the South East
region to 2026, outlining how challenges facing the region such as housing,
the economy, and transport and protecting the environment should be
responded to. The South East Plan is still part of the Statutory Development
Plan until provisions in the Localism Act come into force that will
result its revocation.
Spatial planning
Spatial planning goes beyond traditional land use planning of considering
individual pieces of land. It seeks to bring together land-use policies
with other policies, programmes and strategies (e.g. the Hastings &
St Leonards Community Strategy) which can influence the nature of places
and how they function.
Spatial policies
These focus on a specific part, or parts, of the town.
Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
Areas that have been given special protection under the European Union’s
Habitats Directive. They provide increased protection to a variety of
wild animals, plants and habitats.
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
A site identified under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 as amended
by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 as an area of special
interest by reason of any of its flora, fauna, geological or physiographical
Strategic policies
These policies apply to the whole town.
Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
This document sets out how Hastings Borough Council will involve the
community in the preparation, alteration and review of the Hastings
Local Plan and in the consideration of planning applications.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
Environmental assessment of policies, plans and programmes required
under the European SEA Directive 2001/42/ EC.
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs)
SUDs are designed to control the quantity of runoff from a development,
to improve the quality of the runoff and to enhance the nature conservation,
landscape and amenity value of the site’s surroundings.
Super Output Areas (SOAs)
Geographical areas developed following the 2001 Census that produce
a set of areas of consistent size, whose boundaries would not change
(unlike electoral wards), suitable for the publication of data such
as the Indices of Deprivation.
Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Provide supplementary information to support the policies in Development
Plan Documents.
Sustainable communities
Places where people want to live and work, now and in the future.
They meet the needs of existing and future residents, are sensitive
to their environment, and contribute to a high quality of life. They
are safe and inclusive, well planned, built and run, and offer equality
of opportunity and good services for all.
Sustainable development
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Sustainable travel/sustainable transport
Often meaning walking, cycling and use of public transport (and in some
circumstances “car sharing”), which is considered to be
less damaging to the environment and which contributes less to traffic
congestion than one-person car journeys.
Sustainability Appraisal (SA)
Assessment of the social, economic, and environmental impacts of polices
and proposals contained within the Local Plan.
Use Classes Order (UCO)
Puts uses of land and buildings into various categories. Also identifies
the changes between these classes that would, or would not require planning
Windfall sites
A site that is not specifically allocated for development in a Development
Plan, but which unexpectedly becomes available for development during
the lifetime of a plan.
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