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Promoting Sustainable Development


6.1 It is important that new development is focussed in sustainable locations, making the best use of existing resources and land to benefit current and future generations. The Local Plan has been developed around this principle and this is reflected in the policies.

6.2 The Local Plan also aims to manage the effects of climate change by adapting and mitigating against the impact of new development and changes of use.

Corporate Priorities

6.3 This chapter and the policy contained within it will help deliver the following Council Corporate Priorities:

  • Regeneration and a thriving economy
  • Wellbeing and social inclusion
  • A clean and green environment

Local Plan Strategic Objectives

6.4 This chapter and the policy contained within it will help deliver the following Local Plan Strategic Objectives:

  • Objective 2 - Deliver high quality design through new development whilst protecting and enhancing the district’s historic environment
  • Objective 3 - Adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change
  • Objective 14 - Reduce the need to travel by vehicle and ensure new development is sustainably located and/or accessible by sustainable and innovative modes of transport


SD1 Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development

Development that accords with the Local Plan will normally be supported, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

Where there are no policies specifically relevant to the proposed development or the relevant policies are out-of-date, it will normally be supported, unless material considerations indicate otherwise and/or either of the following apply:

  1. any adverse impacts arising from the development would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed on national planning policies;
  2. specific national planning policies indicate that the development should be restricted.


6.5 In order to accord with national planning policies, the Council will take a positive approach to development proposals, reflecting the presumption in favour of sustainable development.

6.6 Where no local planning policies are directly related to the proposed development, the Council will assess the proposal based on its impacts on the local environment and whether it accords with national planning policies.


6.7 The Council will work with applicants to identify solutions to enable development proposals to be approved, and to ensure that proposals improve the environmental, economic and social opportunities of Harlow.

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