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3 Vision and Objectives
3.1 The overall vision: Portrait of North East Enfield in 2032
In 2032, North East Enfield will be a place where people aspire to live, work, visit and invest. It will have a reputation for leading the way in sustainable living – from innovative energy generation to exemplar cycle routes, from energy efficient new homes to integrated public transport. North East Enfield will show how joined-up approaches to employment, education and childcare support a successful economy and provide local people with opportunities to improve their job prospects.
Figure 3.1 opposite sets out the key spatial components that will support this vision, and this involves:
Transforming transport to and within the area by:
- bringing forward a comprehensive package of projects to improve transport by all modes (the Northern Gateway Access Package, or NGAP);
- as part of NGAP, significantly increasing train frequencies on the West Anglia Mainline;
- exploring the potential impacts and benefits of Crossrail 2;
- implementing a connected network of new and improved pedestrian and cycle routes that enhance east-west connections in particular; and
- improving bus reliability, frequency and extending routes so that the bus becomes a genuinely attractive form of transport.
Upgrading the image and identity of the area by enhancing specific areas that either already have a special character or have the potential to be distinctive. The key areas are:
- the local centres of Ponders End, Enfield Highway and Enfield Wash where public realm improvements, car parking and servicing management, and shopfront improvements will come together to create centres that act as an identifiable focus to each of their neighbourhoods;
- the conservation areas of Enfield Lock and Turkey Brook, and the stations that serve them; and
- the area around Brimsdown Station, which has long-term potential to become a ‘gateway’ to the Brimsdown Industrial Estate.
Bringing forward major sites, so providing high quality development that changes the image and identity of the area. The key sites are:
- Ponders End Central, where mixed-use development will add to the already vibrant local centre;
- the regeneration of the Alma Estate, which will reintroduce traditional streets and spaces into the area and provide high quality homes for a range of different households;
- the South Street Area, where a number of smaller sites will come together to extend the quality of the Alma Estate regeneration to a wider area; and
- Ponders End Waterfront, where employment-led development will open up and connect this attractive area to North East Enfield so that everyone can enjoy the open space and waterfront.
In addition, there will be continued support for existing businesses, helping them to grow. The quality of existing employment areas will be improved. Employment levels and skills will grow through good training, and the encouragement of high-tech and green industries.
Overall, North East Enfield will become a more sustainable place where people enjoy living, working, studying, shopping and relaxing.
Figure 3.1: Key Spatial Components of The Vision
3.2 Objectives
3.2.1 The following objectives outline what will need to be achieved to deliver the Vision for NEE. These give direction to the spatial framework outlined in the remainder of this document.
3.2.2 Objective 1: Long Term Coordinated Planning for Growth
- to plan for growth and change in the area in a comprehensive way with an emphasis on delivery;
- to unlock development potential and provide a framework for site assembly;
- to build a strong business justification for inward investment; and
- to act as an image-marketing tool for the area.
3.2.3 Objective 2: Sustainable Neighbourhoods
- to promote low carbon living and working;
- instil principles of low carbon living/working and sustainable development opportunities to meet current and future social, economic and environmental needs in a balanced and integrated way taking account of cumulative impact;
- encourage active travel (walking and cycling) to support healthy living and tackle obesity;
- embody the principles of good urban design from the wider area and neighbourhood level to individual buildings and sites with consideration of cumulative impact;
- protect and enhance the historic environment, including non-designated buildings and sites of heritage value, for the benefit of residents and visitors alike;
- comprehensively manage development opportunities and growth to enhance the local centres along the Hertford Road, smaller local centres and shopping parades in the wider North East Enfield area;
- strengthen, maintain and enhance the mix of uses in the local centres including retail, office, leisure and residential without undermining the primary retail function;
- make a significant contribution to the borough’s housing targets by optimising the delivery of new homes in North East Enfield through development opportunities and reconfiguration of existing neighbourhoods through housing estate renewal initiatives to help meet existing and future housing needs; and
- ensure diversity in the type, size and tenure of housing, including affordable housing to meet local community needs and introduce demographic stability.
3.2.4 Objective 3: Employment Growth and the Local Economy
- increase the quality, operational efficiency, capacity and density of existing employment land through improvement of existing industrial estates and ensure they are attractive to regional, national and international investors in order to secure economic diversification, business growth, the creation of jobs and the strengthening of NEE’s role in the London-Stansted-Cambridge Corridor;
- ensure that employment opportunities are accessible to all and assist in securing the provision of employment and training opportunities for local residents; and
- support a culture of enterprise, entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainable business growth.
3.2.5 Objective 4: Maximising Value of Natural Assets
- protect, enhance and improve access to existing natural assets of the Lee Valley Regional Park and Waterways from the surrounding neighbourhoods;
- ensure that the local area’s natural environments biodiversity is protected and enhanced; and
- work in partnership with the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority to maximise the value of the Park and waterways.\
3.2.6 Objective 5: Infrastructure Investment
- support the transformation of educational facilities in the area and encourage links with local businesses and residents for the benefit of the whole community;
- ensure that everyone has access to health, leisure and community facilities of a high standard and within close proximity to where they live;
- maintain and enhance the network of linked open space, green space, playing fields to establish connected green space, natural leisure and health living corridors across the plan area;
- consider flood risk mitigation through proposals for development;
- improve overall accessibility and connectivity in North East Enfield, providing safe and convenient routes by a choice of transport modes, secure appropriate investment in key public transport improvements and road infrastructure, and support the effective management of sustainable travel patterns;
- support the provision of transport infrastructure with an emphasis on sustainable transport, which increases accessibility and navigation. Of particular emphasis will be strong support for improvements to rail infrastructure and the feasibility of the West Anglia Mainline Enhancement Project of the West Anglia mainline, and explore highway improvements to address congestion and poor air quality as part of the overall NGAP potential package of projects;
- ensure that utilities and other business-critical infrastructure will be competitive with business locations nationally and internationally and seeks out low carbon alternatives where feasible;
- build upon initial feasibility work of the Lee Valley Heat Network [LVHN] to support sustainable growth of neighbourhoods and industry; and
- integrating the latest digital technologies into new and existing development to support business and education.
Strengthening the mix of uses within local centres whilst maintaining their |
New business is important in supporting the area’s economic role in the |
Public realm, traffic management and building improvements can help make |
Delivering high quality new homes is a key objective of this AAP |
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