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View South along Ollerton Road

View South along Ollerton Road

By 2026 the North Circular area will be transformed from one disconnected by an unforgiving road corridor and dominated by derelict housing to one characterised by strong and thriving local communities, high quality new and refurbished housing areas connected by streets better designed to meet the needs of all users and modes of transport. These local communities will be serviced by a network of vibrant local commercial centres and community facilities.

The Ladderswood Estate and wider New Southgate area will be comprehensively redeveloped to create a new community of high quality homes with a wide and balanced range of types and tenures served by a new local commercial centre and improved community facilities.

New and improved pedestrian and cycle routes that are safe and attractive will provide important links to the commercial and community clusters and create an accessible network of green spaces. These spaces will help provide better linkages between communities currently divided by the North Circular Road.

The North Circular corridor will be an exemplar of how sustainable communities can live alongside one of London’s principal distributor roads with the benefit of carefully designed new development and environmental measures.

These neighbourhoods will be desirable places to live, will support the general health and well being of their residents and provide existing and new communities with high quality new and improved housing, supported by local services and jobs, improved transport and access to high quality open spaces.



  1. Provide a single spatial planning framework to guide and deliver growth and support healthy communities in the North Circular area focusing on the area’s three neighbourhood places - Arnos Grove/New Southgate, Bowes Road and Green Lanes supporting the Council’s Core Strategy and regeneration agenda for the area.

Housing and jobs

  1. Promote social inclusion, tackle deprivation and provide new employment opportunities.
  2. Optimise the provision of decent homes for sale or rent at a price local people can afford and meets local need.
  3. Identify and promote specific opportunities for new development that will contribute significantly to the strategic housing targets outlined in the Council’s Core Strategy.


  1. Improve the quality and attractiveness of the movement network / infrastructure and encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport, particularly walking and cycling by improving local routes and connections.


  1. Provide an attractive and safe environment, well integrated with its historic environment, encompassing the highest quality sustainable urban design, architecture and open spaces.


  1. Ensure the coordination of other infrastructure requirements: social, economic, educational, physical and environmental. This will include infrastructure to help reduce health inequalities and ensure the requisite school places are made available to existing and new residents. It may also include a district heating network. The AAP will define three neighbourhood places and each place will have a future role in delivering community infrastructure.

Phasing and delivery

  1. Provide a strategic phasing programme for the delivery of key development sites and supporting infrastructure.
  2. Provide a clear and robust framework in which the Council, as local planning authority, and the Mayor of London and GLA, as the strategic planning authority, can make decisions on related planning applications and infrastructure investment.

Fig 4. NCAAP spatial strategy plan
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NCAAP spatial strategy plan


The North Circular Area will comprise attractive sustainable neighbourhoods where people will choose to live in communities that enjoy a high quality environment, new and refurbished homes and excellent transport links. Existing and new residents will support the network of centres which provide for the day to day retail and community needs of the area.

New development should contribute towards achieving the vision and objectives for the area. The Council will seek to ensure new development within the area contributes positively to the delivery of the spatial framework and development principles set out in this AAP.

Key elements of the spatial framework are:

  1. Recognition of and strengthening the area’s three neighbourhood places of Arnos Grove/New Southgate, Bowes Road and Green Lanes, each of which are centred on clusters of commercial activity which provide sustainable locations for higher density new developments;
  2. Protection of the varying character of the urban and suburban residential areas surrounding these neighbourhood places;
  3. The importance of the open space and blue ribbon network across the area and the need to deliver improved access to and quality of existing spaces and create new spaces where the opportunity arises;
  4. The need to improve the character and appearance of the North Circular Road corridor through a combination of environmental improvements and high quality new developments along the corridor itself;
  5. The important role that key nodes/points of transition along the corridor will play in delivering these improvements; and
  6. The benefits associated with the delivery of the New Southgate Masterplan in implementing Core Policy 45.

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