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Referendum version: February 2022

NP Steering Group May 2016 – February 2020

  • Antony Brown, Ray Drewett (August 2019 - February 2020)
  • John Ferretter, Andy Gatehouse (August 2018 - February 2020)
  • David Gould, John Greenwood (Chairman August 2018 - February 2020), Alec Reek (retired August 2019), Douglas Rice
  • David Torrance (Chairman May 2016 – August 2018)
  • YRIPC Working Group established February 2020 - present
  • Sarah Cox, Ray Drewett, Paul Hollick, Philippa Louden,
    David Torrance, Jo Witherden
The Steering and Working Groups received valuable support and advice from –
             Jo Witherden (Planning Consultant)
             AECOM technical support
             Nick Cardnell & Oliver Rendell, Dorset Council
             Barrie Allington (photographs)
             Anne King (website)
             Julie Simpson, Head Teacher, St Andrew’s CE Primary School
             Finance & Support from Locality; Yetminster Community
             Project; the Jubilee Hall Committee; CPRE; Yetminster and
             Ryme Intrinseca Parish Council
             Many other volunteers, who joined working groups in the early
             stages of plan preparation and assisted in other ways.


We are fortunate in living in a unique environment encompassing as it does historic villages within a rural landscape. Whilst change is inevitable it is important that this does not impose itself negatively and without consideration of the existing.   

I therefore have pleasure in commending our Neighbourhood Plan.

This important document covers the development of the Parish in the period to 2036 and forms part of the development plan for the area alongside the more strategic  Local Plan for Dorset.  

The plan sets out our Vision for the Parish and aims to contribute to sustainable development in 6 key areas – Environment, Climate Change and Water Management, Community Services, Facilities and Leisure, Housing, Business Services and the Economy, Traffic, Road Safety and Transport. Its production is a significant step for the community particularly as it has taken a number of years to complete.  

The process to produce the plan is set out in the sections which follow. 

The plan’s policies and the background to them are as a result of a lot of careful analysis and consultation on what is felt to be appropriate for the parish and are described in detail in this important document.

I would also emphasise that a comprehensive evaluation, covering in particular the housing needs and the availability of land for development, has been made by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and later, the YRIPC Working Group, in conjunction with our planning advisor and with officers from Dorset Council.

I would like to thank the many people who have put a lot of hard work and personal commitment into developing the plan and in particular the members of both the Steering Group and YRIPC Working Group and those residents who supported their efforts in one way or another. I would also like to thank Jo Witherden from Dorset Planning Consultant Ltd and Nick Cardnell from Dorset Council whose invaluable advice has been essential to this project.

The Parish Council is also grateful to Locality, the CPRE, the Yetminster Community Project and the Jubilee Hall Committee for their support and funding.

Finally, on behalf of the Parish Council I would like to thank all those residents who have participated in the various public consultation events, responded to the surveys, and have shown support, in one way or another, for this Neighbourhood Plan.


Chairman, Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Parish Council
July 2021


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