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The village of Sutton Poyntz is situated three miles east of Weymouth and five miles south-east of Dorchester. It is incorporated within the Weymouth and Portland District, but lies just outside the town’s built-up area (represented by Chalbury, Preston and Seven Acres). The village is bounded to the north by Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), to the north and west by scheduled ancient monuments and is located entirely within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). It is also protected by a Conservation Area.


The Place Appraisal underpins the Neighbourhood Plan and provides valuable context for the development of the policies within the plan and should be referred to for specific supporting information. A summary of the content of each sub-section is provided below for ease of cross-reference.

SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION Outlines the Purpose of the Place Appraisal, Location of Sutton Poyntz, Shared Vision, Preliminary Consultation and Main Issues Arising, Development of the Place Appraisal
SECTION 2 - SENSE OF PLACE Provides a Sense of Place through the associations with famous artists, writers and visitors such as John Constable, Thomas Hardy and Beatrix Potter.
SECTION 3 - VILLAGE SETTING AND DEVELOPMENT Describes what has shaped the area from a perspective of Geology, Ecology, History and post Second World War Planning Controls.
SECTION 4 - VILLAGE DEMOGRAPHICS AND ECONOMICS Describes the Sutton Poyntz community in terms of the Settlement and Population Demographic, Economic Activity, Community Facilities and Activities, and Access.
SECTION 5 – VILLAGE CHARACTER Describes the village and surrounding countryside in terms of defined Character Areas (see map M-HP1.2 in section 4.5 page 31).
5.1 Overview – Factors that have shaped the village character
5.2 Historic Core – Defines much of the village character
5.3 West Side – Residential area close to the historic core and of diverse character
5.4 Plaisters Lane North – Ribbon of houses along Plaisters Lane of mixed styles on generally larger plots and more widely spaced,
5.5 Gateway - Narrow road of mainly 20th century housing which marks the transition between Preston and Sutton Poyntz
 5.6 Puddledock South – Originally a few agricultural cottages along a farm lane that has been overtaken by late 20th century housing and abuts Preston
 5.7 Green Corridor – Natural corridor created by the River Jordan and its tributaries that provide the connecting backbone to the village and is integral to its character.
 5.8 Chalk Escarpment - The well protected (AONB, SSSI, Scheduled Monuments and Conservation Area) backdrop to the village and source of the River Jordan.
5.9 Valley Farmland - Agricultural and recreational landscape surrounding the village, with significant amenity value arising from the key views, footpaths, and bridleways.
5.10 Overview of Views and Amenity – Identifies the benefits of the surrounding countryside and views of the hills with their network of public footpaths and bridleways.
SECTION 6 - OPPORTUNITIES AND RECOMMENDATIONS This section outlines the opportunities and recommendations in relation to the vision and is based upon an evaluation and investigation of the issues raised during the initial village consultation conducted in October/November 2016.  They align with each of the six key themes identified by the community and were produced to help inform subsequent stages of village consultation and to provide a focus for the  development of policy.


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