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The Sutton Poyntz Neighbourhood Plan has taken three years to produce and directly involved over 40 villagers as well as drawing on the input of several hundred members of the community with feedback through surveys, public meetings and informal gatherings. Those who consult, employ, manage or monitor this plan are strongly urged to read the associated Sutton Poyntz Place Appraisal (available on the village website) to understand the nature and character of the village and the values, aspirations and concerns of the community that underpin each policy.

We have endeavoured throughout the neighbourhood planning process to engage with stakeholders through an iterative and inclusive process. This has proved highly beneficial in helping to understand different perspectives and to build stronger relationships for the future. Several householders and landowners argued that their rights would be compromised by some of the proposed policies. It has proved challenging to find the right balance between allowing the community to shape the future development of their village and allowing individuals and organisations to manage their property land and businesses as they wish. The Consultation Statement accompanying this document records the extensive and exhaustive efforts we have taken to solicit and listen to individual views. It does not hide the disagreements that have arisen, but it does demonstrate the effort expended to find common ground and to develop a Neighbourhood Plan that will gain wide acceptance.

The policies and aspirations contained in this plan have been refined through debate, research, consultation and feedback. The Steering Group has not been shy about moderating proposals where these have proved impractical, ignored national legislation or duplicated existing local policies. We have been responsive where criticism has arisen. We have also encouraged individuals, who have been energised by these conversations, to join the Steering Group, or one of its Sub-Groups, to ensure the widest possible engagement with the community. In developing individual policies, we have been open-minded about future development and conscious that Sutton Poyntz must play its part in meeting local and national housing needs. At the forefront of our mind, however, has been the desire to create a stronger community that is a better place to live and where development adds to the village character, does not detract from the environment, provides recreation facilities, and allows more people to work locally and where traffic and parking concerns are better managed.

Peter Dye
Sutton Poyntz Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

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