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Neighbourhood Plans were introduced to allow local people more control over where and what type of development might be acceptable. When finalised Chickerell's Neighbourhood Plan becomes part of the overall development plan for our area which Dorset Council will apply when determining planning applications for Chickerell.

Our Plan takes account of the views of hundreds of residents, businesses and other stakeholders who completed questionnaires or attended consultation events.  Much of our Neighbourhood Plan is about our community facilities and our environment, which local people told us were important to them.  Our plan seeks to:

  1. support and enhance our community facilities, infrastructure and open spaces;
  2. protect the most sensitive areas of our countryside and coast.

Chickerell has experienced a lot of housing growth since the 1970s, and the last Local Plan allocated some large sites which have yet to be built out.  So there is no need for our plan to suggest any greenfield sites for development.

Our Plan has been researched and prepared by a group of residents and Councillors, on behalf of Chickerell Town Council.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, Chickerell Town Council staff and others who have helped to produce this Plan for Chickerell.

Cllr Ian Gardner
Chair NP Steering Group
January 2021

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