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1. Foreword... How this Plan came to be

1.1 It’s been a long journey which started in summer 2015 when the Parish Council decided to commission the development of a Neighbourhood Plan (this Plan). The Parish Council initiated the process by designating the neighbourhood plan area, which followed the civil parish boundaries; this was approved by West Dorset Planning Authority.

1.2 A village consultation was initially held in the Village Hall on 21st June 2015 to gauge support and encourage involvement from local residents and people who work in the area. This was initially led by the Parish Council. A start-up meeting was held on the 7th December 2015, with interested parties, to form an independent Steering Group and appoint a chair and secretary.

1.3 The Steering Group held its first meeting on 18th January 2016 and have held regular meetings since, normally every 4-6 weeks. In March 2016, the Terms of Reference was agreed with the Parish Council which set out the remit for the Steering Group. As part of the Steering Group, working parties were established to consider various aspects of the vision and main themes of this Plan.

1.4 In August 2016, street interviews were held to gain views on the draft vision and identify issues within the village that residents felt strongly about.

1.5 The first Open Forum event, with interested parties, was held on the 25th February 2017 to explain the purpose of this Plan and its importance to the village. The Forum was also used to inform residents of a forthcoming Village Survey, in which we were seeking their views on a number of issues, the results of which would be used in formulating this Plan.

1.6 On 27th February 2017, a comprehensive Village Survey, comprising of 7 sections, was delivered to every household and business seeking views on: the draft vision, natural environment, tourism, transport, community facilities, housing and employment in the parish; 38 questions in total.

Village Consultation event


1.7 There were 255 completed surveys representing 497 people who live or work in Charmouth. This represents a return rate of about 30% and was considered to be a very good response. Initial feedback (i.e. numerical information) on the survey was given to residents on 9th September 2017.

1.8 There were 2690 comments and it took a further 6 months to complete the qualitative analysis of these responses, which were set out in 29 detailed reports.

Summary of these reports

The summary of these reports and general update was given at the Open Forum in March 2018, where about 60 people attended.

The information gained from the Village Survey has been invaluable in formulating the vision, objectives and policies of this Plan.

1.9 In October 2017, AECOM consultancy was commissioned by the Steering Group to carry out a Housing Needs Assessment, the results of which were issued in March 2018. This is a demand-led study of the amount and type of housing Charmouth might need but doesn’t take into account some of the constraints to development. Information from this Report has been used as evidence in the formulation of the housing policies.

1.10 A Strategic Environmental Assessment was submitted by the Local Planning Authority to statutory consultees during September - October 2018. The Report concluded that the Plan was unlikely to result in significant environmental impacts, largely due to the Plan not allocating land for additional housing and the environmental protection provided by the existing policy in the West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland Local Plan.


1.11 In summer 2018, the Steering Group considered it would be useful to gain more information from local service providers about the needs of their businesses so a Service Provider Questionnaire was issued and results compiled; a summary of the findings has been used to inform policies on business and employment.

1.12 The first draft policies, 19 in all, were produced and presented at an Open Forum on the 5th January 2019.


About 50 people attended and there was an opportunity to ask questions and comment on the draft policies as well as potential village improvement projects and local green spaces, which were all displayed on the wall for viewing. There were over 90 comments made, with the vast majority supporting the policies.

1.13 Following updates to policy documents a meeting was held with Dorset Council in June 2019 to review the policies and draft Basic Conditions.

1.14 Following consultation with Dorset Council and the Parish Council, further updates were made to the policies and the Basic Conditions.

1.15 Letters to land owners, who may be affected by proposed policies, were sent in January and February 2020 inviting comments on the proposals.

1.16 A draft Plan was intended for consultation in April but due to the COVID-19 outbreak this was postponed.

1.17 The pre-submission consultation was rearranged for Friday 31st July to 11th September i.e. a 6 week period.

Pre Submission

1.18 Responses received from the consultation on the draft Plan have been reviewed and policy wording and text has been amended, where appropriate. A summary of the comments can be seen in the Consultation Statement, see Appendix E. The submission of the Plan to Dorset Council was delayed due to the three COVID-19 lockdowns from March 2020 into 2021.

Before the Plan was submitted to Dorset Council the Parish Council reviewed the revised Plan and Consultation Statement to gain their approval. Following submission of the Plan to Dorset Council in May 2021 a further six-week public consultation (Regulation 16) was held between 18th June to 30th July 2021 this was followed by examination by an Independent Examiner. The Examiner produced his final report on 28th October 2021 recommending 7 changes which have been incorporated into this Plan. The Examiner’s Report can be viewed on both Dorset Council and Charmouth Parish Council websites. The Plan will now go to referendum and if accepted will be formally ‘made’ (approved) by Dorset Council.

1.19 Throughout the compilation of this Plan, specialist help has been obtained from Jo Witherden, Dorset Planning consultant, who has provided technical advice on various aspects of the Plan including the production of the Basic Conditions Statement.

1.20 A number of meetings has also been held with the Parish Council, keeping them informed of progress and seeking their views on various aspects of the Plan including policies.
Meetings have also been held with West Dorset District Council (now Dorset Council), in particular, seeking their views on planning policies and guidance on compliance issues.

1.21 The minutes of all Steering Group meetings, various presentations and important documents have been published on the Parish website, https://www.charmouthparishcouncil.gov.uk/charmouth-nhp
Paper copies of all relevant documents are also in the library. There have also been regular updates in the Village’s Shoreline magazine.

1.22 A summary of the main activities timeline for community engagement and consultation can be seen in Appendix D.

1.23 This Plan is the culmination of all the hard work that has taken place over the past 6 years and has been drawn up by local people (volunteers), to reflect the wishes of the people who live and work here. Once it is finalised and is put to a local referendum, it will then be used when determining planning applications within the Neighbourhood Plan area.

The Neighbourhood Plan has been a long time in the making!

The Neighbourhood Plan has been a long time in the making!

1.24 The formation of this Plan could not have happened without the dedication and support of the members of the Steering Group. Some members have ‘come and gone’ whilst others have stayed the duration; all are appreciated for the significant effort they have put in.

We would also like to thank residents and businesses and others who have given their views at various meetings and through surveys, all of which has helped to inform this Plan. Our thanks also go to the Parish Council who has provided valuable support and encouragement in the compilation of this Plan.

So a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who has been involved, in particular, members of the Steering Group who have given an enormous amount of their time, they include:- Eden Thomson, Sarah Edwards, Tim Sheward, Simon Leech, Jo Seaman, Teresa Noel and Andy Bateman.

We are thankful for Ros Cole and Charlotte Farmer for reviewing this Plan and providing editorial suggestions and John Kennedy for his professional advice on the design and layout of the Plan. Our thanks also go to Bill Burn, Richard Phillips, Eden Thomson and Andy Bateman for providing the photographs.

And finally, we also remember Carol Girling, who was Chair of the Steering Group from December 2015 to November 2017 when sadly and unexpectedly she passed away. Her passion and enthusiasm for the Neighbourhood Plan will particularly be remembered.

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