Our vision is that during the next twenty years residents will have enough suitable and environmentally friendly homes, which fit into the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty which they value so highly; and that there will be good schools, safe roadways and support for local employment and local services which ensure that all ages, in every part of our parish, are able to enjoy life to the full. |
Objective 1: Care for the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Objective 2: Plan for enough suitable and environmentally friendly homes
Objective 3: Support local services and employment
Objective 4: Encourage the improvement of transport and communications
Objective 5: Support the quality of social life and community spirit
It is very widely accepted, by policy makers and the public, that at least 300,000 new houses need to be built every year across England, to provide appropriate and affordable homes for the future. Whilst our large towns and cities need them, so do smaller, country towns and rural areas. The Broadwindsor Neighbourhood Plan seeks to answer that need for the parishes it covers: Broadwindsor, Burstock and Seaborough.
Equally, there is broad agreement that development in the past has sometimes been disorganized, and often inappropriate to the different places people live in as well as to the real needs of the population.
Under the Localism Act of 2011, local communities have been given the chance to influence planning decisions that impact on how and where new housing and employment is built. And in early 2015, Broadwindsor Parish Council decided to set up a committee of local people to consult and then bring forward for approval by the community a Neighbourhood Plan. This Plan is the result of all that work.
This Neighbourhood Plan includes a housing target of between 4 and 5 new homes per year on average, in the period up to 2031. This equates to 0.6% growth in dwellings every year. This is not as ambitious as the overall target for West Dorset, as a lot of the planned growth will happen in and adjoining the main towns.
This Plan defines where development may happen. New housing sites are focused at Broadwindsor, but also around Drimpton as the next largest village, and through the conversion of existing buildings in the wider countryside. The AONB advisor, Dorset County Council’s Highways Team and West Dorset District Council’s Conservation Team have been involved in the selection of all the sites, which were suggested by landowners.
This Plan identifies an employment site at Axe Mill that could be expanded if space is required for new businesses. This is in addition to the employment sites that already exist locally – such as Horn Park Quarry. Opportunities to set up new business enterprises may also exist within or adjoining the settlements across the area, and through the conversion of existing buildings.
It also sets out the type of housing needed, which is in line with local residents’ wishes. This was for mainly two and three-bedroom homes, starter homes and homes specifically designed for older residents such as those who may have more limited mobility. The design guidance also highlights the need for renewable energy and sustainable drainage solutions.
The community facilities that are currently enjoyed by local residents are shown on the Policies Map, so that they are known and earmarked for protection. The Parish Council may make use of its share of the Community Infrastructure Levy funding (from developments) to support their improvement, as well as for other infrastructure improvements.
It hopefully goes without saying that this Plan contains policies and proposals aimed specifically at protecting the many valued features of the local landscape, its AONB status, darks skies, local green spaces and the distinctive character of the various settlements.
This Plan was drawn up by local people, to reflect the wishes of the community that live and work here. It will be used by the Local Planning Authority (now Dorset Council) when determining planning applications within the Neighbourhood Plan area.