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A significant number of local residents are concerned about speeding traffic, particularly through Buckland Newton and Duntish on the B3143, and on the C12 through Cosmore.  There are also general concerns about road safety due to the narrow nature and restricted visibility along many of the country lanes.  However improvements to the safety and forward visibility of roads can simply lead to increased speeds, and detract from the rural character that many people cherish. 

Although in a rural area the clutter of too many signs can detract from the natural beauty of the area, improved road signage, directing people to local facilities and businesses, is something that local residents generally want to see.  Where planning consent is required, this is determined on the basis of amenity and public safety, taking into account material provisions of the development plan and any other relevant factors 1

It is felt that signs to community facilities, such as the village hall, pub and shop, should be provided and erected by the Parish Council.  This is in order to give a coordinated and sympathetic approach, and to prevent a proliferation of inappropriate signs of varying styles and quality.  Such signs will be of the fingerpost type, either in wood or cast metal, in the style of the traditional fingerpost road signs.  Type will be in similar size and style, but will be white on a black background, instead of black on a white background for traditional fingerpost road signs.

Policy TT1: Direction signage

The provision and siting of appropriate direction signs to community facilities, such as the village hall, pub and shop, and to business parks, will be permitted on private land, with the relevant landowners’ and Parish Council’s consent, where this does not cause a safety issue, the sign is of modest appearance in terms its scale and design and there is no adverse visual impact upon the amenities of the local residents or the character of the area. Such signs may require the necessary consents under the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007.

1Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007

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