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The public consultation process has revealed a series of issues that are of concern to residents and businesses. The same process also identified the features and characteristics of the area about which people are proud and wish to see protected or enhanced.

Together, these results have been used to generate the 18 objectives of the Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan. These are the guiding principles of the plan and are designed to strike the right balance between protection and enhancement.

All 18 objectives are of equal importance and apply across all parishes that are partners

in the plan project. The range of planning policies are written in such a way as to help the plan meet these objectives. The 18 plan objectives will be useful for monitoring the impact of the plan as part of the plan review process.

01.To ensure that the anticipated level of carbon emissions from development is made public.
02..To enable the community in the Plan area to make informed comment and decisions about proposed development, taking into account the anticipated carbon footprint
03. To maintain, protect and enhance the unique nature of the area, its heritage, important features, character, and its environmental assets.
04. To enhance and protect the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty designation, the Conservation Areas, and the Jurassic Coast UNESCO World Heritage Site
05. To maximize the provision of housing that is genuinely affordable for those in need and of the right mix of house types and tenure.
06. To support socially balanced communities through measures that encourage younger people to live here, enable older people to downsize, and cater for a broad spectrum of financial means.
07. To ensure that the design of housing developments and the homes within them are responsive to local context and conditions, are energy efficient, adaptable to different residents’ abilities, and accessible to public services.
08. To protect the excellent community facilities that exist today, including education, health, cultural, sport and leisure facilities.
09. To increase the range and availability of community facilities, sports, and leisure provisions where these bring benefits to the community.
10. To expand the local economy, improve opportunities to start up new businesses and to grow existing businesses.
11. To ensure that the local economy is robust and diverse with emphasis on creating skilled, well paid jobs.
12. To encourage tourism which uses local services, facilities, and locally produced goods, creating an accessible and attractive destination for visitors and local people.
13. To make it easier to walk, cycle and use public transport, with the aims of shifting to less polluting forms of transport and improving safety and well-being.
14. To safeguard and improve pedestrian movements in the neighbourhood area.
15. To safeguard and revitalise use of the bus station as a transport hub.
16. To maintain, protect and enhance the thriving, independent nature of the centre of Bridport, its businesses, and its attractions.
17. In the short to medium term, to protect car parking capacity in the centre of Bridport and explore options for temporary peak time/ overflow car parking on the Bridport town edge.
18. Over the medium to longer term, move towards a town centre less dependent on private vehicle movements.


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