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National Context

13.1 Open spaces, sports and recreation facilities and children's play spaces perform important functions within communities and contribute significantly to quality of life. Open spaces can be public or private and include (but are not limited to) parks and gardens, woodlands, outdoor sports pitches, children's play space, amenity greenspace, allotments and cemeteries.

13.2 Existing open space, sports and recreation buildings and land should not be redeveloped without reprovision unless an assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown that they are/will be surplus to requirements. Planning obligations should be used to remedy local deficiencies in the quality or quantity of open space, sports or recreational provision. National Policy9 also states that proposed residential development should provide or enable good access to community and green and open amenity recreational space (including play space) as well as private outdoor space.

13.3 The National Planning Policy Framework refers to the need to ensure access to open spaces and recreational facilities that promote the health and well being of the community.

Local Context

13.4 The Council recognises the importance of open space, recreation and sports facilities, children's play space and their wider benefits including:

  • Contribution to quality of life and health benefits for the community
  • Greater opportunities for leisure and recreation
  • Provision of wildlife habitats and opportunities for enhanced biodiversity.

13.5 A detailed assessment of existing provision of open spaces is contained in the Open Space, Sport & Recreation Study 2005 and in the Open Space Update 2010 which were undertaken in accordance with national policy. These also provide information on catchment areas.

13.6 The assessment identified areas of both surplus provision and under provision across the District which are identified in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

13.7 The District contains several commons, each with its own distinctive character and providing open space for local communities. Pressure for apparently minor works such as playgrounds, parking, tracks and street furniture can erode the character and sense of public ownership of such areas, and will generally be resisted.

Provision of Open Space and Children's Play Space

13.8 To ensure that new development is adequately served by open space and children's play space, the Council will continue to require their provision as part of new developments unless these are included in a future Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

DM11 Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities and Children's Play Space

a) Development proposals which result in the whole or partial loss of existing open space, sport and recreation facilities will only be permitted where:

  1. The proposed development includes provision for open space, sports and recreation facilities of sufficient benefit to recreation provision to outweigh the loss or
  2. Alternative provision of equivalent or better quality is made for the catchment area served by the open space, sport and recreation facilities in an accessible location served by sustainable modes of transport or
  3. The proposal is ancillary to an existing leisure use serving the catchment area or
  4. A deficiency of open space, sport and recreation facilities is not created through or exacerbated by  its loss, now or over the plan period or

b) Unco-ordinated and ad-hoc proposals for vehicle crossovers which involve fragmentation and loss of grass verges and other spaces will be discouraged.

c) Development on commons within the District will generally be resisted. New vehicle tracks or additional car parking will not be permitted unless there would be a net reduction in the area or number of these features. Any works taking place on commons should adopt a low-impact design approach.

d) Development proposals which result in the loss of, or prejudice the use of, any existing children's play space will only be permitted where:

  1. A carefully quantified and documented assessment of current and future needs demonstrates that there is an excess of the particular type of amenity space in the local catchment or
  2. The proposed development is ancillary to the principal use of the site and does not affect the quality, quantity, use or availability of the amenity space and
  3. The amenity space that would be lost would be replaced by a facility of equivalent or better usefulness and quantity and subject to equivalent or better management arrangements being in place prior to the commencement of the development.

e) Dual and multiple use of sports facilities will be encouraged, particularly involving public use. In appropriate circumstances the Council may grant planning permission subject to conditions or seek to enter into a planning obligation with the developer to ensure dual or multiple use of facilities.

f) New Provision for Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities and Children's Play Space

Proposals for new open space, sport and recreation facilities and Children's Play Space will be encouraged if located in the main urban areas subject to the protection of the character of the area and amenity.

When granting planning permission for new residential development of 25 or more dwellings, the Council will expect developer contributions to the provision or enhancement of local sports facilities where a need is demonstrated to have arisen from the development concerned and there are inadequate local facilities.

g) In order to ensure that new residential developments do not exacerbate deficiencies in open space and children's play space, new residential development will be expected to provide for amenity and children's play space:

  1. Developments of 25 or more dwellings or 0.6ha (whichever is greater) should make provision on site for open space and play space. 10% of the site area should be set aside as open space, and where the development is likely to be occupied by families with children 2% of the site area should provide formal equipped play facilities.
  2. Developments of less than 25 dwellings or under 0.6ha which cannot provide sufficient open space within the site should contribute to improving access to or the standards of amenity space and children's play space serving the locality. Contributions will be based on the expected population of the development and a minimum ratio of 0.4ha open space and 0.2ha equipped play space per 1,000 population. Play space contributions may not be required for development of specialised accommodation for the elderly.

h) Where open space is provided onsite, the Council will seek to ensure the proper maintenance of the space.

Variation of these standards may be appropriate where the Council considers:

  1. that the development is already fully served by existing open space or children's play space within 400m of the proposed development without needing to cross a main road,
  2. that retaining 10% of the site area for open space would not be an appropriate use of the land taking into account local need and the character of the locality, or where the development is specialised accommodation for the elderly.

Guidance on the provision of open space and children's play space is set out in the Open Space, Amenity and Children's Play Space Supplementary Planning Document.

i) Design of Open Space

Proposals for new or existing open space should be designed to a high standard and should not consist of large areas of open grass. The design of open space should have regard to the relationship between the open space and its surroundings, the level and kind of use likely given the nature of nearby uses and occupants, the need to maintain a variety and balance of different forms of open space and the need to maintain and enhance existing nature conservation interests and the benefits of creating new habitats.

Policy Links
National Policy  
(others may also be relevant)
National Planning Policy Framework
Related Core Strategy Policies   CP1: Overarching Policy on Sustainable Development
CP8: Infrastructure and Planning Obligations
CP9: Green Infrastructure
CP12: Design of Development
PSP1: Development in the Principle Town (Rickmansworth)
PSP2: Development in the Key Centres (South Oxhey, Croxley Green, Abbots Langley, Chorleywood, Leavesden, Garston and Mill End)
PSP3: Development in Secondary Centres (Kings Langley, Carpenders Park, Eastbury, Maple Cross, Moor Park, Oxhey Hall)
PSP4: Development in Villages (Bedmond and Sarratt)
Core Strategy Strategic Objective S1, S6, S11


Further Guidance
Relevant SPD Open Space, Amenity and Children's Play Space SPD
Community & Infrastructure Charging Schedule (Forthcoming)
Further Guidance    Open Space, Sport & Recreation Study 2005
Open Space Update 2010

Reasoned Justification

13.9 Policy DM11 aims to protect existing open spaces, sport and recreation facilities and children's play spaces in order to maintain the character of the settlements, the quality of environment and provide opportunities for recreation.

13.10 It will also ensure that new development is adequately served by open space and children's play space.

13.11 This policy will contribute directly to achievement of Core Strategy Objective 11: to provide accessible and varied opportunities for leisure, sport and recreational activities in order to promote healthy lifestyles.

9National Planning Policy Framework

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