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Spatial Vision and Objectives

4.1 Context

4.1.1 The corporate vision for the Borough is set out in the Borough's Strategic Plan (Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead 2016) which had its roots in the Sustainable Community Strategy (Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead 2010) and seeks a prosperous and vibrant future for both urban and rural communities whilst retaining and enhancing the Borough's distinctive heritage, landscape and character. The Borough Local Plan (BLP) is the spatial expression of the Council's vision for the future of the Borough and therefore built on the four main themes of the Strategic Plan as follows:

  • Residents first
  • Value for money
  • Delivering together
  • Equip ourselves for the future.

4.2 Spatial Vision

Spatial Vision

The spatial vision for the Borough Local Plan (BLP) sets out what the Borough will look like following the implementation of the plan. The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead will remain a place where everyone can thrive in a safe, healthy and sustainable environment.

The varied characteristics of the Borough are recognised and the distinct and different values of Windsor and Maidenhead are valued both separately in their own right and collectively in terms of the contribution they make to the continuing success of the Borough. The particular and special characteristics in terms of the countryside and open spaces, ecology and biodiversity, Green Belt, historic environment, River Thames, woodland and parkland, remain part of the heritage that continues to be valued, enhanced and protected.

Development will be expected to promote sustainability and add to the special qualities of the Borough through high quality design, effective and efficient use of land and protection for those valued heritage, natural and other assets. Development will aim to protect the open countryside from unnecessary development and promote the inclusion of open and green space wherever possible. Particular consideration will be given to flooding and traffic implications arising from development with regard paid to the capacity of existing infrastructure.

Additional infrastructure including education, healthcare, highways, social infrastructure and telecommunications will be provided alongside development to ensure that people, goods and communications can freely connect and travel across the Borough. Transport infrastructure in particular will be maintained to ensure that interdependencies between places within the Borough and outside are maintained.

Development will be located sustainably within and around the urban area of Maidenhead as the major service centre of the Borough. Sustainable development will also be focused in and around Windsor and other centres that already provide services.

The wider Thames Valley region will continue to be a focus for economic development with Maidenhead playing a vital role. Maidenhead Town Centre will continue its programme of regeneration to enable the town to continue to provide a focus for economic development and employment and together with Windsor and Ascot will continue to meet the aspirations of residents at the heart of the community. Windsor and Eton will continue to be promoted and enhanced as thriving visitor destinations for both the domestic and international tourist market.

The Borough will continue to prosper and provide a good range of jobs and homes for all of our residents close to where people choose to live with Maidenhead as a particular focus for sustainable residential development. Smaller villages and settlements within the Green Belt will be protected from pressure arising from additional housing development whilst still allowing for an appropriate level of growth supported by suitable infrastructure. The Borough will continue to provide an excellent education through our schools and colleges relevant to the needs of our existing business community whilst also helping to attract and retain new business opportunities.

The Green Belt will be protected to ensure that the setting of our towns and villages remain protected from inappropriate development. Access to the countryside will be promoted to take advantage of the benefits offered by the rural setting of the Borough.

4.3 Objectives

Objective 1

Special qualities

To conserve and enhance the special qualities of the Borough's built and natural environments:

  1. Protect the openness of the Green Belt.
  2. Retain the character of existing settlements through guiding development to appropriate locations and ensuring high quality design of new development.
  3. Protect the special qualities of the built environment including heritage assets.
  4. Protect and enhance biodiversity within the Borough.
  5. Protect and enhance the River Thames and other watercourses and their associated riparian corridors.

This objective meets the following Strategic Plan themes: Residents first, Value for money

Objective 2

Meeting housing needs

To meet the varied housing needs of residents in an appropriate way whilst steering development to the most sustainable locations:

  1. Provide sufficient new housing to meet the Borough’s needs.
  2. Make the most of previously developed land.
  3. Provide housing that meets the needs of all sections of community including a sufficient level of affordable housing.

This objective meets the following Strategic Plan themes: Residents first, Value for money

Objective 3

Visitor economy

To enable the continued success and evolution of the Borough’s distinct visitor economy:

  1. Reinforce the role of key tourism centres such as Windsor, Ascot and the River Thames as well as key tourist attractions, including Windsor Castle (and Windsor Great Park), Legoland, and Ascot Racecourse.
  2. Provide sufficient accommodation and facilities for tourists.
  3. Identify and promote opportunities for additional tourism related development.

This objective meets the following Strategic Plan themes: Residents first, Value for money, Equip ourselves for the Future

Objective 4

Local business economy

Enable the evolution and growth of the local business economy:

  1. Maintain a buoyant and broad-based economy.
  2. Support the reuse and redevelopment of existing employment-generating sites and premises in order to maintain a sustainable balance between jobs and local labour.

This objective meets the following Strategic Plan themes: Residents first, Delivering together, Equip ourselves for the Future

Objective 5

Town, district and local centres

To promote the vitality and viability of town centres so that they are at the heart of their communities:

  1. Promote the town centres of Windsor and Maidenhead as the principal locations for office, retail, tourism and leisure development.
  2. Maintain a broad mix of uses and the current function of the district centres of Ascot, Sunningdale, and ensure that that local centres continue to provide a broad range of services for their local community.

This objective meets the following Strategic Plan themes: Residents first, Delivering together, Value for money, Equip ourselves for the future

Objective 6


To retain, improve and provide new facilities and other infrastructure to support new development and ensure a high quality of life for residents of all ages:

  1. Secure the provision of utilities, services and facilities to enable planned development in a coordinated and timely manner
  2. Ensure that new development makes an appropriate contribution towards infrastructure needs arising from such development.

This objective meets the following Strategic Plan themes: Residents first, Delivering together, Value for money, Equip ourselves for the future

Objective 7

Sustainable transport

To promote sustainable transport and alternatives to the use of private vehicles:

  1. Encourage the provision of facilities for pedestrians and cyclists in new development
  2. Locate development to minimise the need for travel
  3. Promote the use of public transport.

This objective meets the following Strategic Plan themes: Residents first, Delivering together, Equip ourselves for the future.

Objective 8


To seek to maintain and enhance the rich heritage of the Borough:

  1. Protection of designated areas and developments, such as Scheduled Monuments, Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas
  2. Promotion of high quality development and design in sensitive heritage areas.

This objective meets the following Strategic Plan themes: Residents first, Delivering together, Equip ourselves for the future.

Objective 9

Environmental protection

To maintain, protect and enhance the natural environment of the Borough, including the water environment:

  1. Ensure that new development contributes to environmental improvement
  2. Protect designated areas and features.

This objective meets the following Strategic Plan themes: Residents first, Delivering together, Equip ourselves for the future.

Objective 10

Open space and leisure

To provide adequate open space for planned development and appropriate leisure and recreation facilities:

  1. Ensure that new development contributes to providing open space within new development
  2. Maintain and enhance leisure and recreation facilities.

This objective meets the following Strategic Plan themes: Residents first, Delivering together, Equip ourselves for the future.

Objective 11

Climate change and biodiversity

To ensure that new development takes account of the need to mitigate the impacts of climate change and on biodiversity:

  1. Promote sustainable design and construction.
  2. Promote the use of renewable energy.
  3. Manage flood risk through the location and design of development.

This objective meets the following Strategic Plan themes: Residents first, Delivering together, Equip ourselves for the future.

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