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List of Policies

Table 1 List of Policies

Policy Number Policy Name Strategic?
SP1 Spatial Strategy for the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Yes
SP2 Climate Change Yes
QP1 Sustainability and Placemaking Yes
QP1a Maidenhead Town Centre Strategic Placemaking Area Yes
QP1b South West Maidenhead Strategic Placemaking Area Yes
QP1c Ascot Strategic Placemaking Area Yes
QP2 Green and Blue Infrastructure Yes
QP3 Character and Design of New Development Yes
QP3a Building Height and Tall Buildings Yes
QP4 River Thames Corridor Yes
QP5 Development in Rural Areas and the Green Belt Yes
HO1 Housing Development Sites Yes
HO2 Housing Mix and Type Yes
HO3 Affordable Housing Yes
HO4 Gypsies and Travellers Yes
HO5 Loss and Subdivision of Dwellings No
ED1 Economic Development Yes
ED2 Protected Employment Sites Yes
ED3 Other Sites and Loss of Employment Floorspace No
ED4 Farm Diversification No
TR1 Hierarchy of Centres Yes
TR2 Windsor Town Centre No
TR3 Maidenhead Town Centre No
TR4 District Centres No
TR5 Local Centres No
TR6 Strengthening the Role of Centres No
TR7 Shops and Parades Outside Defined Centres No
TR8 Markets No
VT1 Visitor Development Yes
HE1 Historic Environment Yes
HE2 Windsor Castle and Great Park No
NR1 Managing Flood Risk and Waterways Yes
NR2 Nature Conservation and Biodiversity Yes
NR3 Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows No
NR4 Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Yes
NR5 Renewable Energy No
EP1 Environmental Protection No
EP2 Air Pollution No
EP3 Artificial Light Pollution No
EP4 Noise No
EP5 Contaminated Land and Water No
IF1 Infrastructure and Developer Contributions Yes
IF2 Sustainable Transport Yes
IF3 Local Green Space No
IF4 Open Space Yes
IF5 Rights of Way and Access to the Countryside No
IF6 Community Facilities No
IF7 Utilities No

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