Table 1 List of Policies
Policy Number | Policy Name | Strategic? |
SP1 | Spatial Strategy for the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead | Yes |
SP2 | Climate Change | Yes |
QP1 | Sustainability and Placemaking | Yes |
QP1a | Maidenhead Town Centre Strategic Placemaking Area | Yes |
QP1b | South West Maidenhead Strategic Placemaking Area | Yes |
QP1c | Ascot Strategic Placemaking Area | Yes |
QP2 | Green and Blue Infrastructure | Yes |
QP3 | Character and Design of New Development | Yes |
QP3a | Building Height and Tall Buildings | Yes |
QP4 | River Thames Corridor | Yes |
QP5 | Development in Rural Areas and the Green Belt | Yes |
HO1 | Housing Development Sites | Yes |
HO2 | Housing Mix and Type | Yes |
HO3 | Affordable Housing | Yes |
HO4 | Gypsies and Travellers | Yes |
HO5 | Loss and Subdivision of Dwellings | No |
ED1 | Economic Development | Yes |
ED2 | Protected Employment Sites | Yes |
ED3 | Other Sites and Loss of Employment Floorspace | No |
ED4 | Farm Diversification | No |
TR1 | Hierarchy of Centres | Yes |
TR2 | Windsor Town Centre | No |
TR3 | Maidenhead Town Centre | No |
TR4 | District Centres | No |
TR5 | Local Centres | No |
TR6 | Strengthening the Role of Centres | No |
TR7 | Shops and Parades Outside Defined Centres | No |
TR8 | Markets | No |
VT1 | Visitor Development | Yes |
HE1 | Historic Environment | Yes |
HE2 | Windsor Castle and Great Park | No |
NR1 | Managing Flood Risk and Waterways | Yes |
NR2 | Nature Conservation and Biodiversity | Yes |
NR3 | Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows | No |
NR4 | Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area | Yes |
NR5 | Renewable Energy | No |
EP1 | Environmental Protection | No |
EP2 | Air Pollution | No |
EP3 | Artificial Light Pollution | No |
EP4 | Noise | No |
EP5 | Contaminated Land and Water | No |
IF1 | Infrastructure and Developer Contributions | Yes |
IF2 | Sustainable Transport | Yes |
IF3 | Local Green Space | No |
IF4 | Open Space | Yes |
IF5 | Rights of Way and Access to the Countryside | No |
IF6 | Community Facilities | No |
IF7 | Utilities | No |
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