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Monitoring and Implementation

15.1 Monitoring and implementation

15.1.1 Policies in the Borough Local Plan (BLP) have been designed to deliver a sustainable pattern of growth and development across the Borough over the plan period. The BLP aims to protect the environment and heritage assets of the Borough and make appropriate provision for the identified levels of development.

15.1.2 A robust monitoring framework is essential to ensure that the BLP delivers the right quantum of development, in the right location, at the right time and accompanied by the right infrastructure whilst also protecting the historic and natural environment. The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) has sought to mitigate any risks to delivery of the overall spatial strategy and the policies that aim to deliver that strategy and provide for sustainable development. The Council will use the results of monitoring to understand how well the BLP is performing in terms of delivering sustainable development and protecting and enhancing the environment and assets within it, and also to indicate whether a review of the plan is necessary.

15.1.3 The delivery of necessary infrastructure to support the level of growth and development prescribed by the BLP is set out in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. It is extremely important to ensure that the identified infrastructure requirements are delivered and robustly monitored. The spatial strategy and the supporting policies indicate a step change in the pace of growth and development. Careful review of monitoring and implementation indicators will be published in the Monitoring Report and updated on an annual basis.

15.1.4 Monitoring indicators are drawn directly from the objectives of the BLP and targets indicate how these objectives may be met. Related policies in the BLP are identified, and for each Monitoring Objective the achievement of targets will be assessed annually.

Monitoring Indicator 1

Spatial strategy

Indicators: Delivery of development in accordance with the Spatial Strategy, development in accordance with Climate Change Targets

Related Policies:    SP1, SP2, NR1, NR5


Quantity & type of development delivered in the three growth locations set out in the Spatial Strategy

Quantity and type of development delivered in other settlements

Quantity and type of development delivered in Green Belt areas

Amount of development permitted in Flood Zone 3

Number of developments with effective Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) features

Amount of renewable energy delivered

Table 20 : Spatial Strategy

Monitoring Indicator 2

Sustainability and placemaking

Indicators: Delivery of development in accordance with policy related to sustainability and placemaking objectives, Deliverability of development in accordance with policy related to conserving and enhancing the special qualities of the Borough

Related Policies:    SP1, QP1 QP1a, QP1b, QP1c, QP2, QP3, QP3a, QP5


Progress of the Maidenhead Town Centre Strategic Placemaking area Supplementary Planning Document

Progress of the South West Maidenhead Strategic Placemaking area Supplementary Planning Document

Progress of the Ascot Strategic Placemaking Area Supplementary Planning Document

Amount and quality of green and blue infrastructure in new development

Number of Neighbourhood Plans made

Number of tall buildings approved in the Borough in accordance with definitions given in the Tall Buildings Supplementary Planning Document

No further loss of Green Belt after adoption of the plan

Table 21 Sustainability and placemaking

Monitoring Indicator 3

Meeting housing needs

Indicators: Delivery of housing as compared with the housing trajectory; delivery of affordable and specific needs; delivery of housing on previously developed land; adaptation to existing homes to take account of changed circumstances for residents.

Related Policies:    HO1, HO2, HO3, HO4


Number of dwellings completed for the following periods:





Retain a five year housing land supply through the plan period

Number of affordable houses as a percentage of total dwellings completed

Number of self and custom build plots made available

Number of units in different tenures delivered in accordance with the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) outputs

Housing mix delivered in accordance with SHMA outputs

Number of traveller plots and pitches

Number of windfalls

Number of dwellings completed to M4(2) and M4(3) standards

Table 22 Meeting housing needs

Monitoring Indicator 4

Local business economy

Indicators: Actual growth of the local economic base in several sectors; provision of employment and retail floor space

Related Policies:    SP1, ED1, ED2, ED3, TR2, TR3


Delivery of office (Use Class E(g) ) floorspace

Delivery of warehouse and other industrial (use Class B2, B8) floorspace

Loss of employment floorspace by type

Table 23 Local business economy

Monitoring Indicator 5

Town, district and local centres

Indicators: Promote the viability and vitality of the town centres in the Borough; promote appropriate shopping and services in district and local centres

Related Policies:    SP1, ED1, ED2, ED3, TR2, TR3, TR4, TR5, TR6


Delivery in Ascot, Windsor and Maidenhead Town Centres according to policies on allocated sites for housing, commercial and retail uses

Loss and gain of retail floorspace by use class

Change in the number of shops and community uses within designated district and local centres

Table 24 Town, district and local centres

Monitoring Indicator 6


Indicators: Provision of utilities, services and facilities to support planned development

Related Policies:   IF1, IF2, IF3, IF4, IF5, IF6, IF7


Delivery of infrastructure according to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)

Delivery of key infrastructure elements as set out in the IDP

Increase in the amount of the Borough provided with Superfast Broadband

Open space and green/blue infrastructure provided on allocated housing sites

Provision of specific new indoor and outdoor leisure and recreation facilities

Amount of public open space lost

Number of applications delivering new Rights of Way in accordance with Rights of Way Management and Improvement Plan

Table 25 Infrastructure

Detailed provision in this area is co-ordinated and guided through the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP).

Monitoring Indicator 7


Indicators: Maintenance and protection of Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments, Conservation Areas and Registered Parks and Gardens.

Related Policies:   HE1, HE2


Number of entries on the Local Heritage List

Number and percentage of Conservation Areas with an up-to-date Character Appraisal

No reduction in the extent of Conservation Areas

No loss of Listed Buildings, Historic Parks and Gardens, Ancient Monuments, Ancient Woodlands or sites of archaeological interest

Table 26 Heritage

Monitoring Indicator 8

Environmental protection

Indicators: Specific protection of designated environmental areas and issues

Related Policies:   EP1, EP2, EP3, EP4, EP5


Number of new Air Quality Management Areas declared

Number of applications and/or appeals refused or dismissed on air, light or noise pollution grounds.

Number of applications likely to have a negative impact on air quality where mitigation is required.

Number of planning applications and or appeals refused or dismissed on contaminated land or water grounds.

Table 27 Environmental protection

Monitoring Indicator 9


Indicators: Maintain and enhance natural environmental conditions

Related Policies:   QP1, NR2, NR3, NR4, EP1


Gain in priority habitat across the Borough

All developments to result in biodiversity net gain (at least 10%)

Number of dwellings permitted requiring the provision of Suitable Alternate Natural Greenspace (SANG)

Amount of SANG provided as well as the amount of Strategic Access Management and Monitoring (SAMM) contributions

Progress with a Borough Wide Local Biodiversity Action Plan

Table 28 Biodiversity

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