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Monitoring & Implementation

12.1 Preparation of any plan should never be seen as a once and for all activity. It is essential to check that the plan is being implemented correctly, assess the outcomes that result, and check if these still remain as intended, and as currently desired. This requires a process of continual monitoring, and the potential to review the plan's policies and proposals as and when necessary.

12.2 The Planning Strategy must respond to changing needs and circumstances, nationally, regionally and at the local level. Monitoring will assess the effectiveness in delivering the vision and spatial objectives, and in implementing the Planning Strategy.

12.3 Each year, as part of the Local Plan process, the Council prepares an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR). The principal function of the AMR is to monitor policies and report on their respective performances. It reports progress on the policies and related targets in the Planning Strategy and includes progress against any relevant national and regional targets, and highlights any unintended significant effects of the implementation of the policies on social, environmental and economic objectives. Should annual monitoring reveal any significant failure(s) to meet targets, the Council will take action to rectify the situation as soon as possible

12.4 This monitoring framework has been prepared to assess the performance of the Planning Strategy over its course up to 2028, and will be used in the preparation of the AMR. It will provide the key mechanism for ensuring that the Council's Vision, Strategic Objectives and Policies are successfully delivered. The monitoring framework sets out a series of key indicators, which will be used to measure the Planning Strategies performance. These comprise a series of indicators set by the Council. They have related targets in order to assess whether policies are working effectively or whether they need to be reviewed or replaced. Where it becomes evident that policies are not performing as initially envisaged or intended, the AMR will suggest the actions that need to be taken to address the issues.

12.5 Not all the indicators will be influenced solely by the implementation of the Planning Strategy and some will also depend on external events. However, given the sustainable development principles embodied in the vision and objectives for the Borough, the indicators provide the basis for identifying where the Planning Strategy needs to be strengthened, maintained or changed in some way.

12.6 The following table sets out the Hastings Monitoring Framework.

Strategic Objective

Planning Strategy Policies




Objective 1 – Achieve and sustain a thriving economy

DS2; DS3; FA1; FA2; FA3; FA4; FA5; FA6; SC1(e); E1; E2 and E3

Provide the following employment floorspace (m²) by type within the Spatial Areas as set out in the Planning Strategy: West – 36,700m² East – 11,400m² Town Centre – 21,700m² Increase employment floorspace by type (m²)

Total amount of additional employment floorspace (m²) by type: B1(a); (b) and (c) B1 Mixed B2 B8

Annual Monitoring Report

To retain employment land for employment uses

Amount of employment land lost to residential development (m²)Amount of employment land lost to residential development (m²)

Annual Monitoring Report

Provide 20,500m² of comparison retail floorspace within the Town Centre (preferred location) over the plan period

Total amount of comparison retail floorspace (m²) developed

Annual Monitoring Report

Achieve an increase in job density within the Borough over the plan period

Job density ratio in relation the South East, East Sussex and other Local Authorities averages

The Office for National Statistics (ONS)

Reduce the % long term unemployment rate within Hastings

Unemployment rate in Hastings

The Office for National Statistics (ONS)

Increase the % of the local population who are employed

Employment rate by place of residence

The Office for National Statistics (ONS)

Employment rate by workplace

The Office for National Statistics (ONS)

Objective 2 - Ensure everyone has the opportunity to live in a decent home, which they can afford, in a community in which they want to live

DS1; FA1; FA2; FA3; FA4; FA5; SC1; SC3; H1; H2; H3; H4; H5

Maintain a rolling five year housing land supply in accordance with the Planning Strategy requirements

Housing completions by size and type


To provide 200 net new dwellings per annum across the Borough over the plan period

Net additional dwellings completed per annum

Annual Monitoring Report

To provide the following net additional dwellings within the Spatial Areas as set out in the Planning Strategy West – 1,080-1,270 Central – 1,240-1,500 East – 730-910

Net additional dwellings completed per annum

Annual Monitoring Report

To bring back into use 255 empty homes over the plan period, or 15 per annum

Empty homes brought back into use

Empty Homes Strategy / Annual Monitoring Report

To provide at least 2% of housing on residential schemes of 50+ dwellings as fully adapted for wheelchair use and those occupants with restricted mobility

Net additional dwellings completed with full wheelchair accessibility

Annual Monitoring

To respond to the changing mix and needs of households through a range of dwellings sizes (bed spaces) and types (flats and houses)

Net additional dwellings completed per annum by bed space and type

Annual Monitoring Report

To assess the suitability of sites for allocation for permanent residential sites for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling showpeople (pending further investigation)

Net additional pitches for gypsies and travellers within the Borough

Annual Monitoring Report

To provide affordable housing on individual sites in accordance with Policy H3 of the Planning Strategy

Affordable Housing completions by size and type

Annual Monitoring Report

Population demographic mix by ward

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF)

To provide affordable housing within the Borough as a whole in accordance with the HBC Corporate Policy

Affordable Housing completions by size and type in relation to corporate policy target.

Annual Monitoring Report

To provide a balance between social rented and intermediate affordable housing to increase housing choices locally for local people

Average house prices to average earnings

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF) / Land Registry

Affordable Housing completions by size and type

Annual Monitoring Report

Objective 3 – Safeguard and improve the town's environment

FA1; FA2; FA3; FA4; FA5; FA6; SC1; SC2; SC3; SC4; SC6; EN1; EN2; EN3; EN4; EN5; T3; T4

Increase the % of households within 300m of a multifunctional green space/play area by not less than 2% in each of the next 5 years and to at least 82% during the life of the plan

% of households within 300m of a multifunctional green space/play area.

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF)

All SSSIs to achieve 'favourable condition' in accordance with Natural England guidance

Condition of designated SSSI's

Natural England / Annual Monitoring Report

Ensure no net loss in areas of biodiversity importance (ha) within the Borough

Change in areas of biodiversity (ha)

Annual Monitoring Report

Maintain and enhance the number of open spaces managed to Green Flag Award standards

Number of open spaces awarded Green Flag Status over the period of the plan

Annual Monitoring Report

Reduce the number of Listed Buildings at risk within the BoroughReduce the number of Listed Buildings at risk within the Borough

No of Listed Buildings at Risk (%)

English Heritage

Promote the development of travel plans with submissions for new development in accordance with the targets of the LTP3

LTP3 targets / approaches

East Sussex County Council

Improve and enhance pedestrian and cycle routes within the Borough

LTP3 targets / approaches

East Sussex County Council

Objective 4 – Addressing the impacts of climate change

FA1; FA2; FA5; SC1; SC2; SC3; SC4; SC5; SC6; SC7; EN2; EN3; EN4 and EN5

Reduce CO2 emissions per capita in the Borough

Per capita reduction in CO2 emissions in the Borough

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF)

To comply with the Governments timetable to deliver zero carbon homes

Number of developments incorporating combined heat and power systems or District Heating Networks

Annual Monitoring Report

All developments to be designed with climate change mitigation and adaptation measures

Number of developments incorporating green roofs/walls

Annual Monitoring Report

Number of developments incorporating sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)

Annual Monitoring Report

Number of developments incorporating multifunctional green space

Annual Monitoring Report

Number of developments incorporating biodiversity protection and enhancement measures

Annual Monitoring Report

Number of developments incorporating recycling facilities

Annual Monitoring Report

All SSSI's to achieve 'favourable condition' in accordance with Natural England guidance1

Condition of designated SSSIs

Natural England / Annual Monitoring Report

Ensure no net loss in areas of biodiversity importance (ha) within the Borough2

Change in areas of biodiversity (ha)

Annual Monitoring Report

Amount of net open space created by new development

Annual Monitoring Report

Maintain and enhance the number of open spaces managed to Green Flag Award standards3

Number of open spaces awarded Green Flag Status over the period of the plan

Annual Monitoring ReportAnnual Monitoring Report

Increase the % of households within 300m of a multifunctional green space/play area by not less than 2% in each of the next 5 years and to at least 82% during the life of the plan4

% of households within 300m of a multifunctional green space/play area.

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF)

Deliver sport and recreation facilities in accordance with shortfalls identified by the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy

Net completions of sport/recreation facilities

Annual Monitoring Report

Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling

Annual Monitoring Report

Promote the development of travel plans with submissions for new development in accordance with the targets of the LTP35

LTP3 targets / approaches

East Sussex County Council

Increase the % of the population with reasonable access to town, district and local centres by public transport, walking and cycling (within 15-30 mins travel time)

% of population with reasonable access to town centres by public transport, walking and cycling

Annual Release East Sussex in Figures (ESiF)

Improve the position of Hastings within the Indices of Multiple Deprivation listings when released

Position within the Indices of Multiple Deprivation listings

Indices of Multiple deprivation (IMD)

Objective 5 – Supporting Sustainable Communities

DS1; FA2; FA3; FA4 FA5; SC1; SC2; SC3; SC4; SC5; SC6; EN2; EN5: EN1; H2: H1; H5: H3; H4; E2; E3; CI1; CI2; CI3; T1; T2; T3 and T4

Increase the % of new development within 30 minutes travel by public transport to GP services, education facilities, employment and a major retail centre

% of new development within 30 minutes travel by public transport to GP services, education facilities, employment and a major retail centre

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF)

Reduce the % of children under 16 living in poverty within Hastings

Number and % of children under 16 living in poverty

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF) – Annual Child Poverty Statistics

Reduce the % of households in fuel poverty6

Number and % of households in fuel poverty

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF)

Improve the mean household income within the Borough relative to other towns within the East Sussex and the South East average

Average (mean) earnings, residence-based7

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF)

Average (mean) earnings, workplace-based8

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF)

To achieve an annual improvement in property affordability

Annual House price/ earnings affordability ratios

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF); Land Registry and Annual Monitoring Report

To achieve an annual reduction in the numbers of households accepted as homeless (per 1,000 households)

Number and % of homeless households

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF)

To provide affordable housing on individual sites in accordance with Policy H3 of the Planning Strategy9

Affordable Housing completions by size and type

Annual Monitoring Report

Population demographic mix by ward

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF)

To provide affordable housing within the Borough as a whole in accordance with the HBC Corporate Policy10

Affordable Housing completions by size and type in relation to corporate policy target.

Annual Monitoring Report

Increase % of 15 year olds achieving 5 or more GCSEs, including English and Maths, at Grades A*-C relative to the regional average at suitable points during the plan period

% of Pupils achieving 5+ GCSEs

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF)

Increase % of students 16+ in full time education

% of students 16+ in full time education

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF)

Reduce the % of the working population with no qualifications

% of the working population with no qualifications

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF)

Increase the % of the working population with NVQ Levels 3 and 4

% of working age population with NVQ Level 3 and/or 4

East Sussex in Figures (ESiF)

Objective 6 – Provision of an efficient and effective transport system

FA1; FA2; FA; FA3; FA4; CI1; T1; T2; T3; T4

Support delivery of Link Road

Developing the Bexhill to Hastings Link Road. Key dates and targets

Hastings Borough Council / Rother District Council

Delivery of targets set out in the LTP3

LTP3 Targets and implementation programme

East Sussex County Council

Increase bus usage within the town in accordance with LTP3 targets

LTP3 Targets and implementation programme

East Sussex County Council

To work at the local, county and National level to secure improvements to rail links

LTP3 Targets and implementation programme

East Sussex County Council

Increase the % of the working age population with access to employment by public transport, cycling or walking

LTP3 Targets and implementation programme

East Sussex County Council

Improve traffic management and reduce congestion on roads within the Borough

LTP3 Targets and implementation programme

East Sussex County Counci

Promote the development of travel plans with submissions for new development in accordance with the targets of the LTP3

LTP3 targets / approaches

East Sussex County Council

Objective 7 – Making the best use of the seafront and promoting tourism

FA6; SC1; SC3; EN1; EN3; EN4; E4 and CI1

Increase the number of tourist accommodation establishments that are accredited nationally to raise the standard of accommodation on offer within the Borough

Number and % of Hotels, B&Bs and other tourist accommodation which have national quality accreditation

South East England Tourist Board (SEETB) / HBC

Increase tourist accommodation within the Borough, particularly along the seafront

Net additional completions of visitor accommodation

Annual Monitoring Report

Net losses of visitor accommodation to other uses

Annual Monitoring Report

Net additional completions of self catering accommodation (caravan / camping sites)

Annual Monitoring Report

Support developments to extend the tourist season within the Borough

Progress in extending the tourist season

Hastings Borough Council

Net additional leisure completions along the seafront

Annual Monitoring Report

Net additional completions / losses of A3 and A4 uses

Annual Monitoring Report

1 This target and indicator also refers to Objective 3
2 This target and indicator also refers to Objective 3
3 This target and indicator also refers to Objective 3
4 This target and indicator also refers to Objectives 3 and 4
5 This target and indicator also refers to Objective 3
6 A household is said to be in fuel poverty if it needs to spend more than 10% of its income on fuel to maintain a satisfactory heating regime
7 mean earnings, based on where the employee lives
8 mean earnings, based on where the employee works
9 This target and indicator also refers to Objective 2
10 This target and indicator also refers to Objective 2

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