6.1 The policies and text contained within this section set out allocations for specific parts of the Borough and explain how those allocations align with the Plan’s overall spatial strategy and policy objectives. The allocations contain site specific requirements for infrastructure and mitigation and management of any site constraints. These will be required in addition to general requirements for infrastructure contained in Policy PP1 and other requirements as relevant contained in Development Management policies. Policy PP1 highlights general issues concerning infrastructure provision, archaeology and developer contributions that affect proposals across the Borough and are essential to ensuring that new development adequately mitigates its impact on the surrounding area and makes a positive contribution to its character and amenity.
Policy PP1: Generic Infrastructure and Mitigation RequirementsIn addition to site specific requirements identified in relevant policies, all proposals will be required to make contributions to the cost of infrastructure improvements and/or community facilities, including education, as required and supported by up-to-date evidence from appropriate sources including the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP), Parish/Town Council, or specially commissioned work. Contributions will be secured to an appropriate level by way of legal agreement or through CIL as required. In addition, proposals must, as relevant, address all of the following Borough wide requirements: (i) Adequate wastewater treatment, water supply network enhancements, and sewage infrastructure enhancements for the relevant catchment area; |
6.2 As a regional centre Colchester is the key focus for a wide range of development opportunities and challenges. This section covers the area of Colchester, divided up into five broad geographic areas designed to help the user and follow a place based Local Plan. The policies relating to Colchester are set out below under the headings, Central, North, South, East and West Colchester.
Town Centre
6.3 The Town Centre remains largely defined by the Town Walls first constructed by the Romans two thousand years ago and which led to the development of a compact commercial core built to a higher density and different character to development outside the walls. The insertion of new roads on Balkerne Hill and Southway in the 1960-70s created boundaries between the Town Centre and surrounding residential areas to the west and south sides and limits the potential for Town Centre expansion in those directions. Within this plan, the Town Centre boundary has been extended to include the Crouch Street shopping area. This recognises Crouch Street’s role in strengthening the Town Centre’s presence of independent retailers, food/drink establishments, and small offices.
6.4 Policy for the Town Centre is intended to support its pre-eminent position in the Borough’s spatial hierarchy and provide a flexible approach to adapting to changing economic and social circumstances. Town centres have been evolving to provide a greater mix of leisure and food/drink uses in previously retail-only areas. In recognition of this trend, the Local Planning Authority will accept a greater diversity of town centre uses in primary shopping areas to support the core retail uses. This approach is intended to increase the mix of compatible uses in Colchester’s historic core to provide a more robust economic environment which also stimulate a greater diversity of evening activities. The Town Centre will therefore attract people of various ages and interests at different times of the day and night, and when combined with effective Town Centre management policies, safety and inclusiveness will be improved.
6.5 The Town Centre boasts important historic character which must be protected and enhanced by all development as set out in Policy DM16 Historic Environment and relevant supporting guidance as required. Opportunities to enhance the public realm and attractiveness of the street environment will be encouraged wherever possible.
6.6 The town centre is the most accessible location in the Borough by all modes of transport. There is an extensive walking network from all directions with approximately 15,900 people (7,600 dwellings) within an 800m walk distance of the town centre; there is a cycle network serving the town centre from all directions with a mixture of on and off-road routes. Barriers to cycling have been improved with new shared use bridges across the river to the north and across Balkerne Hill to the west, with cycling allowed through subways under the main roads to the south and west. Cycle parking is available in the core of the town centre. With a bus travel time of 20 minutes 95% of the urban area of Colchester is served by a regular bus service to the town centre – some services working through the day on a 12 minute frequency. Nearly all the bus services in Colchester pass through the town centre, including those serving the rural areas and the interurban coach services. Park and ride on a 15 minute frequency serves the town centre from the north. Buses pick up and drop off in the heart of the town centre providing excellent access, with the opportunity to interchange between services. The town centre is also served by two railway stations – Colchester Town is on the southeast edge of the town centre, with a 30 minute service from the mainline and the line to Clacton. Colchester station is 1 mile to the north but has regular mainline services and is a straight walk to the town centre or a 5 minute wait for a bus. The main vehicle parking is provided around the edge of the town centre with some 3,200 public spaces aimed mainly at short stay shoppers. The road network feeds into the town centre from all directions with an urban dual carriageway to the west and south. No other location in the Borough has this level of accessibility for all modes of transport.
6.7 Colchester Borough Council has worked with partners to deliver pure fibre connectivity, delivering up to gigabit speeds, to businesses in the Town Centre. The new infrastructure makes Colchester Town Centre one of the best-connected places in the UK and positions it ideally for the future deployment of 5G mobile telephony as well as “smart city” innovations.
Policy TC1: Town Centre Policy and HierarchyColchester Town Centre is at the top of the retail hierarchy set forth in Policy SG5. Accordingly, it will be the priority focus for new Town Centre uses and larger scale development. The Local Planning Authority will encourage development in the Town Centre (as defined on the Policies Map) which is focused on retail (particularly comparison) and supporting leisure, culture, and restaurant / café uses to enhance the Borough’s role as a sub-regional shopping and leisure destination and important tourist destination. The Council will seek to deliver more attractive public spaces and streetscapes in the Town Centre. The Local Planning Authority will support proposals that positively contribute towards creating an attractive, vibrant and safe Town Centre that offers a diverse mix of uses, including shared mixed-use spaces and short-term uses, and extend the time when the Town Centre is active subject to their impact on local amenity. |
6.8 The extent of the Primary Shopping Area has been reviewed to address the requirement in the NPPF to provide and define the extent of primary and secondary shopping frontages in town centres. The previous Local Plan provided for the Inner and Outer Core where the requirement for the Inner Core was 85% of frontages to be in retail use with a lower requirement of 50% in the Outer Core. The primary shopping areas illustrated on the Policies map include those selected areas, largely within the previous Inner Core designation, where it is reasonable to maintain a high percentage of retail uses within each street frontage. Greater flexibility for changes of use is provided to maximise the number of occupied units and sustain a more diverse composition of uses. This reflects the increasing predominance of leisure, food/drink and cultural uses within town centre areas historically confined to retail uses only. It will also help accommodate the need for additional capacity for town centre uses in the main Town Centre area.
6.9 Town Centre sites are the Council’s strong preference for future retail development in line with the retail hierarchy. The need for further development capacity within the Town Centre will largely be met by redevelopment of existing areas, given the land use, environmental and topographic constraints on further Town Centre expansion. The St. Botolph’s area to the east will continue to be a focus for new development in the Town Centre, with the Firstsite gallery, which opened in 2011, serving as a catalyst for further culture and leisure-focused development. With permission granted for an arthouse cinema, further development is programmed to include development of town centre floorspace including a hotel; restaurant cluster; and student accommodation.
Policy TC2: Retail FrontagesGiven that the Town Centre is at the top of the centre hierarchy in the Borough as a whole, within Colchester Town Centre the Local Planning Authority will seek to maintain a high proportion of retail uses on each Primary Street Frontage within the Primary Shopping Area shown on the Policies Map. Development proposals for non-retail uses within primary frontages will be permitted where they would enhance vitality and viability, be appropriate to the character and function of the area and not compromise the appearance of the frontage and its contribution to the streetscape. Within the Secondary Street Frontages in the Primary Shopping Area as defined on the Policies map, support will be given for the continuing role of retail uses supported by other activity-generating town centre uses which enhance the vitality and activity of the area, including food and drink premises, non-residential institutions and leisure uses, at ground floor level. Where planning applications are required, alternative non-retail town centre uses in the Primary Shopping area will be supported where they meet the following criteria:
Proposals which provide premises occupying small footprints and flexible ground floor footprints will be supported in these frontages to help encourage the town’s small / independent town centre businesses. |
6.10 Reflecting its position at the top of the retail hierarchy, Colchester Town Centre will be the focus for additional retail floorspace in line with the requirement in the NPPF to meet in full the demand for town centre uses.
6.11 Medium to longer term need for town centre use floorspace will be addressed by redevelopment of the St. Botolph’s and Priory Walk developments, providing potential opportunities for redevelopment of existing buildings and car parks. At Priory Walk, which provides a key pedestrian link between Firstsite /St Botolphs and the core shopping area, redevelopment could improve the public realm and retail offer either through reconfiguration and refurbishment of the existing outdated centre, or by redevelopment. At St. Botolph’s, the Council is actively pursuing a co-ordinated scheme for redevelopment of the outdated buildings and vacant land in line with long-standing Council objectives for the area to achieve a mixed-use development with a focus on leisure and related uses. The need for further floorspace will be kept under review and if required updated evidence will inform specific allocations within these areas and additional areas will be allocated within the Town Centre if necessary.
6.12 Additional office floorspace to sustain the Town Centre will be supported at the adjacent Middleborough Local Economic Area as shown on the Policies Map. This is specifically safeguarded for the retention of office uses and also allows scope for redevelopment to provide additional purpose-built modern accommodation well-connected to Town Centre facilities. The area’s edge of centre location means it would be considered to be sequentially preferable, if land was available, suitable and deliverable, to other potential locations for offices in the Borough. The Town Centre fringe areas also contain areas of existing employment floorspace at South St. Peters Street, George Williams Way and Southway which will be safeguarded to ensure the supply of well-located business use premises.
Residential allocations
6.13 Residential uses will be supported within the Town Centre to support vitality, diversity, and economic activity. In addition, it is expected that further residential units will be created through the permitted development change of use from office to residential, as well as the refurbishment of upper floors over town centre uses. New residential allocations are provided for in the Britannia Street car park and for a portion of the St Runwald Street car park. Development of these car parks would require Transport Assessment work to demonstrate that they would result in a neutral impact on parking provision for the Town Centre, or, to provide alternatives including new spaces or demand management measures as appropriate.
Employment allocations
6.14 All planning proposals for new town centre development will need to have regard to the historic nature of the town centre and proposals will be required to meet high design standards, respect the surrounding diverse architectural heritage and meet policy requirements on archaeological investigation in accordance with the generic requirements in PP1 and other requirements as appropriate.
6.15 Vineyard Gate, St. Botolphs, Priory Street and Britannia St. fall within Critical Drainage Areas CDA 03 as shown in the Surface Water Management Plan for Colchester. Developer contributions will be sought towards the costs of delivering flood defence / flood management solutions within this CDA as specified in the SWMP to help manage flood risk in this part of Colchester. Solutions should be agreed between Essex County (Local Lead Flood Authority), the Environment Agency, developers and the Local Planning Authority.
Policy TC3: Town Centre AllocationsTown Centre Uses - Allocations Development will need to protect and enhance the character of the conservation area, listed buildings, heritage assets and their setting on and in the vicinity of the site, including where appropriate, the Scheduled Monument (Town Walls). To address the identified need for additional town centre use floorspace providing a mix of comparison shopping; food and drink; entertainment; and residential uses over the plan period to 2033, additional potential capacity has been identified as follows and is shown on the Policies Map: Vineyard Gate Redevelopment of Vineyard Gate over the plan period to provide a residential-led mixed use scheme: Requirements:
Contributions needed towards to the delivery of flood defence/flood management solutions as identified in the SWMP for CDA 03. St. Botolphs Mixed use scheme providing cinema, hotel; restaurant cluster; retail; student accommodation; Creative Business Centre (1.86 ha) Requirements:
Priory Walk Redevelopment and/or extension of Priory Walk area to provide retail and mixed use floorspace (0.95ha) Requirements;
The 2016 Retail Study Update identified limited capacity for convenience goods floorspace over the plan period (after allowing for existing commitments). Residential allocations: Residential allocations as identified on the Policies Map will be supported where they meet the requirements identified for each site below in addition to generic infrastructure requirements in PP1 and pollution/contamination mitigation in ENV5: Land at Britannia Car Park
Part of St Runwalds Car park
Employment allocations: Additional office floorspace to sustain the Town Centre will be supported just outside the Town Centre boundary within the Middleborough Local Economic Area as shown on the Policies Map. In addition, proposals for office use elsewhere in the Town Centre will be supported where they comply with other policy requirements. The following LEAs are safeguarded for economic use in accordance with Policy SG4 and as shown on the Policies Map:
6.16 The town centre is a highly accessible location by all transport modes and is central to urban Colchester. Being the town centre there is a high level of pedestrian movement and within the central core pedestrians are given priority. Elsewhere pedestrian movement is managed alongside other users.
6.17 The National Cycle network passes through the town centre with routes from the north (NCN1) Highwoods/Ipswich Road Route, west (NCN1) Lexden Route, and the Wivenhoe trail (NCN 51 from the east). The Garrison Cycle Route connects from the south passing through Southway subway.
6.18 Nearly all of the urban bus services penetrate into the town centre, with bus priority provided on certain routes to provide a greater reliability of service. Park and Ride also serves the town from the north.
6.19 Within the Town Centre there are areas designated Air Quality Management Areas. Measures which help improve the air quality in the area such as, sustainable transport, promotion of low emission vehicles, cleaner vehicles, smoothing traffic flows and improving the street design will be required together with mitigation against any identified impacts.
6.20 Strategic Transport Modelling and other ongoing studies identify locations in the Town Centre where improvements to, and investment in, the transport network have been identified as being necessary. Where proposals are demonstrated to add pressure to the transport network measures will be required to mitigate the impact. The transport evidence base is continuously evolving and additional issues and schemes may be identified during the Plan period. The exact scale, timing and nature of this infrastructure will be determined through more detailed assessment as the planning process develops.
Policy TC4: Transport in Colchester Town CentreDevelopments in Colchester Town Centre will be expected to contribute to a package of sustainable transport measures including walking, cycling, public transport, travel planning and the promotion of sustainable travel. Where it is demonstrated that proposals will impact on the highway network, contributions will be sought towards mitigation and improvements, including to the following projects;
For areas with large multiple sites located in close proximity to each other the cumulative impact of all the development in the area must be considered. The positioning and size of bus shelters, signs and other highways infrastructure must have regard to the historic character of the area and setting of heritage assets. |
6.21 The North Colchester area has been the subject of various planning applications and development in recent years and this is expected to continue through the plan period. The road infrastructure has already seen significant change with Axial Way, United Way, A12 Junction 28 and the Northern Approaches Road all opened by April 2015. The early delivery of transport infrastructure allowed Colchester United football club to relocate to the Weston Homes Community Stadium in 2008. The stadium was part of a comprehensive development granted planning permission in 2006. The applications allowed for an element of leisure use as well as employment space to support future housing growth in the area. The uses permitted included the community stadium, health and fitness centre, a hotel, public house and other food/drink uses, some of which are under construction. The mix of uses was permitted to enable funding of the stadium and local road infrastructure.
6.22 The North Transit Corridor will facilitate high quality public transport services that can bypass traffic and provide easy access by a range of sustainable modes to the town centre, North Colchester and the Park and Ride via Colchester Station. The last section of the North Transit Corridor, referred to as NAR2 Busway in the previous Local Plan, is yet to be delivered and is subject to an existing legal agreement. The remaining link is shown on the policies map and the Council will actively seek to secure its delivery.
6.23 All new development must be well connected for walking and cycling to existing and new communities. The dual carriageway A12 trunk road serves the development areas north and south of the A12. Measures need to be included in the masterplan to provide safe, direct, cohesive walking and cycle linkages to allow people to move independently between the development areas and the new opportunities on offer.
6.24 The Myland and Braiswick Neighbourhood Plan identifies the Northern Gateway proposals as having the potential to deliver an array of sport and leisure facilities which will provide much needed opportunities for sport and recreation and which will make an important contribution to the sustainability of the Myland area. The Plan indicates that Myland Community Council will work with Colchester Borough Council to ensure the proposed sport and leisure development area will help to satisfy resident aspirations.
Zone 1 – Strategic Employment Area
6.25 The Employment Land Needs Assessment identifies North Colchester and Severalls Strategic Economic Area as one of the Borough’s best located and connected sites for business, benefiting from excellent access to the strategic road network and as such additional land is allocated for employment purposes. The area is well placed to accommodate over-spill demand from the Colchester and Severalls Business Parks, as expansion and development opportunities become increasingly rare on these well performing and popular business areas. A limited range of non-B class uses will be supported in accordance with the policy where they do not undermine or constrain the main purpose of the economic function of the area to deliver significant job growth. Main town centre uses will only be supported where they are ancillary to, and related in scale to, the primary employment focus of the area. Examples of acceptable uses include trade counters and services to support employees at the business park.
Zone 2 – Cuckoo Farm North West
6.26 Land adjacent to the community stadium is allocated for mixed use. It is expected that a mixed leisure and commercial scheme will be delivered to complement the sport offer elsewhere in the SEA.
Zone 3 - Northern Gateway area north of the A12
6.27 It is proposed that the Council will deliver the next phase of the Northern Gateway Masterplan vision through the development of a new sports and recreational hub on land in its ownership to the north of the A12, referred to as zone 3 on the policies map. The scheme provides an opportunity to bring forward the site as a sub-regional leisure destination and to enhance and expand the range of sport and recreational facilities available for local clubs and residents in order to increase participation levels across the Borough.
6.28 Development of land to the north of the A12 provides opportunities to deliver a range of new complementary indoor and outdoor sports facilities. The Indoor Sports Facility Strategy has identified a need for more indoor sports facilities to support the growing population of Colchester, especially in north Colchester. The Playing Pitch Strategy has identified the need to increase the number of sports pitches (including artificial grass pitches) and to enhance the quality of existing pitches to improve provision, maintain quality and to meet growing demand. The Playing Pitch strategy has also identified a number of indoor facilities required to complement outdoor provision, including an indoor sports hub and a rugby club pavilion. New cycling training facilities will be delivered and the needs of sports clubs currently using facilities at Mill Road will be accommodated where practical. Investment will be made in infrastructure to ensure sustainable multi-user access to the development from the local communities and car parking.
Land at and adjacent to the Rugby Club
6.29 The Rugby Club site is allocated for residential development and open space to provide enabling development to help deliver the sport facilities detailed above, which will benefit the whole borough. Provision of significant open space will be required within the site to ensure that some of the existing benefits are retained for local residents. There will also be a requirement to provide a community space which may include provision for a church. As with the proposals in zones 2 and 3, there will be a masterplan agreed which will provide a more detailed framework for the area as a whole. Proposals will be expected to comply with this. It is anticipated that development of this site will deliver approximately 300 dwellings. Land within this allocation will also provide 260 units of Extra Care accommodation.
6.30 The Council is seeking to deliver sustainable initiatives as part of the development objectives within this area including opportunities for sustainable energy and potential for a District Heat Network, ultrafast broadband, and sustainable lighting initiative. Opportunities to showcase exemplar elements, such as achieving ambitious sustainability objectives will be encouraged where appropriate. The Council has been successful in a bid for funding for the delivery of the Heat Network in this area.
Policy NC1: North Colchester and Severalls Strategic Economic AreaAll land and premises within the North Colchester and Severalls Strategic Economic Area including the areas known as the Northern Gateway and Severalls and Colchester Business Parks will be safeguarded for the identified uses based on a zoned approach as indicated below. A master plan will be prepared to provide a detailed guidance covering parts of the economic area. Proposals which are in accordance with the agreed masterplan will be supported. All proposals within the North Colchester and Severalls Strategic Economic Area will be required to provide good public transport, pedestrian and cycle links ensuring good connectivity within the area, with neighbouring communities, to the Colchester Orbital Route, and to and from the town centre and Colchester Station. Development will be expected to contribute to the cost of infrastructure improvements where necessary and identified in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) or subsequent evidence. Zone 1: as defined on the Policies Map (existing and proposed employment land) will be the primary focus for employment uses and as such, alternative uses will only be supported where they:
Zone 2: The area defined on the policies map as zone 2 (adjacent to the Stadium) is being developed by the Council as a leisure / community hub and will be safeguarded for a mix of uses including sport, leisure and recreation. Uses will be permitted where they clearly demonstrate the potential for job creation and provided that they do not undermine or constrain the main purpose of the economic function of the wider area. Uses may include an appropriate scale of leisure and commercial space, open space and green infrastructure to enhance connectivity. No retail use will be permitted unless it is ancillary to another use and meets the requirements of the sequential test and impact test if required. Zone 3 as defined on the Policies Map (including areas known as the Northern Gateway area north of the A12) land will be safeguarded primarily for a range of sport and recreation uses within use classes D, subject to up-to-date evidence supporting a need for such use. Proposals will need to be in accordance with an agreed master plan. Allocation for Residential and Open Space Uses The area shown on the policies map which comprises the existing Rugby Club will be safeguarded for employment use (as set out above) as well as residential use to provide enabling development to deliver the sport and leisure / community uses in Zone 3. Development of the site will provide for approximately 300 new dwellings, 260 units of Extra Care accommodation and community space which may include a church. Access will be taken from Axial Way unless other considerations prevent this. Proposals will be permitted in accordance with a masterplan to be approved by the Local Planning Authority which will incorporate an appropriate design approach and enhanced public realm to ensure the different uses can be accommodated in a compatible way. |
6.31 Colchester Station is a key gateway to Colchester with the mainline railway station facilitating high frequency services including intercity routes between Norwich and London and services to Clacton and into Suffolk. Regeneration of this area remains key to the continued development of Colchester in a manner that is attractive to investment, visitors and residents.
6.32 The North Station area of Colchester was designated as a regeneration area in the Core Strategy and some initial work on developing a masterplan was undertaken post 2010. Implementation of some of the initiatives arising from this, including the Fixing the Link project, have been delivered during the early part of 2016. Many of the concepts remain relevant and the principle of the overall vision remains, to create a welcoming gateway to the town, set within a balanced mix of uses, with enhanced connectivity to and from this area of Colchester.
6.33 The North Station Special Policy Area is based on a review of the boundary that was defined in the previous draft masterplan. The area designated on the Policies Map focuses on the North Station Gateway and the existing traditional urban village on North Station Road. Other areas are now covered by different policies. However, the North Station Special Policy Area still builds on opportunities to improve the public realm and enhance connectivity within the wider area including the Town Centre, Cowdray Avenue and Turner Rise, the surrounding residential areas and green infrastructure links in Castle Park, Highwoods Country Park and the Colchester Orbital Route.
6.34 Colchester Station has been upgraded over the past few years as part of the National Stations Improvement Programme and through the Station Travel Plan initiative. The Colchester Station Travel Plan was developed in partnership with successive Train Operating Companies and Essex County Council and has been running since 2008.
6.35 As part of the Station Travel Plan, objectives have been agreed for improvements to the station forecourt. This will include access to the station for all modes and from all directions and prioritise access to the station for sustainable modes.
6.36 The station forecourt needs to become not only an efficient transition point between modes of transport, but also to be seen as a public square and a new public space in its own right. There are regeneration opportunities adjoining the station and off Clarendon Road, including the car sales site adjacent to the railway bridge.
6.37 The completion of the North Transit Corridor will provide easy access by a range of sustainable modes to the Town Centre, North Colchester and the Park and Ride, via Colchester Station. The Transit Corridor will facilitate high quality public transport services that can bypass traffic congestion in the area.
6.38 The traditional urban area that is situated on either side of North Station Road has a distinctive character. The Fixing the Link project has created new wayfinding to improve the walking route from Colchester Station to the Town Centre. The North Station Road area will be enhanced as a walkable environment which is the focus for the day to day needs of its immediate community, but also improves the route for those passing through the area to and from the Town Centre and the station.
Policy NC2: North Station Special Policy AreaWithin the area designated on the policies map as the North Station Special Policy Area, development which contributes to regeneration of the area will be supported. Development will need to address the following criteria:
6.39 North Colchester is designated for the following areas of new residential and employment development:
Land at Braiswick
6.40 Land has been identified at Braiswick at St Botolph’s Farm and land south of Colchester Golf Club to accommodate some residential growth over the plan period. These two sites have been promoted for residential uses separately however given their proximity to one another and in order to make the most efficient use of the land, the sites should be planned comprehensively as one development. Planning this development as one site will reduce the number of access points on to Braiswick. Moreover, a comprehensive approach will be capable of delivering better local infrastructure, including combined onsite open space provision; enhanced connectivity; and integrated landscaping. A comprehensive masterplan will therefore be required to accompany any application for residential uses in this area.
6.41 Landscaping within the sites will be an important aspect of any successful scheme given the site’s location on the edge of town; its proximity to the A12; its proximity to the golf course; and to reduce the impact of development on neighbouring residents. Therefore, a landscape assessment should be carried out as part of any proposed residential development taking into account these local constraints. Existing belts of trees along the western and northern boundaries of the site should be retained and where possible improved because they help to screen the site from the golf course to the north and provide a soft transition from the Colchester urban area to open countryside and West Bergholt to the west. Furthermore, existing landscape features along the western boundary of the site should be retained and enhanced to mitigate the impact of noise from the A12. The most western part of the site is within flood zone 3 therefore no residential uses will be permitted in this area. Finally, an existing Public Right of Way runs alongside the eastern boundary of the site and this route should be retained, enhanced and integrated into the development.
Policy NC3: North ColchesterLand at Braiswick In addition to the infrastructure and mitigation requirements identified in policy PP1, development will be supported on land within the area identified on the policies map, which must be comprehensively planned setting out how any proposal will provide:
6.42 The transport network in North Colchester is characterised by access to two strategic routes – the A12 via junction 28 and 29 and the Great Eastern Mainline at Colchester Station. The Great Eastern Mainline runs east west through Colchester splitting north Colchester from Central Colchester. These networks serve significant employment and residential areas which are continuing to grow.
6.43 The station and hospital provide a focus for public transport services with regular bus services radiating out from the town centre. There is limited east to west connectivity by bus.
6.44 The National Cycle Network (NCN1) runs from the north via the North Colchester Business Park, Highwoods, including the Country Park, under the railway and through to Leisure World and the Town Centre. A connection is also made through the Highwoods Country Park to the railway station. There is an alternative north south cycle route via the A1232 Ipswich Road leading from Cowdray Avenue to the Severalls Business Park.
6.45 Strategic Transport Modelling and other ongoing studies identify locations in North Colchester where improvements to, and investment in, the transport network are required. Development that will add pressure to the transport network will be required to help mitigate the impact.
Policy NC4: Transport in North ColchesterDevelopments in North Colchester will be expected to contribute to a package of sustainable transport measures including walking, cycling, public transport, travel planning and the promotion of sustainable travel. Where it is demonstrated that proposals will impact on the highway network, contributions will be sought towards mitigation and improvements, including to the following projects;
For areas with large multiple sites located in close proximity to each other the cumulative impact of all the development in the area must be considered. |
6.46 There are other known improvements to, and investment in, the transport network which have been identified through the Strategic Transport Modelling and other ongoing studies, listed below. In some cases, schemes have also been identified to overcome these issues. The transport evidence base is continuously evolving and additional issues and schemes may be identified during the Plan period. The exact scale, timing and nature of this infrastructure will be determined through more detailed assessment as the planning process develops.
6.47 Development has gradually extended south of Colchester following the relocation of the Garrison. Further opportunities to expand the urban area southwards presents itself on land which the Ministry of Defence wish to dispose of around part of Middlewick Ranges as well as a number of smaller sites.
Land at Gosbecks Phase 2
6.48 The site at Gosbecks Road, Colchester is well supported by infrastructure including a supermarket. However, the immediate area is not well served by public transport with a lack of bus stops on Gosbecks Road. This site has the potential to deliver up to 150 dwellings as part of a logical second phase of residential development at Gosbecks. Any development would be required to demonstrate that development would not cause an unacceptable impact to the adjacent Scheduled Monument (the landowners having previously gifted the land to CBC with funds for preservation), as well as contributions towards public realm improvements. Adequate protection and enhancement of the Scheduled Monument and its setting will be required and agreed by the Local Planning Authority.
South of Berechurch Hall Road
6.49 The proposal for 150 units opposite an existing residential area on Berechurch Hall Road would entail comprehensive planning of two smaller sites accommodating approximately 50 units with an adjacent site accommodating 100 units. Consideration of a cohesive layout, access and design approach to the site will provide a sustainable urban extension to Colchester’s southern boundary. Landscaping to this boundary will need to reflect the edge of urban area location to respect the transition of character to the countryside. To address the poor public transport provision in the vicinity of the site, new development will provide improvements, and access to the existing bus service. Development will also need to ensure acceptable access is provided onto Berechurch Hall Road and ensure archaeological investigations are carried out.
Land at Maldon Road / Shrub End
6.50 The employment area at Maldon Road has been extended to include a further 0.8 hectare which is allocated within the 3.5ha shown in Table SG3 for Edge of Centre areas to provide further opportunities in this area for local employment, building on the benefits provided by its location, existing operations and access.
6.51 The site, known as the ABRO site, was previously part of the Royal Artillery Barracks (latterly known as Le Cateau Barracks), forming a northern most part of the old Colchester Garrison. Now vacant the ABRO site is 4.26 hectares, including a 3.80 hectare area allocated for residential use. The site is predominantly flattened hard surfacing, with some buildings of mixed size and architectural/historic significance. The northeast corner of the site is former green space converted to car parking in recent times. The Roman Circus Scheduled Monument (SAM) extends over the 0.46 hectare southern part of the site and is allocated for open space. A development brief been prepared for the site and was subject to public consultation 2020/21. The requirements and quantum of development on the site will be set out in the final Development Brief.
Employment Land at Gosbecks
6.52 Gosbecks Farm, Gosbecks Road, Colchester is safeguarded as a Local Economic Area which will support the existing employment uses at the site. As an economic area a range of mixed uses will be appropriate with the primary focus of the site being to deliver further employment.
Policy SC1: South Colchester AllocationsAllocations as shown on the policies map will be safeguarded for residential uses. In addition to the requirements in Policy PP1, proposals will be required to satisfy the Local Planning Authority with regard to the site-specific requirements as identified below. Land at Gosbecks Phase 2 Development of this site will be supported where it provides:
South of Berechurch Hall Road Development of this site will be supported where it provides:
ABRO site The 4.26 hectare site will provide 3.80 hectares for residential development and 0.46 hectares for open space. Development of this site will be supported where it accords with the ABRO Development Brief. Any proposals will also take into account the Essex Minerals Local Plan and the developer will be required to submit a Minerals Resource Assessment as part of any planning application. Should the viability of extraction be proven, the mineral shall be worked in accordance with a scheme/masterplan as part of the phased delivery of the non-mineral development. The following Local Economic Areas as shown on the Policies Map will be allocated/safeguarded for economic uses in accordance with Table SG3 and polices SG3 and SG4:
Land at Middlewick Ranges
6.53 Middlewick Ranges is a 76ha site owned by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, located between Mersea Road and Abbots Road on the south-eastern boundary of urban Colchester. The site is well positioned to key services and is reasonably accessible by public transport. It is located approximately 2.5km to Colchester Town train station and there are buses serving Monkwick and West Mersea that provide regular services past this site. Middlewick Ranges is therefore considered to be sustainable in principle.
6.54 The Defence Infrastructure Organisation is disposing of a number of sites nationally including Middlewick Ranges. The site was originally proposed for the allocation of 2000 dwellings, however as there are a number of constraints at the site which will restrict the final number of dwellings that can be delivered at this location, the allocation is for up to 1000 dwellings. Given the potential constraints and opportunities associated with the site, there will be a requirement for a master planning approach working together with the MOD, and any future landowners, to inform the best opportunities for delivering housing and supporting infrastructure, as well as ensuring the delivery of a development appropriate to its setting. More guidance in respect of the approach, scope and requirements for master planning for this site are set out below.
6.55 Vehicular access to the site, the impact of any development on the local road network and necessary mitigation, will need to be determined prior to any detailed scheme being submitted. The development would need to be supported by a Transport Assessment that stresses the importance of sustainable transport as the primary means of access and movement to, from and within the site. The Transport Assessment should set out that where impacts would occur and the necessary mitigation to address those impacts; any mitigation which would need to be agreed with CBC and ECC and secured as part of the planning permission. As a minimum the Transport Assessment would need to include details regarding:
6.56 In the event that the detailed transport assessment work indicates that the traffic constraints cannot be adequately addressed, the number of homes permitted will be reduced to reflect this with support for up to 1,000 once the traffic impacts can be adequately resolved.
6.57 Middlewick Ranges is a designated Local Wildlife Site (reference Co122). The site was reviewed as part of a wider Local Sites Review in 2015 and as a result of the review the area designated has been extended. The Ecological Evidence Report confirms that the habitats within the site are of high biodiversity value, including 53 Ha of acid grassland. The site supports a range of protected species such as invertebrates, breeding birds and bats, therefore given the site’s ecological sensitivity, full ecological assessments will need to be undertaken as part of any planning application including for all Protected Species, and Species of Principal Importance during the appropriate survey season. The Council will also be seeking a minimum 10% biodiversity net gain on the development site, following application of the mitigation hierarchy, in line with the Environment Act 2021. The Council will require a developer to commit to a suitable legal mechanism to ensure the long-term establishment, management and maintenance of the mitigation/compensation land for a minimum of 30 years and a strategy for the monitoring of key mitigation and/or compensation as part of the grant of any planning permission.
6.58 The area is a well-used recreational space, particularly with dog walkers. Any future development proposal will be expected to deliver new open space as well as strategic green infrastructure to meet the needs of existing and new residents in this part of Colchester, to minimise subsequent footfall on the Essex coastal sites and nearby Roman River SSSI, and provide substantial buffers to existing sensitive habitats. The range of typologies may include accessible natural greenspace, formal playing pitches, parks and play space, green corridors and land for future cemetery use (including potential for a woodland cemetery), if suitable and required. The master planning process will need to inform further consideration in respect of the type, layout and configuration of open space and green infrastructure. A key requirement will be to ensure connectivity between green walking routes across the site and the existing Colchester Orbital, a circular walking and cycling route around the town’s perimeter, which runs through the north-west of the Middlewick Ranges linking some of the town’s key open spaces, heritage sites and PRoW. The Council will seek to retain and enhance PRoW within the development along with the route and character of the Colchester Orbital.
6.59 The site has archaeological interest due to the potential for the presence of buried archaeological remains, in particular, relating to prehistoric, Roman and civil war and World War II defences. The WW2 pill boxes, and tank line form an important landscape opportunity. The Council believes they also represent an important heritage interpretation and visitor opportunity. Further investigations will be required at a planning application stage, prior to the commencement of any development. Policy PP1 (vi) will apply in this respect to any planning application on this site. It is also possible that a future management plan for the redoubt may be required as part of the planning permission, which will need to be agreed with the Council.
6.60 In terms of local character, the site sits in an area of gently sloping open landscape bordered by Colchester to the north and the wooded Roman River to the south. It currently provides some physical and visual separation between the existing urban area and the Roman River Valley. Any development will need to minimise and mitigate potential impacts on the wider landscape, on adjoining minor roads and recreational pressure on the landscape and biodiversity assets. New development should respond to the existing settlement pattern, screen any existing visual intrusions, conserve and manage existing woodland and hedgerows, and use materials appropriate to local character. An LVIA will be required to inform the proposed masterplan and any subsequent planning application. Extra High Voltage electricity pylons lie at the north of the site. There would be visual benefits to these being undergrounded but in the event that this is not feasible they would act as a constraint on the layout of development.
6.61 Development of Middlewick Ranges may be further constrained by pockets of contamination therefore an investigation into all potential sources of contamination will need to be carried out as part of any future development proposals and submitted as part of any planning application. Any investigation will need to include assessment of areas inaccessible during the 2018 site visit, together with any activity since the date of reporting including detail of any fly tipping, and continued MoD uses. Policy ENV5 will be relevant to any planning application in respect of this matter.
6.62 The Middlewick Ranges site falls within Critical Drainage Area 01 (Old Heath Area) as defined in Colchester’s Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP). Contributions will be sought towards the costs of delivering flood defence/flood management solutions within CDA 01 as set out in the SWMP.
6.63 A Masterplan must be agreed with the Local Planning Authority prior to the submission of any planning application, in order to inform the detailed definition and mix of uses within the site. The masterplan process should include engagement of the local community, use of design advice and review where available, and assessment frameworks such as Building for a Healthy Life or similar. The masterplan will be supported, as appropriate, with site wide parameter plans, design codes or design guidance.
6.64 Developer contributions will be sought where required towards the cost of mitigation including ecological mitigation, remediation of any on site contamination as part of the development of the site; community infrastructure including education provision; traffic and highways mitigation including enhancements to the public transport, walking and cycling infrastructure; accessible natural green space and public open space.
6.65 Development at Middlewick Ranges will be phased to start towards the middle of the plan period. This is necessary to enable further detailed work to be carried out to inform a comprehensive masterplan process as described above and to allow for appropriate engagement with all relevant parties including the local residents. This will also allow for the commencement of soil preparation for the required biodiversity mitigation, compensation and net gain allowing for the soil conditions to respond to changes in pH, which is imperative to the practical use of turves from the ranges to create new areas of acid grassland. This will help inform or refine the later stages of the net gain strategy. The masterplan will inform any subsequent planning application.
6.66 Due to the high distinctiveness of the biodiversity of the site and the complexity of recreating and managing protected habitats for the long term, both onsite and in the mitigation lands, the Council will require the appointment, by the developer, of a suitably qualified and experienced nature conservation management organisation as a partner to take forward this element of the development. The Council will require the developer to enter into an appropriate legal agreement to secure the long term (minimum 30-year) management and monitoring of retained protected habitats, the biodiversity mitigation, compensation and net gain land, by the nature conservation organisation, including a mechanism for funding and governance that ensures both the nature conservation value and local community interest. The landowner of the mitigation land will need to be party to such an agreement.
Policy SC2: Middlewick RangesThe allocation shown on the Policies Map is expected to deliver up to 1000 new dwellings. The final number of dwellings will only be confirmed through master planning. In addition to the infrastructure and mitigation requirements identified in policy PP1, development will be supported on land within the area identified on the policies map where it:
A Masterplan for the whole site is to be agreed with the Council prior to submission of any planning application. The masterplan must be informed by, or supported by, as appropriate, site wide parameter plans, design codes or guidance, developed through engagement with the local community, be informed by use of design review where available, and assessment frameworks such as Building for a Healthy Life or similar. Before granting planning consent, wintering bird surveys will be undertaken at the appropriate time of year to identify any offsite functional habitat. In the unlikely event that significant numbers are identified, development must firstly avoid impacts. Where this is not possible, development must be phased to deliver habitat creation and management either on or off-site to mitigate any significant impacts. Any such habitat must be provided and fully functional before any development takes place which would affect significant numbers of SPA birds. |
6.67 This area is characterised by a series of B roads radiating out from the town centre, with a number of unclassified roads linking these B roads together. Berechurch Hall Road and Gosbecks Road acts as an informal southern distributor route connecting in the east with the B1025 Mersea Road and in the west to the B1022 Maldon Road.
6.68 The bus network radiates out from the town centre, with high frequency services interspersed with lower frequency services serving the rural areas and villages to the south and west. There are no east-west public transport routes. The Garrison development has provided an excellent north south walking and cycle route with a mix of on road and off-road routes leading to Southway in the town centre and will be used as an example of good practice in future developments. The Boadicea route provides a link to the west from Berechurch. There are however gaps in the network and east-west routes are limited.
6.69 Strategic Transport Modelling and other ongoing studies identifies locations in South Colchester where improvements to, and investment in, the transport network are required. Development that will add pressure to the transport network will be required to help mitigate the impact. The transport evidence base is continuously evolving and additional issues and schemes may be identified during the Plan period. The exact scale, timing and nature of this infrastructure will be determined through more detailed assessment as the planning process develops.
Policy SC3: Transport in South ColchesterDevelopments in South Colchester will be expected to contribute to a package of sustainable transport measures including walking, cycling, public transport, travel planning and the promotion of sustainable travel. Where it is demonstrated that proposals will impact on the highway network, contributions will be sought towards mitigation and improvements, including to the following projects;
For areas with large multiple sites located in close proximity to each other the cumulative impact of all the development in the area must be considered. |
Knowledge Gateway and University Strategic Economic Area
6.70 The University of Essex is a leading research-intensive university and is ranked in the top 20 for research excellence within the UK. The University currently provides 1870 jobs and indirectly supports a further 2693 jobs, as well as contributing £404 million in turnover and indirect economic impact to the East of England. On the basis of the current Strategic Plan, by 2018, the University will grow to some 15,000 students. Continuation of this current rate of growth in student numbers would see the University achieve a student body of approximately 20,000 by 2025 and 25,000 students by the end of the Local Plan period.
6.71 These ambitious plans for the growth of the University have many benefits for Colchester Borough as a whole, the Town Centre and in particular east Colchester, including allowing the development of clusters of companies that can take advantage of co-location whilst minimising the costs of further infrastructure development. Through £13 million of investment and partnership with new and growing businesses, the expansion of the Knowledge Gateway research and technology park on the Colchester Campus has the potential to bring 2000 further jobs to the local economy by 2025.
6.72 Colchester’s evidence base, the Employment Land Needs Assessment, acknowledges the role and importance of the Knowledge Gateway for developing technological and creative businesses. Unlocking some of the barriers, particularly associated with the existing transport infrastructure, will assist in bringing forward further development on this site. This primarily seeks to promote B1 uses within the area but acknowledges that some flexibility to this approach is beneficial, with the key principle being that proposals should be related to the key function of the economic area.
6.73 The University is supporting the designation of a fifth national University Enterprise Zone (UEZ), in addition to those in Bradford, Bristol, Liverpool and Nottingham. UEZs do not come with the same tax and business rate incentives or promises of high-speed broadband that are features of Enterprise Zones. However, they are granted support in driving export trade and attracting inward investment through the government’s UK Trade and Investment (UKTI), as well as being subject to simplified planning arrangements. The Essex UEZ would have a focus on digital and creative industries, a sector that contributes £2.5 billion per year to the economy of the South East LEP area. Colchester has the largest concentration of digital creative businesses in Essex and the Haven Gateway, with over 3500 people employed in this sector across more than 600 companies. A UEZ for Colchester can help to ensure that developments in the Knowledge Gateway will also support developments in Colchester Town Centre.
6.74 The University competes globally for staff and students and there is a clear need for good quality and affordable accommodation. On the Colchester campus, the University already offers a mix of medium and high-rise student accommodation, and it is likely that future need will mirror this pattern to allow for an efficient use of space, protection of the historic Wivenhoe House, and surrounding parkland and ensure that as many students as possible can be accommodated on the campus. High quality staff housing will also be in demand, with the development of the new Garden Community also providing attractive new locations for University staff to live, adding to the existing blend of urban and rural dwellings in the area. The University strongly supports a vision for a proposed Garden Community to the east of Colchester, providing a sustainable, mixed academic, commercial and residential community that offers a high quality of life to enhance both Colchester and the University. The University will therefore be a key partner in the master planning process for the Garden Community, recognising the importance and mutual benefit to establishing an integrated approach to planning and engagement.
6.75 The significant growth envisaged by the University and the associated expansion opportunities for the Knowledge Gateway technology park will be released over the long term with phases being delivered throughout the plan period and potentially beyond associated with the new Garden Community. This will provide a framework for the expansion of both the University and the Knowledge Gateway and also provide the opportunity to maximise any benefits associated with the new Garden Community. A joined up approach and the mutual opportunities for both are evident, particularly associated with infrastructure improvements with alternative public transport options being a key factor for East Colchester.
6.76 It is recognised that the University makes a significant contribution to the economy of Colchester Borough and to the vitality and viability of the Town Centre. There are unique opportunities for the community and the university to feed off each other, particularly as sports and cultural facilities are improved with the potential to create opportunities for the community to benefit from extensive facilities providing a hub in this area of Colchester which would not otherwise be available to them. The benefits and opportunities for shared use will be further explored through the Sports Strategy Delivery Board. In addition, opportunities for the University to pursue a greater physical presence in the town centre will be encouraged. Expansion proposals for the University will be supported in response to programmed growth.
Policy EC1: Knowledge Gateway and University of Essex Strategic Economic AreaThe Council recognises the value of the University of Essex to Colchester Borough’s economy and the vitality and viability of the town centre, and will work in partnership to maximise the economic and social benefits associated with it. The area shown on the Policies Map is designated as the University and Knowledge Gateway Strategic Economic Area. Within this area development will be supported which enables significant expansion of the University of Essex as reflected in its current Strategic Plan 2013-19 as well as the retention and expansion of the Knowledge Gateway. Proposals which provide for the retention and expansion of the Knowledge Gateway and which build on the benefits of the growing University will be supported. There will be a need for a comprehensive approach to development in conjunction with the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community proposed to the east of Colchester, working in partnership with key stakeholders including the University. Proposals for the expansion of the University will be required to provide good public transport, pedestrian and cycle links ensuring good connectivity to and from the town centre, the Hythe Station and surrounding area, the Knowledge Gateway and the proposed Garden Community to the East of Colchester including contributing to the Orbital route as shown on the Policies Map. Proposals will need to pay special regard to the preservation and enhancement of the Grade II listed Wivenhoe House and its Registered Park and Garden, including the wider setting of these heritage assets. Development will be expected to contribute to the cost of direct infrastructure improvements as required, supported by up-to-date evidence in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) or subsequent evidence which will be secured to an appropriate level by way of legal agreement or through CIL as required. In addition, contributions may be sought to promote the delivery of infrastructure and Green Infrastructure improvements specifically the East Transit Corridor shown on the and the Proposals Map and the Orbital Route, improvements to upgrading the footbridge across the railway between the Meadows 1 and the University Quays to enhance opportunities to the walking and cycling network accessing the university campus with the Town Centre. These will also help to achieve wider objectives which are also linked to University and Knowledge Gateway. Knowledge Gateway The area shown on the East Colchester Proposals Map will be safeguarded for the expansion of the Knowledge Gateway associated with the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community to allow for provision of a range for additional jobs and to accommodate expansion of the existing research and technology uses. Within this area, the Local Planning Authority will continue to support the growth and retention of the University Research Park. All land and premises within this area will be safeguarded for employment uses, primarily for office use within E class where appropriate and non- B class employment generating uses of a scale and type compatible with the Research Park. Encouragement will also be given to uses which can be shown to be directly linked to the development of research associated with the University and to the provision of business incubator units. Proposals for uses which are not for office use within E class or where it cannot be demonstrated that they are linked to the Research Park will only be supported where they:
East Colchester/Hythe Special Policy Area
6.77 The Hythe area is a former commercial harbour which includes some rundown and underused industrial land in East Colchester. Together with the University of Essex, the eastern area of Colchester has experienced a period of significant change and growth. The area provides good access to Hythe Station and is located close to the University of Essex but is currently constrained by flooding issues.
6.78 The Hythe is an established regeneration area that seeks to deliver sustainable, mixed-use neighbourhoods, oriented towards the River Colne, which respect the historic character of the area. Over the plan period the East Colchester/Hythe Special Policy Area provides capacity to accommodate approximately 800 new dwellings including those already committed. The regeneration of this area needs to secure the viable re-use of heritage assets and provision of a distinctive public realm. Growth needs to be supported by improvements to transport infrastructure and services, flood mitigation and open space to ensure that sufficient amenity space is included to support the increasing population. Regeneration will involve partnership working with public sector agencies, the local community, and the private sector, including support for community-based initiatives such as community land trusts. The Hythe Conservation Area includes the historic port of the Hythe, the medieval church of St Leonard’s and a number of listed buildings, in addition to later infill and some modern regeneration. Development proposals must ensure that it responds to the distinctive historic character. Every opportunity should be taken to enhance heritage assets and reinforce the significance of the Hythe Conservation Area.
6.79 The river forms a natural corridor and amenity. Riverside walking and cycle routes which exist should be retained and extended for walking and cycling as part of a green link giving riverside traffic free routes for both commuting and leisure trips; with links to the Town Centre and Wivenhoe along the National Cycle Network Route 1, the Rowhedge Trail and links to New Town, Distillery Pond and Bourne Ponds. The river also forms an east-west barrier to movement. More links across the river are required to access local opportunities and create a cohesive development area. Opportunities should be sought to bridge the Colne to the south of Colne Causeway Bridge.
6.80 The area is also split by the road and rail network. Peak hour traffic congestion is severe in this area, especially at Greenstead roundabout. The rail line forms an east-west physical barrier especially for pedestrians and cyclists. Improvements are required to address congestion and severance, linking together development areas and opportunities offered by the expansion of the University and the Knowledge Gateway.
6.81 Much of the Hythe area is in flood zone 3. Development must respect this designation and be designed accordingly to minimise the impact of any potential flooding on people and property. The Hythe Special Policy Area also falls within Critical Drainage Areas CDA 01, CDA 02 and CDA03 as shown in the Surface Water Management Plan for Colchester. The Local Planning Authority will work with key stakeholders with responsibilities for flood risk and drainage and developers to deliver infrastructure schemes that provide sufficient capacity in the drainage network to support new developments and regeneration and to manage flood risk. Developer contributions will be sought towards the costs of delivering flood defence/flood management solutions within these Critical Drainage Areas to help manage flood risk in this part of Colchester. Solutions should be agreed between Essex County Council (Local Lead Flood Authority), the Environment Agency, developers and the Local Planning Authority.
6.82 As a working port many of the industries based there historically were “dirty” in nature but suitably located. As the area changes it will be important not to locate residential properties on or near to contaminated land if satisfactory mitigation cannot be achieved. The major Colchester Sewage/Wastewater plant lies at the south end of the area and includes a cordon sanitaire restricting the type of development which can be located here.
6.83 The river and the quayside is a natural place for residential moorings. Boats for residential purpose will be supported if they are of appropriate quality and enhance the marine environment. Improvements will be sought to the landscape and the utility infrastructure to serve boats.
Policy EC2: East Colchester / Hythe Special Policy AreaDevelopment within the area defined on the Policies Map as the East Colchester/ Hythe Special Policy Area will be encouraged and supported where it contributes to achieving the following key objectives:
Development should also seek to soften the environment around the electricity sub-station to minimise its intrusive impact on the surrounding area. Opportunities to maximise the potential for comprehensive regeneration of King Edward Quay will be encouraged including exploring the potential to redistribute uses to allow for clustering of complementary uses and to respond to site constraints such as flood risk and land contamination. |
East Colchester other allocations / policies
6.84 The following areas of new residential and employment development have been allocated to areas of East Colchester, excluding the Hythe area covered by Policy EC2 on the Hythe Special Policy Area.
Port Lane
6.85 This site formed part of the former Paxmans Factory site. In the event of cessation of all industrial uses, the site can deliver up to 130 dwellings. Access to the site will be off Port Lane. Given the site’s previous industrial use, assessment of contamination and implementation of any required remediation measures will be required. The site is located within an area of archaeological interest recorded in the Colchester Urban Archaeological Database. There is high potential for encountering early occupation remains at this location so a trial-trenched archaeological evaluation will be required to establish the archaeological potential of the site. Decisions on the need for any further investigation (excavation before any groundworks commence and/or monitoring during groundworks) will be made on the basis of the results of the evaluation. Any permission granted is likely to include a condition requiring a programme of archaeological work. This site falls within Critical Drainage Areas CDA02 & CDA03 (New Town and Colchester Town Centre Areas). Developer contributions will be sought towards the costs of delivering flood defence/flood management measures within CDA 03 as specified in the Surface Water Management Plan for Colchester to help manage flood risk in this part of Colchester.
East Bay Mill
6.86 This site includes a listed mill which has been badly damaged by fire. Redevelopment of the site will involve retention and restoration of this important landmark along with sympathetic development of other dwellings up to a total of 22 units, either independently or as part of a comprehensive scheme. In either case, proposals will need to be in keeping with the site’s location within a Conservation Area. The site lies within a flood risk area, so it would need to in the first instance satisfy the exception test for development in such areas, and secondly if that is met, provide adequate mitigation for flood risk such as residential on upper floors only. There is high potential for encountering early occupation remains at this location so a trial-trenched archaeological evaluation will be required to establish the archaeological potential of the site. Decisions on the need for any further investigation (excavation before any groundworks commence and/or monitoring during groundworks) will be made on the basis of the results of the evaluation. Any permission granted is likely to include a condition requiring a programme of archaeological work. Development will need to ensure contamination and flood risk issues are addressed. Vehicle, pedestrian and cycles arrangements to and within the site will need to have regard to restrictions on access as well as opportunities to provide a riverside path.
Site off Barrington and Bourne Roads
6.87 This 1 hectare site is comprised of vacant greenfield land within a predominantly residential area. The area was allocated for residential development in the previous Local Plan as part of a wider scheme, but this portion did not come forward. Open space delivery on the smaller remaining part of the site will need to address the shortfall in open space left over from the earlier phase of development. To address the issue of the divided ownership of the site, a scheme will need to provide a coordinated approach to secure satisfactory access arrangements, residential amenity and landscaping. This site falls within Critical Drainage Area 02. Developer contributions will be sought towards the costs of delivering flood defence/flood management measures within CDA 02 as specified in the Surface Water Management Plan for Colchester to help manage flood risk in this part of Colchester.
Magdalen Street sites
6.88 Magdalen Street contains a number of older commercial buildings suitable for reuse and/or redevelopment. The area could accommodate up to 200 new residential units. The Local Planning Authority produced an updated Development Brief for the site in February 2014 to release a vision for the area to create a vibrant community. Architecturally, the Local Planning Authority will seek contemporary responses to the existing character and densities and parking appropriate to the edge of centre location. Magdalen Street is within an Air Quality Management Area and proposals will accordingly need to provide mitigation. The Local Planning Authority will expect development to be set back from the carriageway with large scale forecourts and tree planting to help improve air quality in this part of the town. Vehicular access will only be available via Magdalen Street. Pedestrian and cycle opportunities also need to be addressed as part of any future design and site layout. These sites fall within CDA 03 (Colchester Town Centre Area). Developer contributions will be sought towards the costs of delivering flood defence/flood management measures within Critical Drainage Area 03 as specified in the Surface Water Management Plan for Colchester to help manage flood risk in this part of Colchester.
Employment Sites
6.89 East Colchester contains a number of historic employment sites, a number of which, have already been redeveloped for residential and mixed uses. The Whitehall Industrial Estate is the largest remaining industrial area and will be a preferred location for new employment development in East Colchester. The employment land allocation in Table SG3 includes 2.7ha in Whitehall. Sites on Barrack Street, Brook Street and Port Lane contain further small areas of employment floorspace which will be safeguarded for employment use.
Policy EC3: East Colchester AllocationsAllocations shown on the policies map will be supported for residential uses. In addition to the requirements in Policy PP1, proposals will be required to satisfy the Local Planning Authority with regard to the site-specific requirements as identified below. Land at Port Lane Development of this site will be supported where it provides:
East Bay Mill Development of this site will be supported where it provides:
Barrington Road/Bourne Road vacant site Development of this site will be supported where it provides:
Magdalen Street sites Development of these sites will be supported where they:
Place Farm Development of the site will be supported where it provides:
Local Economic Areas as shown on the policies map will be allocated/safeguarded for economic uses in accordance with Table SG4 and policies SG3 and SG4. The following areas will be protected to retain their function and role as key clusters for a range of businesses including start-ups:
6.90 In East Colchester the transport network is fragmented due to the historic nature of development in the area, the physical barrier of the River Colne and the railway which serves and passes through the area. There is a focus of transport routes which converge or cross each other in the Colne Harbour area creating a complexity of competing demands and movements. To the north of the area the A120 trunk road provides access to North Colchester and the A12.
6.91 The roads radiating out from the town centre to the east are designated Air Quality Management Areas, where vehicular transport is the major contributor to the poor air quality. Measures which help improve the air quality in the area such as sustainable transport, promotion of low emission vehicles, cleaner vehicles, smoothing traffic flows and improving the street design will be required together with mitigation against any identified impacts.
6.92 The Clacton Branch Line links the coastal towns and rural villages of Tendring with Colchester and the Great Eastern Mainline, with an additional branch to Colchester Town Station. Within Colchester other stations served by the branch line are Wivenhoe and The Hythe which is the closet station to the University. There are two level crossings which impact on both train and road operation.
6.93 The area is served by a number of high frequency bus routes, passing through the area from the Town Centre to serve the University and Greenstead. These bus services are heavily utilised routes. The Garden Community and University expansion provide the opportunity and demand for a rapid transit system in the area to link growth in east Colchester and in Tendring through the Hythe Area with Colchester Town Centre and other key destinations.
6.94 The National Cycle Network (NCN51) passes through the area as the Wivenhoe Trail running from Wivenhoe through to Lower Castle Park. The Salary Brook Route (also part of the proposed Orbital route) links the large Greenstead Estate through to the University and Knowledge Gateway.
6.95 Strategic Transport Modelling and other ongoing studies have identified locations in East Colchester where improvements to, and investment in, the transport network are required. Development that will add pressure to the transport network will be required to help mitigate the impact.
Policy EC4: Transport in East ColchesterDevelopments in East Colchester will be expected to contribute to a package of sustainable transport measures including walking, cycling, public transport, travel planning and the promotion of sustainable travel. Where it is demonstrated that proposals will impact on the highway network, contributions will be sought towards mitigation and improvements, including to the following projects;
For areas with large multiple sites located in close proximity to each other the cumulative impact of all the development in the area must be considered. |
6.96 There are other known improvements to, and investment in, the transport network which have been identified through the Strategic Transport Modelling and other ongoing studies, listed below. In some cases, schemes have also been identified to overcome these issues. The transport evidence base is continuously evolving and additional issues and schemes may be identified during the Plan period. The exact scale, timing and nature of this infrastructure will be determined through more detailed assessment as the planning process develops. The following requirements are linked to the transport infrastructure identified to support the Tendring/Colchester Borders Garden Community to be informed by further stages of master planning.
Stanway Strategic Economic Area
6.97 The Stanway Strategic Economic Growth Area is situated at the western end of the urban area of Colchester, with good access to the strategic road network at Junction 26 of the A12. It contains a mix of commercial uses including retail and employment floorspace and is the Borough’s largest District Centre. A significant amount of new commercial development has been constructed over the last decade, in part enabled by the completion of a new bypass. The 2013 Tollgate Vision Framework prepared with local landowners in the area set forth a vision for the area ‘to create a sustainable and balanced place as the heart of the Stanway Growth Area and to transform the character of the Tollgate area to become a stimulating, attractive and economically vibrant hub for the growing population, building on its success as a retail and commercial destination’. There are a number of listed buildings in the area whose setting and continued beneficial use should be considered as the area continues to develop.
6.98 The area shown as Zone 1 of the Stanway Strategic Economic Area on the Policies Map is allocated for further employment land supporting the basis of the areas good location and potential for development of high-quality additional employment floorspace to contribute to the Borough’s supply of employment land. Table SG3 shows an allocation of 1.4 ha of employment land in Stanway. Alternative uses will only be supported where they are ancillary to the employment focus of the area and they support the continued operation of the employment uses within the SEA. The retail / leisure element within the area will expand following the grant of planning permission on appeal for a range of main town centre uses.
6.99 The area shown as Zone 2 comprises Tollgate District Centre. It has evolved from a predominantly ‘bulky’ retail park into an established shopping destination with a substantial range of multiple comparison goods retailers (such as Next, Argos, Sports Direct, Boots, Currys and PC World), a Sainsbury’s food/non-food superstore, and a number of food and drink uses. Tollgate competes with Colchester Town Centre for comparison goods expenditure, and this has been reinforced by the additional food / drink uses and retail-led expansion allowed on appeal. Accordingly, it is important that planning policy for Tollgate District Centre ensures that it plays a subsidiary position to the Town Centre in the centre hierarchy as set out in Policy SG5 and Table SG5. Its role and function as a district centre would be enhanced through the introduction of new services and/or community facilities.
6.100 In order to help manage the future growth of this centre to ensure it retains its role and function in relation to its position in Colchester’s hierarchy. Further retail development will only be supported outside of the District Centre where it meets the sequential test and can demonstrate that it will not have a significant adverse impact on Colchester Town Centre (and / or any other centre) where an impact assessment is required.
6.101 In addition, to help protect the Centre Hierarchy with Colchester Town Centre at the apex and to manage the potential impacts of any further retail and leisure growth at Tollgate on the Town Centre, proposals for town centre uses outside of the defined centres, which are not in accordance with an up-to-date plan, above the floorspace thresholds set out in Policy SG6 (Table SG6), including change of use or variation of planning conditions, will need to demonstrate that there will not be any significant adverse impacts on the Town Centre (and /or any other defined centre), through an Impact Assessment. The retail evidence concludes that Tollgate does not require substantial new retail development to ensure its vitality and viability over the plan period. Instead, larger scale retail development should be focused on Colchester Town Centre to help strengthen its primary role as a sub-regional shopping destination.
Policy WC1: Stanway Strategic Economic Area and Tollgate District CentreAny proposals within the Stanway Strategic Economic Area will be required to provide good public transport, pedestrian and cycle links ensuring good connectivity within the area and Zones, to the neighbouring communities, and to and from the Town Centre. Development will be expected to contribute to the cost of infrastructure improvements as required, supported by up-to-date evidence in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) or subsequent evidence which will be secured to an appropriate level by way of legal agreement or through CIL as required. Such infrastructure is likely to include improvement works to Junction 26 on the A12. All land and premises within the area allocated as the Stanway Economic Area and Tollgate District Centre will be safeguarded for appropriate commercial uses based on a zoned approach in accordance with the following principles: Zone 1: as defined on the West Colchester Policies Map and incorporating the Stanway allocations listed in Table SG3 will be the primary focus for employment uses and as such, alternative uses will only be supported where they:
Zone 2: Within the area shown on the West Colchester Policies Map, comprising the Tollgate District Centre, proposals for main town centre uses will be supported. Proposals must be of a scale and type appropriate to the centre (having regard the Centre Hierarchy and the definitions under Policy SG5). Proposals should:
Stanway Residential Sites
6.102 Stanway is a parished area on the western edge of Colchester and lies adjacent to the A12. Over recent years it has been the location for significant growth seeing the delivery of the former Stanway Growth Area. Approximately half of the 1800 houses allocated in this Growth Area have been delivered together with elements of infrastructure including new roads. The remaining areas of housing, including Fiveways Fruit Farm and Lakelands remain allocated in this Plan for residential development. Further infrastructure previously agreed, linked to this, will also be delivered as part of these developments including a primary school, road improvements and areas of public open space, including strategic green infrastructure associated with the minerals working restoration.
6.103 Stanway Parish Council has commenced work on a Neighbourhood Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan Group is considering the potential scope of the plan working with the community and stakeholders. The Local Plan therefore provides for the strategic significance of the area, particularly for economic growth and the existing commitments associated with the former growth area.
6.104 It is considered that there are opportunities for further development in Stanway. Sites off London Road; to the west of Lakelands; the former Sainsbury’s site and at Chitts Hill are identified in this plan for additional housing growth. These sites are detailed below.
6.105 Existing capacity issues at the primary schools in Stanway will be addressed in the short term by planned expansion at a number of the schools. Further capacity will be created by the provision of a new primary school at Lakelands and a new school on land being allocated off London Road. Additional nursery provision will also be required to accommodate the growth.
Land to the North of London Road
6.106 Land between the A12 and London Road has been identified for 630 new dwellings over the plan period. Two sites in separate ownership are included and given the close spatial relationship of these sites it is fundamental to the success of the area that they are comprehensively planned and do not result in competing developments which could prejudice each other’s delivery. The Local Planning Authority therefore recommends a masterplan is prepared to inform development proposals in this area.
6.107 New development proposals will be expected to deliver a new primary school with integrated early years and childcare provision. This will complement the additional school provision elsewhere in Stanway including planned expansion of the existing facilities and new provision at Lakelands. This new educational facility should be situated in an area within the sites which maximises the use of sustainable transport modes and reduces the need to pick-up and drop-off pupils by car.
6.108 A key component of the comprehensive planning of these sites will be the highway arrangements which must minimise the number of vehicular access points onto London Road. Furthermore, pedestrian and cycle links should be integrated as far as possible in order to maximise the connectivity of this area of Stanway and reduce the need to travel by car to access local services, facilities and public transport hubs.
Land north of London Road- Almshouse Allocation
6.109 Land is allocated north of London Road to expand the existing Rosemary Almshouse site. The site will provide for 26 Almshouse units developed in a way to reflect site constraints including retention of key trees and access.
Land to the West of Lakelands
6.110 A site to the west of Lakelands is allocated for a residential development to include approximately 250 dwellings.
Land at Chitts Hill
6.111 The site is in a sustainable location with access to public transport. It has natural existing defensible boundaries and is surrounded by areas of predominantly residential development and an existing private school with associated playing fields which are safeguarded as private open space. The proximity of the site to the mainline railway on the northern boundary and the school to the south requires a substantive landscape buffer to minimise amenity impacts.
Land off Dyers Road including Fiveways Fruit Farm
6.112 Sites off Dyers Lane including Fiveways Fruit Farm, for approximately 490 dwellings, remain unimplemented and are therefore re-allocated in this Plan as continued progress demonstrates that these sites will be delivered early in this Plan period. Those requirements, previously identified remain relevant to ensure adequate mitigation is provided against impacts including, ecology/landscaping, archaeology/heritage assets, flood risk/drainage, access and highways management, as well as ensuring adequate provision of open space and community infrastructure. The generic policy requirements are set out in Policy PP1 and the site-specific elements identified in Policy WC2 below.
Land between Churchfields Avenue, Church Lane and Partridge Way
6.113 Planning Permission is granted for 28 dwellings on this site, associated with the wider development at Lakelands. It is expected that these dwellings will be delivered during the Plan Period.
Open Space
6.114 An area of land to the east of Tollgate Road is allocated for public open space, recognising its value as a linear link with potential benefits for landscape / amenity, recreation and biodiversity interests.
6.115 Land between Church Lane and Maldon Road including Stanway Hall Farm and Bellhouse Pit, comprising the area of the quarry workings is reallocated for strategic open space which will be delivered post restoration of the quarry (Essex Minerals Local Plan) and previously covered by Policy SA STA5 Open Space in Stanway Growth Area. (Adopted Site Allocations Plan). The use of this for built formal, indoor and outdoor leisure uses will be limited and need to complement the nearby employment and housing allocations and the adjoining open countryside.
Policy WC2: StanwayAllocations as shown on the policies map will be safeguarded for predominantly residential uses unless otherwise stated. In addition to meeting the requirements set out in Policy PP1, a new primary school will also be required on 2.1 hectares of suitable land allocated for education and childcare use to the north of London Road in a location to be decided. The primary school will be secured through a S106 agreement and will be co-located with an early years and childcare nursery. An additional 0.13 hectares of suitable land for a 56 place early years and childcare nursery will also be required in Stanway in a location to be decided. All new residential developments in Stanway will be expected to contribute towards new education facilities. Commercial developments may be expected to contribute to Early Years and Childcare facilities. All proposals must also satisfy the Local Planning Authority with regard to the site-specific requirements as identified below. Before granting planning consent for Land to the North of London Road and Land to the West of Lakelands, wintering bird surveys will be undertaken at the appropriate time of year to identify any offsite functional habitat. In the unlikely event that significant numbers are identified, development must firstly avoid impacts. Where this is not possible, development must be phased to deliver habitat creation and management either on or off-site to mitigate any significant impacts. Any such habitat must be provided and fully functional before any development takes place which would affect significant numbers of SPA birds. Land to the North of London Road Development of these sites will be supported where they provide;
Up to 26 additional Almshouses (for affordable housing) on land to the north of London Road will be supported where it also provides:
The best way of securing a comprehensive approach to development of these sites north of London Road is through the use of a masterplan which will be prepared prior to the first application being submitted. Any proposals will also take into account the Essex Minerals Local Plan and the developer will be required to submit a Minerals Resource Assessment as part of any planning application. Should the viability of extraction be proven, the mineral shall be worked in accordance with a scheme/masterplan as part of the phased delivery of the non-mineral development. Land to the West of LakelandsDevelopment of this site will be supported where it provides:
Land at Chitts HillDevelopment of this site will be supported where it provides:
Land off Dyers Road including Fiveways Fruit Farm Development of this site will be supported where it provides:
Open Space Land between Church Lane and Maldon Road, including Stanway Hall Farm and Bellhouse Pit will be safeguarded for strategic open space following restoration works associated with the minerals extraction at the quarry, as shown on the Policies Map. Any built development associated with formal indoor and outdoor leisure provision will be limited in extent and closely related to allocated employment and housing areas to safeguard the more open countryside from built development. Land to the east of Tollgate Road is allocated for public open space as shown on the Policies Map and will be safeguarded as such. |
Colchester Zoo
6.116 Colchester Zoo is an important visitor attraction in the Borough and has operated successfully in its current location for over 50 years. The Council recognises that tourist attractions require constant updating and that expansion in its current location could have strong justification. Development that provides enhanced visitor facilities and opportunities whilst having regard to the sensitive location of the zoo will be supported. The extent of any development ancillary to the zoo, such as additional retail, hotel and food and drink outlets, would need to be related to the function of the zoo and assessed against the potential negative impact on the town centre and countryside.
6.117 Any proposals for the expansion of the zoo, and associated facilities, should be undertaken through a Masterplan approach, taking into account the sensitive location of the zoo including the issues identified below, and the impact on the Town Centre.
6.118 The site is in an environmentally sensitive location adjacent to the Roman River and includes a Scheduled Monument and Gosbecks Archaeological Park. Creation of new wildlife habitats accordingly would need to have regard to the existing habitats and the landscape character of the area.
6.119 Additionally, the impact of increased visitor numbers would need to be carefully managed to minimise any impact on the local highway network and ensure safe access to the site via Maldon Road, including the Warren Lane junction. A comprehensive Transport Assessment would be required. Any proposals should promote access by Bus from the Town Centre and local train stations, as well as promoting local access via cycle, footpaths and equestrian routes, where appropriate and improvements to these routes where necessary. There are a number of Public Rights of Way in the area and these would need to be taken into account in any further expansion plans.
6.120 Colchester Zoo is located adjacent to an existing sand and gravel minerals extraction site and is in a Minerals Safeguarding Area for sand and gravel as detailed in the Essex Minerals Local Plan 2014. In accordance with national mineral policy and the Essex Minerals Local Plan, a Minerals Resource Assessment must be submitted as part of any planning application. The Minerals Resource Assessment must assess economic viability of prior extraction and be prepared using the latest PERC standard. Should the viability of extraction be proven, the mineral shall be worked in accordance with a scheme/masterplan as part of the phased delivery of the non-mineral development. Consultation with the MPA and LPA will be required to determine whether a separate minerals planning application would be required.
Policy WC3: Colchester ZooThe Council recognises the importance of Colchester Zoo as a visitor attraction and as a contributor to the local economy. The Local Planning Authority will work in partnership with the Zoo to maximise the social and economic benefits associated with its development while ensuring any development proposals have regard to the environmentally sensitive location. The area shown on the West Colchester Policies Map will be safeguarded for potential further expansion of Colchester Zoo to provide additional facilities associated with the Zoo’s vision for growth. The extent of any development ancillary to the zoo, such as additional retail, hotel and food and drink outlets, will need to be related to the function of the zoo and assessed against potential negative impacts on the Town Centre. Any proposals for the expansion of the Zoo will be undertaken through a master plan approach taking into account landscape and Scheduled Monument impact, safe access to the site via Maldon Road, existing public rights of way and accessibility by sustainable transport modes. A comprehensive transport assessment would be required. Proposals will need to ensure any necessary road improvements as required in Maldon Road and at the Warren Lane Junction are secured and delivered before expansion takes place. These works may require land and / or financial contributions. An off-road cycle route should be provided linking the Zoo with Gosbecks Archaeological Park to facilitate sustainable modes of travel. Any proposals will include an appropriate SuDS for managing surface water runoff within the overall design and layout of the site. Any proposals will also take into account the Essex Minerals Local Plan and the developer will be required to submit a Minerals Resource Assessment as part of any planning application. Should the viability of extraction be proven, the mineral shall be worked in accordance with a scheme/masterplan as part of the phased delivery of the non-mineral development. Before granting planning consent, wintering bird surveys will be undertaken at the appropriate time of year to identify any offsite functional habitat. In the unlikely event that significant numbers are identified, development must firstly avoid impacts. Where this is not possible, development must be phased to deliver habitat creation and management either on or off-site to mitigate any significant impacts. Any such habitat must be provided and fully functional before any development takes place which would affect significant numbers of SPA birds. |
West Colchester other allocations / policies
6.121 The following areas in West Colchester are allocated for residential and economic uses, excluding those areas within Stanway which is covered by Policy WC2.
Essex County Hospital site
6.122 The Essex County Hospital site lies within the Lexden Conservation Area on a prominent site lying over a Roman burial area just outside the Town Centre on Lexden Road. The site contains a number of hospital buildings constructed over its two hundred year history, including a Grade II listed main building and a locally listed nurses block. In 2015, the Council received notice of the Health Trust’s intention to dispose of the site for redevelopment, with the remaining hospital uses on the site being transferred to other sites. The Local Planning Authority has prepared a Development Brief for the site, adopted in December 2014, which provides guidance to ensure appropriate development of the sensitive hospital site within the Lexden Conservation Area. Parking and amenity requirements for the site will reflect the site’s sustainable location near the Town Centre.
Land at Irvine Road
6.123 This 0.6ha site is located northwest and to the rear of existing residential properties on Irvine Road. The site is currently designated as a Local Site (ref CO97) and along with the Philip Morant playing fields contributes to the green infrastructure in this part of Colchester. The site is accessed via a private track, however there is no public access to this plot of land.
6.124 The 2016 Local Site Review concluded that this site is in favourable but declining status as an orchard with no management of the fruit trees or other vegetation in recent years. The grassland is becoming rank and the Prunus scrub, which is spreading, is already dominant in some areas. The northern edge of the site is also being managed inappropriately, from a conservation point of view. This lack of active and appropriate management if not addressed over time, will result in further decline in the ecological value of the site. This could result in it eventually being de-designated as a Local Site if it fails to meet the qualifying criteria for designation.
6.125 Whilst the site has some limited wildlife value, a small amount of development, of up to a maximum 8 dwellings, covering no more than 40% of the site is considered appropriate at this location. The remaining 60% of the site should be brought back into suitable condition with management to improve the sites ecological value and to ensure it continues to contribute to the local Green Infrastructure network. A detailed ecological management plan and mitigation plan should be prepared as part of any future development proposal to conserve the most valuable habitats/part at this site.
Policy WC4: West ColchesterAllocations shown on the policies map will be safeguarded for residential uses. In addition to the requirements in Policy PP1, proposals will be required to satisfy the Local Planning Authority with regard to the site specific requirements as identified below. Essex County Hospital site, Lexden Road Development of this site will be supported where it accords with the Essex County Hospital adopted Development Brief (December 2014). Land at Irvine Road Development of this site will be supported where it provides:
Transport in West Colchester
6.126 The transport network in West Colchester is characterised by the A12 trunk road running east west carrying very high volumes of traffic, with access via junction 25 at Marks Tey (also giving a connection to the A120 westwards towards Braintree), junction 26 at Eight Ash Green giving access to Stanway and Tollgate. These two trunk road junctions suffer from significant peak hour queuing impacting on the village of Marks Tey and queuing back onto the A12 trunk road. The Great Eastern Mainline runs parallel to the A12, with a station at Marks Tey with a branch line to Sudbury.
6.127 Stanway/Tollgate currently forms a natural destination point for buses radiating out from the town centre using London Road. There are high frequency bus routes serving the West Colchester area. A small number of interurban bus services also pass through the area.
6.128 The National Cycle Network (NCN1) heads from the town centre through the area prior to heading southwest past the Colchester Zoo towards Tiptree. The Lexden Cycle route follows a mix of on-road and off-road routes linking the town centre to Stanway.
6.129 Strategic traffic modelling has been undertaken which has shown a number of links and junctions operating over capacity at peak times. Development will add pressure to the transport network and measures will be required to help mitigate the impact.
Policy WC5: Transport in West ColchesterDevelopments in West Colchester will be expected to contribute to a package of sustainable transport measures including walking, cycling, public transport, travel planning and the promotion of sustainable travel. Where it is demonstrated that proposals will impact on the highway network, contributions will be sought towards mitigation and improvements, including to the following projects;
For areas with large multiple sites located in close proximity to each other the cumulative impact of all the development in the area must be considered. |
6.130 There are other known improvements to, and investment in, the transport network which have been identified through the Strategic Transport Modelling and other ongoing studies listed below. In some cases, schemes have also been identified to overcome these issues. The transport evidence base is continuously evolving and additional issues and schemes may be identified during the Plan period. The exact scale, timing and nature of this infrastructure will be determined through more detailed assessment as the planning process develops.
6.131 Abberton and Langenhoe were originally two separate settlements but have now effectively merged into one village which share services and facilities. The facilities in the village include a primary school, community hall, and public open space. The village benefits from good road connections to Colchester being situated along the B1025 which has bus stops situated along it which are served by the Mersea Bus.
6.132 There are a number of constraints within Abberton and Langenhoe which restrict new development including the fact that much of the land to the south of the village lies within the Coastal Protection Belt. Furthermore there is also a current deficit of pupil places at Langenhoe Primary School so new development proposals will be required to contribute towards improvements and/or expansion of the school to accommodate new provision. Similarly, there is also a shortage of early years and childcare places across the age range in the village.
6.133 Land has been identified either side of Peldon Road, adjacent to the existing settlement, which represents a logical extension to the village. Development at these locations will have to be contained within the wider landscape by suitable screening and landscaping to provide a defensible settlement boundary and minimise impacts on the wider landscape. Land to the east of Peldon Road is situated close to a listed building and considerate design will be required to ensure no adverse effects on its setting result from new development at the site.
6.134 Development proposals in Abberton and Langenhoe will have to address existing highways issues in the village including a persistent problem with vehicles travelling over the 30mph speed limit along Peldon Road and safety concerns at the junction of Peldon Road with Layer Road. The larger proposal should be supported by a transport statement, which among other issues, should include solutions to these issues where necessary and/or appropriate. Development proposals will also be required to address congestion associated with Langenhoe Primary School through the provision of a new drop-off/pick-up area outside the school. Whilst the provision of such a facility is not normally encouraged, the specific circumstances in Abberton and Langenhoe, including its rural nature, lends itself to such a pragmatic solution.
6.135 Additionally development proposals will need to provide improved pedestrian links to the village, including a safe road crossing facility on Peldon Road and a new footpath from Peldon Road to the primary school. Importantly the two sites should be planned comprehensively, taking into account the opportunities presented by their locations.
Policy SS1: Abberton and LangenhoeIn addition to the infrastructure and mitigation requirements identified in policy PP1, development of the sites below, as shown on the Policies Map will be supported where they meet the requirements identified for each site below; Land to the west of Peldon Road Development will be supported which provides;
Land to the east of Peldon Road Development will be supported which provides:
Development must conserve, and where appropriate, enhance the significance of heritage assets (including any contribution made by their settings). Designated heritage assets close to the sites include the Grade II Pete Tye Hill and Old Cottage. Pantiles Farm on Peldon Road is allocated as a Local Economic Area and will continue to be protected for this use. Any future development proposals will be required to comply with policy SG4. |
6.136 Boxted is a rural parish located approximately 3km to the northeast of urban Colchester. Development in Boxted is currently concentrated within three distinct settlement areas: Boxted Cross, Workhouse Hill and Mill Road. These latter two settlement areas are not considered suitable locations for new growth as they have no community facilities and are not well served by public transport. Boxted Cross is considered to be a sustainable location for limited growth only as the few community facilities that Boxted does have are concentrated in this northern part of the parish. Like the rest of Boxted, this area also has limited access to public transport. Community facilities comprise a primary school, village hall, playing field, social club and community shop.
6.137 The Dedham Vale AONB abuts the northeastern edge of Boxted Cross settlement boundary in the vicinity of Cooks Lane. This restricts development opportunities northwards to ensure that the qualities of the Dedham Vale AONB are protected. Development is constrained to the northwest and west by arable land and land used as orchards/vineyard. Growth opportunities are constrained to the east by the sports and recreation ground and arable land. A local wildlife designation (Local Site Co136 Black Brook), is an extensive mosaic of habitats forming an important wildlife corridor on the eastern edge of Boxted Cross and represents a further constraint on development in this direction. Development southwards is also constrained due to the desire to prevent further ribbon development along Boxted Straight Road leading to the coalescence of settlements and to discourage further housing away from existing village services and facilities.
6.138 Boxted Parish Council has produced a Neighbourhood Plan that covers the whole of the Parish and was made on 8 December 2016. The Neighbourhood Plan sets out a policy framework the wider Parish that all future development proposals in Boxted will have to accord with, now that the Neighbourhood Plan has been made. Development proposals will also be required to comply with Local Plan policies where relevant and outside of the scope of the Boxted Neighbourhood Plan.
Policy SS2: BoxtedAll development proposals in Boxted parish will be determined against and be required to comply with policies in the Boxted Neighbourhood Plan and any relevant Local Plan policies. |
6.140 Chappel and Wakes Colne are two parishes located 7km to the northwest of Colchester separated by the A1124 (Colchester to Halstead road) and the River Colne. Although separate Parishes they have a close inter-dependency in respect of shared community facilities split between the two settlements either side of the A1124.
6.141 Chappel has one core settlement area with three remote/dispersed small clusters of housing at Rose Green, Swan Street and Wakes Street. Wakes Colne is also the main settlement area with smaller dispersed clusters of housing around Inworth Lane and at Middle Green.
6.142 Despite being two distinct villages, both provide an important community function in terms of the provision of local services which all residents use and benefit from including the railway station at Wakes Colne. The main part of Chappel has a village shop, post office, primary school and pub.
6.143 A site in Chappel, to the east of Chappel Hill and to the south of the Swan Grove development is considered suitable for some limited development. This site is well located relative to the existing facilities in Chappel and within walking distance of the train station in Wakes Colne. This site could deliver 30 units which is considered appropriate given the available services in Chappel and Wakes Colne and the capacity based on constraints and opportunities. Chappel and Wakes Colne is served by Earls Colne Water Recycling Centre which has sufficient headroom capacity to serve the proposed development.
6.144 Suitable screening/landscaping will be needed to replace any hedgerows removed to accommodate the development and to minimise any visual and landscape impacts. A single access should be provided via Swan Grove and development will need to provide a suitable pedestrian access from the site into Chappel. Good design will be needed to complement the existing built character and to protect the setting of Hill House, Martyn’s Croft and Brook Hall which are all Grade II listed buildings.
Policy SS3: Chappel and Wakes ColneIn addition to the infrastructure and mitigation requirements identified in policy PP1, development will be supported on land within the area identified on the policies map which provides:
6.145 Copford represents an appropriate location for additional growth over the plan period given its proximity to Marks Tey train station, the A12/A120, and the main urban area of Colchester. To contribute to the continued sustainability of Copford two sites have been allocated for housing development over the plan period: land to the East of Queensberry Avenue north of London Road and land to the west of Hall Road, south of London Road. These sites will deliver an additional 120 houses by 2033.
6.146 Copford’s close proximity to Marks Tey means that it is important to seek to prevent coalescence between the two settlements to ensure that both villages retain their individual identities. Development that would not represent a logical extension to the existing built up areas of Copford will be discouraged to prevent coalescence between settlements. Development will also be discouraged in the most northern part of the village, adjacent to the A12 to protect local amenity, and open spaces and to avoid land at risk from flooding. Growth will be discouraged to the east where the character is more rural/or is open countryside and to the south to discourage further development away from existing village services and facilities and to help protect the setting of Copford Green Conservation Area.
6.147 Wastewater and sewage infrastructure is over capacity and it will be necessary for these issues to be resolved prior to the start of development. Copford Primary School is also currently at capacity. Contributions will be sought to replace the temporary accommodation at the primary school to meet the increased demand that the new development will generate and to improve secondary school provision where a need is demonstrated.
6.148 Development of land to the east of Queensberry Avenue represents a sensible and logical extension to the existing built up area of Copford to the north of London Road. The site has been proposed for allocation for residential use, but the delivery of new extra care facilities at this location would also be supported, given its proximity to existing similar facilities to the north of London Road. Access to this site will be via Queensberry Avenue or London Road, where feasible. There is a Public Right of Way running along the western boundary of the site and development proposals will need to consider a permanent diversion or upgrade to the public footpath.
6.149 Good design will be needed to complement the existing built character, to provide suitable screening / landscaping, to replace any hedgerows removed to accommodate the development, to minimise visual impacts on the local landscape and to protect the setting of any Listed Buildings close to the development site.
6.150 Development of land to the west of Hall Road represents an appropriate extension to the existing built up area to the south of London Road. Development will need to provide suitable vehicular and pedestrian access between the site and London Road into Copford. Good design will be needed to complement the existing built character and to protect the setting of Brewers Cottage, Old Mill House and Shrub House which are Grade II Listed Buildings. The land to the south of this site is in agricultural use, therefore suitable screening / landscaping will also be needed to replace any hedgerows removed to accommodate the development and to minimise any visual and landscape impacts. The proposed site is of potential archaeological significance. It is, therefore, likely that heritage assets of archaeological interest will be found, i.e. below-ground archaeological remains and site investigations will need to be completed prior to the start of development. Detailed flood modelling will also need to be completed to assess flood risk from the Roman River.
6.151 The potential archaeological significance of the site should be further explored, by way of a pre-determination evaluation (geophysical survey and trial trenching), before any decision is made as to whether all or part of the site would be acceptable for development. The Local Planning Authority will, on request, provide a brief for each stage of the archaeological evaluation.
6.152 There is a Water Recycling Centre located to the east of Copford village. Anglian Water has indicated that there are significant water supply and wastewater infrastructure capacity issues in Copford. To address this waste and water treatment from new developments in Copford will be directed to Colchester’s Water Recycling Centre. As a precautionary approach, development of these sites cannot come forward until there is sufficient water supply, network capacity, wastewater treatment and sewage infrastructure capacity to cope with the two developments. Where this cannot be demonstrated it will be necessary to seek further advice from Anglian Water.
Policy SS4: CopfordEast of Queensberry Avenue In addition to the infrastructure and mitigation requirements identified in policy PP1, development will be supported on land within the area identified on the policies map which provides:
West of Hall Road In addition to the infrastructure and mitigation requirements identified in policy PP1, development will be supported on land within the area identified on the policies map which provides:
Development must conserve, and where appropriate, enhance the significance of heritage assets (including any contribution made by their settings). Designated heritage assets close to the two allocated sites include the Grade II Copford Place and stable, Brewers Cottage, Stanway Bridge and Brook Cottage. |
6.153 Most of the Dedham parish area falls within the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The largest settlement within the parish is the historic village of Dedham to the north. The smaller settlement of Dedham Heath lies to the south of the parish along with two smaller clusters of properties to the west and east of Dedham Heath known as Lamb Corner and Bargate Lane, respectively.
6.154 Dedham village has a range of services and facilities, including its own primary school, a GP, Post Office and a number of shops and services. As such Dedham is designated as a Local Centre providing a range of small shops and services which meet the basic needs of local communities, in the rural north of the borough. The other settlement clusters within Dedham parish not only lack such essential services and facilities but also have limited safe walking and cycling access to them. Dedham village therefore is considered a sustainable settlement for the purposes of the spatial strategy but the other clusters of housing in Dedham Parish are not considered to be suitable to support further residential growth.
6.155 Despite Dedham village’s status as a sustainable settlement, it is heavily constrained by its location within the AONB. Furthermore a lack of suitable and available development land means that no growth has been proposed for Dedham village during the plan period.
6.156 As well as being a service centre for surrounding villages, Dedham is also a popular tourist destination. At certain times the existing roads and car parks struggle to cope with the additional traffic and the Parish Council have indicated that they would support additional car parking. Applications which help address this issue will be supported where they meet other policy objectives.
6.157 Dedham Heath as a smaller settlement with limited sustainability is an Other Village in the spatial hierarchy and not therefore been identified for any additional growth. The two more remote clusters of residential development to the west and east of the Heath are within the countryside and as such are not sustainable locations for growth.
6.158 Eight Ash Green is a rural parish located approximately 6km to the northwest of urban Colchester. Within Eight Ash Green development is mainly concentrated around Fordham Heath and Choats Corner. There is also a small cluster of housing at Seven Star Green, located to the south of Halstead Road which separates these dwellings from the key facilities in Eight Ash Green village.
6.159 Despite being located approximately 5km from both Marks Tey and Colchester train stations, Eight Ash Green is considered a Sustainable Settlement as it has a reasonable number of local services and facilities which serve the needs of local residents. Local facilities include a village hall, three shops, a takeaway, convenience store, beauty salon and a pub. There is also a primary school located within the Choats Corner settlement boundary.
6.160 The Eight Ash Green Neighbourhood Plan was made in 2019. The Neighbourhood Plan allocates land to deliver 150 new dwellings at Fiddlers Field in Eight Ash Green over the Local Plan period.
Policy SS5: Eight Ash GreenAll development proposals in Eight Ash Green parish will be determined against and be required to comply with policies in the Eight Ash Green Neighbourhood Plan and any relevant Local Plan policies. |
6.161 Fordham is identified as a sustainable settlement and is a linear village with a core concentration of development which has evolved over time, including a number of small estate type developments. Although spread out, it is well served by key community facilities including, a primary school, village hall and playing field. Also within the village is a community orchard maintained by the local community as well as an area of community woodland managed by the Woodland Trust.
6.162 The character of the village is influenced by a few significant listed buildings and their setting and the extensive areas of well established, locally managed woodland. It is important to protect and where possible enhance these characteristics. Small scale development adjacent to Plummers Road has recently delivered an attractive enhancement to the connectivity between this area and the rest of the village via a landscaped footway set back from the road. Further enhancement to connectivity through the village would be beneficial to existing and future residents.
6.163 Allocation of a site to the east of Plummers Road for additional small scale growth of up to 20 dwellings is considered a logical extension to the settlement. This provides for the continued sustainability of the key services in the village and accommodates an appropriate level of growth over the plan period. Development of this site will need to respond to particular site constraints including sensitive consideration in relation to the setting of a Listed Building.
6.164 Fordham Parish Council has indicated a wish to deliver a rural exception site in the village to provide housing for local people. Numbers and house types will be informed by a local housing needs survey. Land adjacent to the allocated site in Plummers Road may be a suitable location for the rural exception site. Due to the nature of rural exception sites, this development will be delivered outside the Local Plan process. Despite this, if two adjacent sites are brought forward there are benefits to planning them in a comprehensive manner, for example through shared highways access, community infrastructure, affordable housing delivery and complementary design. If a rural exception site is to be delivered on the adjacent site, a masterplan will be required which demonstrates how the allocated residential site will positively and comprehensively relate to any future rural exception site. The masterplan should accompany any planning application for residential uses in this area.
6.165 The proposed site is of potential archaeological significance. It is therefore likely that heritage assets of archaeological interest will be found, i.e. below-ground archaeological remains. This will require further investigation initially by way of pre-determination evaluation report. Decisions on the scale of development and also the need for, and scope of, any further archaeological work, should be based upon the results of this evaluation.
Policy SS6: FordhamIn addition to the infrastructure and mitigation requirements identified in policy PP1, development will be supported on land within the area identified on the policies map which provides:
6.166 Great Horkesley is essentially linear in shape and has developed over time along the old Roman road that radiates away from north Colchester (now the A134). Development has spread westwards along a number of roads off the main road. Great Horkesley is fragmented with the main core of the settlement to the south and two smaller fragments to the north along the A134. The southern edge of the main part of the village is approximately 0.6km from the Colchester urban edge and is located north of the A12. There is a primary school, new village hall, church and dental surgery within the main village and a petrol station, post office, shop, scout hut and the old village hall, as well as a number of public houses along the A134.
6.167 Great Horkesley’s close proximity to the main Colchester urban area means that it is important to seek to prevent coalescence between the southern edge of Great Horkesley and the northern edge of Colchester in order to retain the individual identity of the village. Development that would not represent a logical extension to the existing built up area will be discouraged in order to prevent further ribbon development to the north along the A134 and to the west; away from existing village services and facilities and where it is more rural in character.
6.168 Infrastructure in the village is at capacity and will need to be improved / enhanced to support any new development. Requirements include new allotments, enhanced community buildings and a new scout hut. Improvements will also be sought to the A134 between the village and North Colchester to promote walking and cycling and to improve accessibility to services and facilities in Myland.
6.169 Land at Great Horkesley Manor represents a logical extension to the village between existing dwellings at the heart of the village and development would be contained within the wider landscape by a belt of trees and small brook to the east. Access will be from Nayland Road (A134) and access points will need to be kept to a minimum to avoid disrupting the flow of traffic along this busy main road. Footways, suitable traffic management and crossing opportunities will be needed as development will require school pupils to cross the main road. Appropriate design and landscaping will be required to preserve the setting of the existing manor building and the tree-lined approach road from the main road. Whilst the existing manor building is not listed it is considered to be a visually prominent local building set within large, open grounds, the character of which should be protected. There is an area of low/ medium risk of surface water flooding along the eastern boundary of the site. Site layouts should take this into account to ensure that flood risk is not increased.
6.170 Land off School Lane to the north of the village offers the opportunity for a small development which includes the redevelopment of a brownfield site, improved access to the old village hall and improvements to the scout hut. The site includes a listed building and care will need to be taken to safeguard its setting. The existing scout hut is in poor condition and development proposals should look to replace and/or contribute to its relocation.
Policy SS7: Great Horkesley ManorIn addition to the infrastructure and mitigation requirements identified in policy PP1, development will be supported on land within the area identified on the policies map which provides:
Any proposals will also take into account the Essex Minerals Local Plan and the developer will be required to submit a Minerals Resource Assessment as part of any planning application. Should the viability of extraction be proven, the mineral shall be worked in accordance with a scheme/masterplan as part of the phased delivery of the non-mineral development. School Lane In addition to the infrastructure and mitigation requirements identified in policy PP1, development will be supported on land within the area identified on the policies map which provides:
The designated Local Economic Area at Holly Lodge Farm shown on the policies map will be retained and any future development proposals at this site will be required to accord with policy SG4. |
6.171 Great Tey is situated north of the Roman River and is a small rural community that contains a few local amenities including a village pub, a school, and a church. Bus services operate between Great Tey, Marks Tey railway station, Tollgate Retail Park and Colchester.
6.172 The RCCE completed a Rural Housing Needs Survey in 2012 which indicated a need for four affordable units. The Parish Council thus acknowledge a need for lower cost/smaller houses in the village to contribute to the continued sustainability of the key services in the village and accommodate an appropriate level of growth over the plan period, two sites for housing development are allocated in accordance with Policy SS8 below.
6.173 Land at Brook Road is capable of accommodating 10 dwellings. The number reflects the edge of settlement location, the adjacent Conservation Area and Listed Building and the desire for single storey dwellings with a larger land take. The site is adjacent to a listed building and a Conservation Area and care will need to be taken to safeguard its setting. There is also a Public Right of Way immediately adjacent to the site. Suitable footways will be needed to link the development with the rest of the village.
6.174 Land off Greenfield Drive is capable of accommodating 30 dwellings with access off Greenfield Road. The site is adjacent to the existing public open space and the opportunity will be sought to extend this open space as part of the proposal to provide for a wider range of facilities.
6.175 Great Tey Parish Council has confirmed that it intends to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for the village, which will determine how each of the sites allocated in this local plan will be developed. The Neighbourhood Plan will develop a policy framework to guide and meet the strategic policies in this Plan and for all other development or community needs identified in the village.
Policy SS8: Great TeyLand on Brook Road In addition to the infrastructure and mitigation requirements identified in policy PP1, development will be supported on land within the area identified on the policies map which provides:
Land off Greenfield Drive In addition to the infrastructure and mitigation requirements identified in policy PP1, development will be supported on land within the policy area identified on the policies map which provides:
Tey Brook Farm is an allocated Local Economic Area as shown on the policies map and will be protected for this use. Any future development proposals will be required to comply with Policy SG4. |
6.176 Langham includes two settlements, Langham Moor and St. Margaret’s Cross, linked by School Road. A former WWII airfield lies between the two areas. The village contains a mixture of historic properties and farmhouses along with more recent development.
6.177 Langham has a number of facilities including a community centre and shop, public house and a primary school. Langham has limited access to public transport. Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty adjoins the village to the east, although it is separated by the A12.
6.178 Langham is considered an appropriate location for limited development. Accordingly, three small sites have been allocated. Approximately 10 dwellings are appropriate on Land at Wick Road in keeping with the existing detached housing adjoining and opposite. Land at Wick Road abuts the former airfield and development will need to have regard to both its landscape character and connectivity to existing footways.
6.179 Land at School Road represents a logical extension to the village as it lies between existing housing and employment sites and is well located for the school and community centre/shop. Two sites are allocated there providing a total of 70 dwellings, a school car park and extension to the playing fields. Whilst the Parish Council favour frontage development there is potential on these sites for an estate or green approach to layout given that they are at the heart of the village. Both sites abut the former airfield, and development would need to have regard to both its landscape character and connectivity to existing footways.
6.180 The 2016 Water Cycle Study identified a lack of head room capacity at the Langham Water Recycling Centre (WRC). With regards to wastewater, the report also identified the need for upgrades at the Langham Water Recycling Centre (WRC) to enable it to accept all wastewater flows from the proposed development. Discussions are underway between the Local Planning Authority, the Environment Agency and Anglian Water to resolve the above issues.
6.181 A joint Position Statement is currently being prepared between The Local Planning Authority, the Environment Agency and Anglian Water. The Position Statement will identify water and sewage capacity shortfalls at the Langham WRC, infrastructure upgrades needed to address these, consider the need for a review of current licences/permits and recommend any further changes needed to the policy SS9.
6.182 The Water Cycle Study also identified water quality issues in the receiving water bodies feeding into the Stour Estuary. This has been further considered in the Appropriate Assessment completed as part of the evidence base of the Local Plan. Any proposed WRC infrastructure upgrades and/or permit reviews identified in the Position Statement provide the mitigation needed to ensure that quality of the water bodies feeding the Stour do not deteriorate further as a result of development in Langham. The delivery of wastewater and sewage infrastructure upgrades specified in policy PP1 will be essential in Langham as they are required as mitigation to ensure compliance with the Habitats Regulations 2010 (as amended).
Policy SS9: LanghamIn addition to the infrastructure and mitigation requirements identified in policy PP1 developers could be required to demonstrate the impact of their proposals on the strategic and local transport networks, including the cumulative impact of multiple developments (in line with national guidance). Development should not commence until adequate wastewater and sewage treatment capacity is available to serve the new housing. Development on land shown the Policies Map will be supported where they meet the requirements identified below for each site; Wick Road Development will be supported provides:
Development must conserve, and where appropriate, enhance the significance of heritage assets (including any contribution made by their settings). Designated heritage assets close to the site includes the Grade II New House. School Road Development will be supported which provides:
The Powerplus Engineering and Whitnell Contractors site on School Road, Langham Airfield (Lodge Lane) and The Depot, Old Ipswich Road, in Langham are designated Local Economic Areas as shown on the polices map. The sites will remain allocated, including an extension to Lodge Lane, and any future development proposals at this location will be required to accord with policy SG4. |
6.183 Layer de la Haye is an historic village, located approximately 2.5km southwest of the Colchester urban area. The village is well served by community facilities including a primary school, village shop, GP surgery, public open space at New Cut and Malting Green, and two public houses. Layer de la Haye is also well connected to Colchester by road with several bus stops providing public transport to residents.
6.184 Layer de la Haye is therefore considered a sustainable settlement and suitable for some additional residential growth over the plan period. However the GP surgery is currently at capacity and ECC has indicated that the school will require investment in the coming years to maintain its current capacity. Therefore new development will be required to contribute to this local infrastructure to mitigate the impact of additional residents in the village.
6.185 Land has been identified for residential growth for up to 35 dwellings on land adjacent The Folley. This site is in a location which integrates well with the existing settlement by utilising existing screening features and new open space can be delivered without detrimental impact on neighbouring residents and the surrounding landscape. In addition to contributing towards existing infrastructure, new development will also provide new facilities on site including areas of open space, an equipped children’s play area and a footpath connecting new dwellings to existing village facilities.
6.186 Layer de la Haye Parish Council has carried out a local housing needs survey which has demonstrated a need for up to eight new affordable homes for occupation by existing residents or by those with a close connection to the village. Land has been identified which could accommodate a rural exception site to provide for this local need adjacent the residential allocation mentioned above. Due to the nature of rural exception sites, this development will be delivered outside the Local Plan process. Despite this, there are benefits to planning the two sites in a comprehensive manner, for example through shared highways access, community infrastructure, affordable housing delivery and complementary design. If a rural exception site is to be delivered on the adjacent site, a masterplan will be required which demonstrates how the allocated residential site will positively and comprehensively relate to any future rural exception site. If the sites are developed concurrently, the affordable housing provided for on the exception site will be discounted from the overall requirements for affordable housing on the allocated site. The masterplan should accompany any planning application for residential uses in this area. It will also be required that the overall provision shall not exceed 50 dwellings.
Policy SS10: Layer de la HayeIn addition to the infrastructure and mitigation requirements identified in policy PP1, development will be supported on land within the area identified on the policies map which provides:
Any proposals will also take into account the Essex Minerals Local Plan and the developer will be required to submit a Minerals Resource Assessment as part of any planning application. Should the viability of extraction be proven, the mineral shall be worked in accordance with a scheme/masterplan as part of the phased delivery of the non-mineral development. Before granting planning consent, wintering bird surveys will be undertaken at the appropriate time of year to identify any offsite functional habitat. In the unlikely event that significant numbers are identified, development must firstly avoid impacts. Where this is not possible, development must be phased to deliver habitat creation and management either on or off-site to mitigate any significant impacts. Any such habitat must be provided and fully functional before any development takes place which would affect significant numbers of SPA birds. |
6.187 Marks Tey is located at the busy junction of the A12 with the A120. Marks Tey is essentially a linear settlement that, while being sustainably located has been fragmented by the railway and A12/A120. Its good range of facilities are provided in different sections of the village with a railway station providing an interchange between mainline to London and branch services to the east, a larger area of modern housing, village hall, and the primary school to the west and retail facilities to the south of the A12.
6.188 Development constraints in Marks Tey include the community separation resulting from the two roads and the rail line running through the village, with only limited pedestrian accessibility currently possible over these barriers. The northeast is affected by environmental constraints including the head of the Roman River valley and associated flood risk. Any development in the area will be required to deliver SuDs to manage the risk from surface water management. In addition there may be a need for contributions towards sewage infrastructure capacity which will depend upon the scale of development which is delivered in. In addition there is a minerals and waste safeguarding zone around the historic brickworks, which is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Marks Tey also contains a significant number of grade II listed buildings, including the scheduled brick kilns and the Grade I Church of St Andrew which would need to be protected and enhanced as part of any development proposals.
6.189 The road infrastructure in the area is to be further developed over the plan period. The A12 is programmed in the Road Investment Strategy for widening between junction 19 at northeast Chelmsford and junction 25 at Marks Tey. Consultation on A120 route improvements between Braintree and the A12 ended in March 2017. ECC has identified a favoured route which has been recommended to Highways England and the Department of Transport. In March 2020 the government announced its Road Investment Strategy (RIS2) which included a commitment to progressing further development work on the A120 dualling to prepare the scheme for delivery. The scheme will be considered for inclusion in the RIS3 programme (2025-2030) and is now considered a pipeline project to be progressed by Highways England.
6.190 Future development of the area will be guided by the Neighbourhood Plan being developed by Marks Tey Parish Council.
6.191 The site known as Anderson’s will be retained as a Local Employment Area having been reviewed as part of the Council’s evidence update on employment.
Policy SS11: Marks TeyGrowth within the Marks Tey area will largely be guided by the following documents in addition to this Local Plan:
The Anderson’s site is allocated as a Local Economic Area as shown on the Policies Map. This policy should be read in conjunction with the generic Neighbourhood Planning policy SG8. |
6.192 West Mersea is a small coastal town located on the confluence of the Colne and Blackwater Estuaries approximately 15km from the centre of Colchester Town. West Mersea is the larger of two settlements on Mersea Island, the other being the much smaller village of East Mersea. Early development in West Mersea was concentrated around the harbour and nearby oyster pits to the southwest of the island. Development has since expanded to the north and west.
6.193 West Mersea is a District Centre with a high number of key services and community facilities. There are two supermarkets, a primary school a community centre, as well as a range of independent shops, cafes and restaurants but no secondary school. These services support the needs of local residents and businesses on Mersea as well as communities from the surrounding rural areas in the south of the Borough. It will be important to protect the function of the District Centre in Mersea to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the local coastal communities who use it. There are frequent bus routes serving the town to and from Colchester and serving the local secondary schools. Accordingly, West Mersea is considered to be a sustainable settlement suitable for growth during the plan period.
6.194 West Mersea Town Council is currently preparing a Neighbourhood Plan for the town, which will determine how each of the sites allocated in this local plan will be developed. Given the current number of dwellings in West Mersea and the range of available facilities on the Island, it is considered that an appropriate level of growth across the plan period would see the delivery of approximately 200 dwellings. The Neighbourhood Plan will develop a policy framework to guide and meet the strategic policies in this Plan and for all other development or community needs identified in the town. Accordingly, the Dawes Road allocation incorporates residential and open space allocations and the Brierley Paddocks site is shown as mixed use to provide flexibility to respond to the content of the Neighbourhood plan. As well as delivering 100 dwellings and open space this site could deliver community facilities for new and existing residents if a need is identified in the Neighbourhood Plan.
6.195 The Parish of East Mersea is a smaller settlement situated on the eastern side of Mersea Island. It comprises a small cluster of dwellings and a limited range of community facilities. It is also home to Cudmore Grove Country Park which is very popular with visitors at weekends and in the holidays. Due to its size and limited facilities, East Mersea is not considered a sustainable location to accommodate substantial additional growth and is defined as an Other Village in the spatial hierarchy to reflect the important community function the village provides.
Policy SS12a: West MerseaIn addition to the infrastructure and mitigation requirements identified in policy PP1, development will be supported on land within the areas identified on the policies map which contributes towards expanding Mersea Island Primary School, provides suitable landscaping to screen the development to minimise any negative impact on the surrounding landscape and protect the open rural character of land within the Coastal Protection Belt, and meets the requirements for each site indicated below. Housing on both sites should address local needs which will be detailed in the Neighbourhood Plan but are likely to include starter homes and single storey dwellings. Dawes Lane Development will be supported which provides:
Brierley Paddocks Development will be supported which provides:
There are three existing designated Local Economic Areas in Mersea as shown on the policies map that will continue to be safeguarded for this use. Any future development proposals at these sites will be required to comply with policies SG4. This policy should be read in conjunction with the generic Neighbourhood Planning Policy SG8 and the West Mersea Neighbourhood Plan, once adopted. |
6.196 The coastal area of the Borough around Mersea Island is an extremely rich, diverse and irreplaceable natural asset in terms of its natural and cultural features. It includes substantial parts of the Colne and Blackwater Estuaries. The ecological importance of the Colne and Blackwater Estuaries is reflected by the variety of international and European designations covering them i.e. Ramsar sites, Special Protection Areas (Birds Directive), and the Essex Estuaries Special Area of Conservation (SAC) designated under the Habitats Directive. There are also a number of Sites of Special Scientific Interest designated along the estuaries. Accordingly, proposals along Coast Road will need to be screened for likely significant effects on adjacent habitats sites in accordance with Habitats Regulations 2010 (as amended).
6.197 Tourism makes an important contribution to both the local Mersea economy and the wider Borough economy. As a consequence, there are a number of diverse and competing interests which all need to be managed in an integrated way within the Borough’s coastal zone. These include internationally important habitats, land and water-based recreation, tourism, fishing, archaeological and historic environment assets.
6.198 Climate change including sea level rise is also likely to increase pressure regarding the management of coastal habitats and coastal communities along the Borough’s coastal fringe.
6.199 Future development proposals will have to balance the need to protect the important natural and cultural assets at the coast against competing development pressures and the need to support wider socio-economic needs of the Borough’s coastal communities.
6.200 Development proposals on the landward and seaward side of Coast Road will have to further balance these issues against the need to protect and enhance the traditional maritime character of this part of West Mersea. Sequentially preferred maritime related uses which could be supported along Coast Road include boatyards, boat restoration business; ancillary uses related to boating, sailing, chandlers, fishing, specialised fish restaurants and shops, fish cookery schools and water based leisure businesses. Proposals for additional residential development on Coast Road will generally not be considered suitable or sustainable and will only be supported on upper floors where sequentially preferred maritime related uses have been discounted in agreement with the Local Planning Authority.
6.201 The current Essex and South Suffolk Shoreline Management Plan has shown that the West Mersea coastal frontage is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change and coastal processes. Future land uses and developments along the coastal frontage will be required to demonstrate the ability to adopt a roll back approach in response to changing local climatic conditions.
Policy SS12b: Coast Road, West MerseaDevelopment proposals on the seaward and landward side of Coast Road, West Mersea, will be supported where they:
Proposals for all development and change of use on both the landward and seaward side of Coast Road will be expected to enhance the West Mersea Conservation Area and the traditional maritime character of Coast Road, as well as its role as a major yachting, fishing and boating centre. Proposals that would result in the development of existing undeveloped areas of foreshore will not generally be supported unless they accord with criteria in the Coastal Areas policy ENV2. In exceptional circumstances, development may be permitted where it is proven that the proposal provides an over-whelming public or community benefit that outweighs all other material considerations. In such instances applications must demonstrate that the site is the only available option and be acceptable in terms of its other planning merits. Houseboats - Proposals for new moorings for permanent residential houseboats will not be permitted in coastal areas including Coast Road because of their landscape and environmental impact on the internationally designated habitats. Houseboat proposals for new moorings on historical vacant sites or houseboats of historical maritime significance, may be acceptable, subject to an installation method statement being submitted which avoids impacts to saltmarsh habitats and which satisfy all other policy criteria. Applications for infrastructure to support existing houseboats including jetties, sheds, platforms and fences and for replacement houseboats or houseboat alterations considered to result in material alterations will be considered on the basis of their scale and impact on surrounding amenity, environment and landscape. |
6.202 There are six caravan/holiday parks on Mersea Island; Firs Chase, Waldegraves, Seaview, Coopers Beach, Mersea Island Holiday Park and Fen Farm. As these are leisure businesses, the caravans and chalets at the caravan parks should only be used as short-term holiday accommodation and not for permanent residential use. Where evidence is provided, that people are living in any of the caravan parks on Mersea on a permanent basis, the Local Planning Authority will take appropriate action.
6.203 The Local Planning Authority recognises the valuable contribution that the caravan parks make to the supply of holiday accommodation for visitors to Mersea and the rest of the Borough. They are also an important element of the local tourism industry and their retention and improvement is generally supported.
6.204 Caravan Parks are under increasing pressure to extend both the length of their opening season and also the range of activities and events operating on the sites to help sustain their business. This has the potential to impact on Mersea residents and sensitive habitats sites and any resulting need to be carefully managed.
6.205 The caravan parks on Mersea are located adjacent to internationally designated habitats sites and because of their coastal frontage locations can be potentially vulnerable to increased risk from flooding. As an important tourist destination, the protection of the EU designated bathing waters around Mersea is an important consideration. All tourism related development proposals including the extension of caravan parks will have to demonstrate that there is adequate wastewater and sewage treatment infrastructure in place to serve the proposed development to help protect EU designated coastal bathing waters and to satisfy EU Water Framework Directive requirements. As part of this process applicants should consult with the Environment Agency and Anglian Water at an early stage in the planning application process to ensure that sewage disposal options are fully considered.
6.206 All coastal tourism developments must also be sensitive to and integrate well with their sensitive coastal environment and surrounding rural landscape and respect the special characteristics of the Coastal Protection Belt defined on the policies map.
6.207 All future development proposals at holiday parks on Mersea located adjacent to designated habitats Sites will only be supported where a sympathetic development approach is followed. It must be demonstrated that proposals will not result in likely significant effects on the habitats Sites and where necessary appropriate mitigation measures implemented to minimise environmental impacts on neighbouring habitats sites. Mitigation proposals will need to be agreed with the Local Planning Authority and Natural England prior to development commencing.
6.208 Extensions to existing caravan parks should not impact on the amenity of residents living and working in close proximity to the parks, through increased noise or light pollution. Proposals should promote a range of measures to encourage sustainable travel for leisure to help mitigate and reduce the impact of leisure related traffic on Mersea Island.
6.209 Sites allocated as Caravan Parks as shown on the policies map will be safeguarded for this use against other less appropriate types of development.
Policy SS12c: Mersea Island Caravan ParksDevelopment proposals at caravan parks on Mersea Island, including change of use, intensification of an existing use, or change in activities on site will only be supported where they meet all of the following criteria:
Permission will not be granted for caravans or chalets at the caravan parks to be used as permanent residences. They should only be used for holiday accommodation at all times. All caravan park proposals should be supported by a site specific Flood Risk Assessment and Flood Management and Evacuation Plan. Proposals for caravan extensions in flood zone 3 will not generally be supported due to the increased risk to people and property from coastal flooding. |
6.210 Rowhedge is situated to the southeast of Colchester on the western banks of the Rover Colne; it is the only settlement in the parish of East Donyland.
6.211 The village has a strong sense of identity which is emphasised by a conservation area at its core and a number of listed buildings, predominately on the riverfront. Rowhedge benefits from its own primary school, GP surgery, village shop, public houses and public open space provision. However due to its history as a fishing village the settlement has grown from the port outwards and this has resulted in new development being situated further away from Rowhedge’s historic centre where many of its limited services and facilities are located.
6.212 Rowhedge is bordered by the River Colne to the east, and the surrounding land’s estuarine nature gives rise to a number of ecological designations which run along the coast and inland to the south of the village. The north of the village is separated from the urban area of Colchester by a relatively short, but nonetheless valuable, expanse of greenfield land. In addition to providing a valuable buffer between Rowhedge and Colchester, much of this land is designated as Coastal Protection Belt because of its high landscape value.
6.213 The commenced development at Rowhedge Wharf and the exceptional constraints to expansion surrounding the village renders Rowhedge unsuitable for extensive new development. However redevelopment of Rowhedge Business Centre offers an opportunity to convert low value and underused storage land with limited employment use into new housing in a sustainable location with low landscape impact. Provision of a new healthcare facility is currently being explored by North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group, however, no infrastructure has yet been formally approved for this community in isolation.
Policy SS13: RowhedgeIn addition to the infrastructure and mitigation requirements identified in policy PP1, development will be supported on land within the area identified on the policies map which provides:
6.214 Tiptree is a large village located on the southwest boundary of the Borough and approximately 15km from Colchester itself. Development has grown up around key highway intersections in a roughly triangular built form. There is a small separate cluster of houses to the southwest of the main village known as Tiptree Heath.
6.215 Tiptree is a District Centre with a high number of key services and community facilities. There are two supermarkets, 4 primary schools, a secondary school, a community centre, 1 GP surgery, as well as a range of independent shops, cafes and restaurants. These services support the needs of local residents and businesses in Tiptree as well as communities from the surrounding rural areas. It will be important to protect the function of the District Centre in Tiptree to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the local communities who use it. There are regular bus routes serving the village to and from Colchester Accordingly, Tiptree is considered to be a sustainable settlement suitable for growth during the plan period.
6.216 Tiptree is very well served in terms of educational facilities as it has four primary schools and Thurstable Secondary School within the village. There is also a Leisure Centre located at Thurstable School and Colchester United’s training ground is located off Grange Road. There are four Local Economic Areas in Tiptree.
6.217 There are a number of constraints which limit the amount of land available for growth in Tiptree. Development to the southeast is constrained by Tiptree Jam Factory and Birch Wood Local Wildlife Site. Development in this direction would also reduce the green gap between the village and Tolleshunt Knights. Developing in this direction would also be constrained by Layer Brook which is Flood Zone 2. Expansion to the northeast of Tiptree is constrained by Thurstable School and Warriors Rest while expansion to the southwest is constrained by Tiptree Heath SSSI and Inworth Grange and Brook Meadows Local Wildlife Site.
6.218 Tiptree Parish Council is currently preparing a Neighbourhood Plan which will allocate sites for further growth in the Parish. In discussion with the Neighbourhood Plan Group, it has been agreed that Tiptree will deliver 600 new dwellings over the plan period given the current number of dwellings in Tiptree, the good availability and access to services and facilities, and the fact that Tiptree is a District Centre. This is considered an appropriate level of growth for Tiptree.
6.219 Infrastructure necessary to deliver the growth up to 2033 will need to consider cross boundary issues with neighbouring Local Planning Authorities and neighbouring Parishes. This will include acknowledgement of the additional traffic generation forecasts for the proposed new junction 24 onto the A12 as well as from the growth locations. With the northern growth location there is potential for a new road which would ultimately link the B1022 and B1023. The Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan will be expected to deliver the first phases of the road through a design which allows future completion/linkage.
6.220 Following the Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan examination which concluded in October 2020, it was recommended that the Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan could not proceed to referendum. The Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan Working Group are preparing a revised draft plan which will include site allocation(s) and be subject to further public consultation. The Plan will allocate final site boundaries and will include a policy framework to support the delivery of a minimum of 400 houses up to 2033 and to guide all other planning issues in the village. The Plan will be subject to examination and referendum prior to being made.
6.221 Planning Permission has been granted for up to 200 dwellings at Barbrook Lane. It is expected that these dwellings will be delivered during the Plan Period. The extent of the application site is reflected on Policy Map SS14 as an existing commitment. Within the site area there will be provision for public open space as well as land reserved for future education purposes as shown on the policies map.
Policy SS14: TiptreeWithin the preferred directions of growth shown on the Tiptree policies map, to the southwest and north/northwest, subject to existing constraints, the Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan will:
Proposals for development outside of the settlement boundary, or settlement boundary defined by the Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan once adopted, will not be supported. This policy should be read in conjunction with the generic Neighbourhood Planning policy SG8, policy SG3 and policies in the Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan, once it has been adopted. Before granting planning consent, wintering bird surveys will be undertaken at the appropriate time of year to identify any offsite functional habitat. In the unlikely event that significant numbers are identified, development must firstly avoid impacts. Where this is not possible, development must be phased to deliver habitat creation and management either on or off-site to mitigate any significant impacts. Any such habitat must be provided and fully functional before any development takes place which would affect significant numbers of SPA birds. |
6.222 There are currently four designated Local Economic Areas (LEAs) in Tiptree; the Alexander Cleghorn Site, Tiptree Jam Factory, the Basketworks Site and the Tower Business Park. These will continue to be protected for employment purposes. Any development proposals affecting these sites or any other sites providing an economic/employment use in Tiptree over the Local Plan period will be required to comply with policy SG4 unless they are reviewed and amended through the Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan.
6.223 West Bergholt is a rural parish located approximately 1km to the northwest of Colchester. It is considered a Sustainable Settlement as it has a sufficient population base and a range of community facilities and infrastructure to support appropriate growth which can be physically accommodated in West Bergholt without compromising the existing settlement shape, form and character.
6.224 There are a number of constraints which restrict the availability of sites suitable for development. To maintain the current settlement pattern, development will continue to be located around the three main roads with facilities located centrally where possible.
6.225 There is currently limited inter-visibility between Colchester and West Bergholt. However, there is a relatively high potential for visual coalescence of settlements and any new built development on land to the south of the village may undermine the sense of settlement separation. Development to the south of the village towards Colchester on Colchester Road is therefore not considered suitable due to the high potential of visual coalescence.
6.226 Development to the north of the village on Colchester Road/Nayland Road would extend new development away from existing key facilities and into open countryside, which is not considered sustainable.
6.227 The West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan was made in 2019. It sets out the planning policy framework needed to support the delivery of 120 houses to 2033 and to guide and meet all other development or community needs identified by the community in West Bergholt.
6.228 Pattens Yard in West Bergholt is allocated as a Local Economic Area. This site will remain allocated for this use and any future planning applications will be required to accord with policy SG4. Any development proposals affecting this site or any other sites providing an economic/employment use in West Bergholt over the Local Plan period will be required to comply with policy SG4.
Policy SS15: West BergholtAll development proposals in West Bergholt parish will be determined against and be required to comply with policies in the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan and any relevant Local Plan policies. |
6.229 Originally Wivenhoe comprised two separate settlements: Wivenhoe Cross which was centred on the crossroads of Colchester Road, Rectory Road and The Avenue; and Wivenhoe to the south which was centred on the quay. More recent development has resulted in the coalescence of these two distinct settlements into one.
6.230 Since the 1970’s growth has included significant ‘estate’ development including Dene Park during the 1970s; Broomgrove to the west in the 1970/80s; Ferry Marsh in the 2000’s and most recently Cooks Shipyard.
6.231 The town benefits from good infrastructure provision including a mainline train station, a GP surgery, two primary schools, numerous shops and restaurants and abundant open space provision. This is reflected in the designation of the town as Rural District Centre. There are also frequent bus services between Wivenhoe and Colchester and a cycle path between Wivenhoe, and the University of Essex has recently been built. There is a well-used footpath and cycle route to Colchester along the River Colne (the Wivenhoe Trail), which increases the sustainable nature of the settlement and makes it suitable for additional future growth within the Local Plan period.
6.232 An additional 250 dwellings will be delivered in Wivenhoe by 2033. This is an appropriate number of new dwellings along with a number of new dwellings within the parish which will be allocated in the Colchester/ Tendring Borders Garden Community. There are a number of constraints which has influenced the amount of growth considered appropriate for Wivenhoe.
6.233 Broomgrove and Millfields schools are both operating at capacity but are currently accepting a small number of pupils from outside of Wivenhoe. There is not a secondary school within Wivenhoe with most children attending the Colne Academy in Brightlingsea or Colchester Academy in Greenstead. Wivenhoe is bordered by the River Colne to the west and south. In addition to the physical boundary that the river presents, there are also other associated constraints such as flood risk zone 3 areas, SSSI, Special Protection Area and the Coastal Protection Belt, which reduces the availability of suitable sites for new development.
6.234 The Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan was made in 2019. The Plan sets out the planning policy framework needed to support the delivery of 250 houses up to 2033. The Neighbourhood Plan also allocates sites for other uses identified by the local community as being important in Wivenhoe and develops the policy framework needed to support any such allocations.
Policy SS16: WivenhoeThe Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan has been made and:
Proposals for development outside of the settlement boundary will not be supported unless the Neighbourhood Plan or other Local Plan policy specifically allows for it. All development proposals in Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan Area will be determined against and be required to comply with policies in the Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan and any relevant Local Plan policies. |
6.235 The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. The NPPF recognises that there are three dimensions to sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. Settlement boundaries are an essential tool for the management of development and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development by preventing the encroachment of development into the countryside, protecting rural character. The spatial hierarchy (Policy SG1 and Table SG1) directs development to the most sustainable locations by defining different tiers for growth. In the first instance development is directed to the urban area of Colchester, which is the main location for jobs, housing, services and choice of means of transport. The second tier is the Garden Community and Sustainable Settlements. Other Villages and then Countryside are next. This approach was informed by evidence in the Settlement Boundary Review, which assessed the sustainability of each of the Borough’s settlements, using criteria relating to the NPPF definition of sustainable development.
6.236 The Local Plan contributes to the economic dimension of sustainable development through the supply of employment land and retention of employment sites. Allocations and the strategy for future development ensures that development will be located at accessible locations where residents will have good access to employment opportunities and be in close proximity to regularly used services, facilities, shops, etc.
6.237 The Local Plan contributes to the social element of sustainable development through the allocation of 14,720 homes between 2017 and 2033, which meets the Borough’s objectively assessed need for housing. Residential development in the countryside is not needed to contribute to the social element of sustainable development. Furthermore, residential development in the countryside would be functionally isolated. This would have a negative impact on the ability of residents to access social services and facilities.
6.238 The Local Plan contributes to the environmental element of sustainable development by protecting the Borough’s landscape character, countryside and coast, and directing development to locations that reduce the need to travel and make sustainable travel a realistic option. Residential development in the countryside could adversely affect landscape character and the undeveloped nature of the countryside and coast. It would lead to reliance on the private car, increasing carbon emissions. Residential development in the countryside would have a negative impact on the environmental dimension of sustainable development.
6.239 National evidence indicates that villages in the catchment area of larger towns struggle to retain facilities, even when more housing is built. Colchester Town is the main provider of shopping, services, employment, and community facilities for the Borough as a whole. Elsewhere in the Borough, only Wivenhoe, Tiptree and West Mersea provide a sufficient level of shops, services and employment to maintain a reasonable level of self-containment. In general, rural communities do not provide sufficient employment opportunities, shops, services and facilities to support significant growth.
6.240 Settlements within the Other Villages category as defined in the spatial hierarchy are small villages which functionally act as local service centres which the local communities rely on for basic facilities and as social hubs. These smaller rural villages often operate as clusters by sharing key services which help provide a strong sense of community for the communities living and working there. These settlements can accommodate a limited amount of small-scale development. Appropriate development proposals therefore, that meet a local housing need, increase rural employment opportunities, optimise the sustainability of villages by contributing towards community facilities, or which help retain the vitality and sense of community will be supported in principle where they also comply with other policies in the Plan. Policy OV1 applies to Other Villages and Policy OV2 applies to proposals in the countryside outside of settlement boundaries.
6.241 Due to the relative sustainability of the Other Villages any development in these areas would inevitably place a greater reliance on the use of the car. As a result this will generate higher levels of carbon emissions, than development located in more sustainable settlements. It is acknowledged that access to alternative modes of transport is a key indicator of sustainable development, it is not however the only factor influencing carbon footprint. Design and construction can significantly contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of residents and as such any residential development permitted in Other Villages should be provide high standards of design and sustainable construction to contribute to achieving wider sustainable development principles.
6.242 Areas outside of settlement boundaries are defined as Countryside. Within the countryside, there are a number of very small villages/hamlets and isolated clusters of dwellings which lack any community facilities or access to services and rely on nearby larger villages or towns to meet their daily needs. It is essential that development is restricted in the countryside to protect the landscape, character, quality and tranquillity. Development within the countryside will accordingly be limited to activities that either require a rural location or help sustain a rural community and local economy and which help protect the rural character of the areas where a development is being delivered. The NPPF includes examples of exceptions whereby proposals for isolated dwellings in the countryside may be acceptable. The Local Planning Authority’s interpretation of ‘isolated’ are sites that are physically isolated relative to existing settlements, and sites that are functionally isolated relative to services and facilities.
6.243 The Local Planning Authority is aware that certain buildings within the Borough benefit from Prior Approval for residential use under Class Q of the Permitted Development Order. However, this provision is in place to facilitate the speedy delivery of low-cost rural dwellings, not to add value to land and buildings. Therefore, the Local Planning Authority will not accept this as a “fall-back” position and will treat each application purely on its planning merits whether or not Prior Approval exists.
6.244 The Local Planning Authority is also seeking to sustain and enhance local employment and rural enterprises in the Borough. Regard should be had to policy DM6 which sets out the planning approach for economic development in rural Colchester. Regard should also be had to policy DM13, which provides criteria for proposals for residential alterations, extensions and outbuildings, and policy DM14 on rural workers housing.
Policy OV1: Development in Other VillagesThe Local Planning Authority will support proposals that enhance the vitality of rural communities and help maintain the sense of community provided by smaller rural villages and in rural areas. Within settlements classed as Other Villages, the Local Planning Authority will support proposals for appropriate new infill developments, development on previously developed sites, and extensions, restorations or alterations to existing buildings. Policy PP1 includes infrastructure and mitigation requirements, which may be relevant. The design and construction of new village development must be high quality in all respects, including design, sustainability and compatibility with the distinctive character of the locality. Proposals in close proximity to a habitats site must demonstrate through HRA screening that the scheme will not lead to likely significant effects to the integrity of the habitats site. Where this cannot be ruled out a full appropriate assessment will be required to be undertaken. |
Policy OV2: CountrysideProposals for sustainable rural business, leisure and tourism schemes, development essential to the effective operation of agriculture, horticulture, forestry, equestrian use, infrastructure, renewable energy generation, and minerals or waste operations in the adopted Essex Minerals and Waste Local Plans may require a countryside location. Policy DM6 (Economic development in rural areas and the countryside) provides further guidance. In general, proposals for sustainable rural businesses will be supported if they are of an appropriate scale, meet a local employment need, minimise negative environmental impacts, and harmonise with the local character and surrounding countryside where they are being proposed. Residential development proposals in the countryside, outside defined settlement boundaries, will need to demonstrate that the scheme respects the character and appearance of landscapes and the built environment and preserves or enhances the historic environment and biodiversity. Small scale rural exception sites needed to meet local affordable housing needs will be considered favourably on appropriate sites provided a local need is demonstrated by the Parish Council on behalf of their residents, based on evidence gained from an approved local housing needs survey. Where there is an identified need for certain types of housing, schemes must demonstrate how these needs have been met. Proposals in close proximity to a habitats site must demonstrate through HRA screening that the scheme will not lead to likely significant effects to the integrity of the habitats site. Where this cannot be ruled out a full appropriate assessment will be required to be undertaken. |
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